Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 235 Ains, I'm here to talk...

In the headquarters of the Titan in New Baghdad, Duncan has met the Titan boss Irons who openly called out to the world and dared to overthrow the original order. →

The two sat opposite each other in a lounge. There were no drinks on the table. In fact, even the two people sitting here were not real. There were only two holographic images sitting here.

Irons had no intention of risking his life to hold an offline meeting with the Umbrella Company using holographic images. He was willing to meet Duncan at the critical moment when he was about to raise the banner and overthrow the world hegemony, just because Duncan showed the network security technology that surpassed the Titan Company.

And after cracking the invitation letter and reading the content on it, he chose to meet the person who issued this invitation letter in this way.

For safety, this kind of person hides behind, but the meeting method that is not much different from face-to-face is naturally the first choice.

The first thing after meeting is of course to show your identity.

Duncan did not hide anything, and directly said that they came from another world, and also showed Irons the scenery of his hometown.

Alien invasion, zombie craze, global war...

I had seen Irons' appearance from the information before coming here. His hair was very short, his face was slightly round, and he looked relatively ordinary. If he smiled, he might look very kind.

But Irons' face was expressionless now. He was determined to break with the world and needed to bear a lot of pressure. In addition to the inexplicable invitation, Duncan said some inexplicable words, which made him feel very bad now. "The technology is very good. If you think I'm easy to fool, you can continue."

"The truth never lies. I put some samples on the roof of the Babylon Hotel. You can send someone to verify it."

It's normal not to believe it. Duncan didn't intend to convince Irons to believe it with words alone. That was unrealistic.

"Before you get the sample verification, I can provide you with a new plan to change the world, and talk about world peace by the way."

"I never begrudge time to discuss peace."

Looking at the confident man in front of him, Irons' expression was still dull, or rather calm, as if he was looking at someone who couldn't tell a joke.

He had three guesses about the identity of the man in front of him. One was that a highly skilled madman saw the propaganda he made in the world and came to joke with him, confusing his fantasy with the unemployment he was going to do.

Second, he was a negotiation expert from some official agency. The agency had made many plans to let such a negotiation expert come to ask questions and find out his current position.

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Third, Duncan might also be a member of some extremist organization and want to do something big with him.

In addition to the above three, of course, it is not ruled out that what Duncan said is true, but this possibility is so small that normal people would not think about it.

Seeing that Irons did not hang up in anger, Duncan immediately told the story of the Umbrella Company.

The Umbrella Company is a multinational monopoly enterprise that is likely to go bankrupt. In the end, the company's senior management carried out a terrible plan.

That is to exterminate 99% of the creatures on the surface of the earth, and wait until all humans die in ten years, and then they will go out to rebuild the earth to solve the global crisis.

Regardless of whether the story Duncan told was made up in his mind or not, it has aroused Irons' curiosity, and he is willing to continue listening. (っ◔◡◔)っ

"The plan did not succeed. They had just started, but I stopped them because I have a better solution to global problems, which is to develop a new world."

Duncan talked about his own abilities again, and the story gradually turned from reality to magic.

Magic and reality, the two are perfectly integrated. In reality, when people see incomprehensible practices, they will feel very magical. Conceptual questions never have accurate answers.

In short, Irons listened to the middle of the story with a lack of interest, and finally heard the part that he was really interested in.

"Umbrella Corporation uses the technology obtained in the New World to provide assistance to weak countries, and uses interests to bind the upper class. Before they react, it completes the control of the world... Although I don't really want to say that word, the process is very difficult, but I still survived."

Duncan did not exaggerate the facts, or even minimize the facts. "Umbrella Corporation can make people all over the world compromise. In addition to force, we don't easily give everyone an official seal and judge who is right and who is wrong."

This sentence is meaningful and directly points out the incorrect part of what Ains did.

Ains retorted calmly: "Politicians will control public opinion. The people at the bottom have lost their own ideas. Without tough methods to promote it, peace will never come. They are most accustomed to using democracy and freedom to cover up despicable facts!"

Ain's ability to build the Giant God Company from scratch is not the kind of person who can be persuaded with a few words.

Duncan shook his head and said, "I don't want to argue with you about the correctness of your approach. I'm actually here to discuss cooperation. There is no shortage of idealists in this world, but there are few people who can put their ideals into practice and are infinitely close to success, so I don't want to see another person who knows how to love disappear in this world."


Ains' face was distracted for a moment, and after reacting, he shook his head gently and continued to look at Duncan.

"How can you help me?"

Facing Ains, who finally relaxed, Duncan smiled and told him his plan.

After listening to all the plans, Irons neither agreed nor refused, "I'll consider it."

The call ended.

Irons got up and returned to his office, standing in front of the French window, staring at the huge military "empire" he had built below.

Not long after, the Titan Squad heading to the Babylon Hotel sent a remote communication request to Irons.

The communication was connected, and the original French window began to rise and fall like waves, turning into a screen.

The lights in the office dimmed automatically, and the French window showed the scene of the rooftop of the Babylon Hotel, which was hundreds of miles away.

"Sir, we found these on the roof of the hotel." A big face with a helmet first appeared on the screen, and then the camera turned and included three boxes with special markings in the picture.

The three boxes were of different sizes, the largest could fit a strong adult, and the smallest was only the size of a suitcase.

After seeing the three boxes, Irons asked his men to use instruments to detect whether there were any explosives in the three boxes, and then open them from small to large after confirming that they were safe.

Opening the smallest box, there was a spiral test tube with a blue solution and six bottles of 10 ml serum, with a note next to it saying that it was a zombie virus.

After the soldiers of the Giant God Squad disinfected the surface of the box, they transferred the contents into the container they brought.

Ions came prepared.

The slightly larger box contained some metal samples of special materials from the Umbrella Group and other worlds.

These things were also transferred by the soldiers of the squad to their own containers for storage.

When they opened the last box, both the soldiers on the scene and Ions, who was a hundred miles away, were shocked for a moment.

When the box was opened, an ugly corpse was seen. This corpse had a human-like body structure, a brown-red skin color, and dense tentacles on its terrifying face. Its black and bright eyes looked like a monster in fantasy.

The monster's body was processed, with a layer of glass between it and the air. All the internal organs in the dissected chest were placed in a separate glass box and preserved in formalin.

"Oh my god... what is this..." The Titan Squad soldiers at the scene had never seen such a creature before, and were so scared that they lost their voices.

After seeing the monster, the calm expression on the face of Ains in the office became a little serious, "Take everything to the laboratory in New Baghdad immediately. Before the results come out, you all need to bring monitors... I'm sorry, kid, but it's a serious matter and we have to do this."

"Yes, sir, this is what we should do!"

After hearing this, the people in the Titan Squad showed touching expressions under their helmets. There was no dissatisfaction, and they expressed understanding for this approach. They even had a better impression of Ains because of his apology.

Top-down care always makes people doubly moved...

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