Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 237: Comeback

On December 15, 2061, the symptoms of the green virus that circulated throughout the United States and even the world gradually emerged. ✿.。.:* ☆:**:. .:**:.☆*.:。.✿

A large number of people showed symptoms of colds and fevers, and they kept coughing all the time, and the number of hospital admissions began to increase.

This unusual large-scale disease spread soon attracted the attention of several infectious disease experts from the World Health Organization. The World Health Organization hired Umbrella's mercenaries to collect data in New York.

With cutting-edge testing equipment, the World Health Organization's infectious disease experts quickly got the answers they expected and fell into panic.

The World Health Organization's infectious disease experts actively contacted branches around the world to verify the conjecture, and the accompanying Umbrella mercenaries also conveyed the news that the highly contagious disease was spreading around the world to the headquarters.

Umbrella's response was much faster than that of the World Health Organization. Special combat veterans disguised as mercenaries drove a happy jeep to the street and then took blood from many passers-by with coughing symptoms in many countries back to the laboratory for testing.

The results were not optimistic. This virus, which was very similar to the smallpox virus, had been lurking in the bodies of passers-by for several days, and the number of potential infections may have exceeded everyone's imagination.

Not only that, the infectious disease experts of the World Health Organization used supercomputer screening to confirm that the appearance of the new virus was very similar to smallpox, and then tested the air composition, and finally found that the new virus also existed in the air of densely populated areas.

A huge catastrophe has been formed silently, and the current situation can no longer allow for careful verification before making a decision.

The World Health Organization immediately applied for an emergency meeting and reported the matter to all representatives.

This is a security incident with the highest level of danger, and it is not a disaster that can be dealt with by just saying herd immunity!

After internal research by infectious disease experts from various countries, everyone reached a consensus.

Close the city! Healthy people and patients must be isolated to ensure smooth transportation and the circulation of food and materials will not be affected!

On December 16, 2061, the green virus broke out.

A large number of military and police wearing protective clothing suddenly appeared on the edge of the city and blocked all the main roads out of the city.

The ambulance phone was no longer connected, the police phone was also disconnected, and the special air raid sirens plunged New York City into a strange silence.

Citizens who had not yet figured out the situation were still walking in the commercial streets decorated with Christmas atmosphere. When they heard the sudden air raid sirens, they all looked up in confusion, thinking that something round would fly over the sky.

But for a long time, there was no sound of missile attacks in the sky.

Americans have seen many shooting incidents, but the sudden air raid sirens were the only one except for the exercise day.

They took out their smartphones and sought answers on the Internet.

Then, they saw the text message notification sent by the operator and the municipal government, requiring all healthy people to stay away from people who cough, and all people who cough to return to their homes and report their locations...

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After reading dozens of sentences, they were all formulaic sentences to appease the people and get the citizens to return to their homes, which made people feel a little dizzy and cold.

Riots are inevitable. The management has spent a lot of effort just to ensure the operation of infrastructure. The men in New York have to take their families to take shelter!

The panic of the crowd quickly spread from the streets to the most important hospitals, but the hospitals were surrounded by military and police in advance. They blocked the door of the hospital and only allowed serious patients to enter and exit. Patients with mild symptoms could only lie down in a comfortable corner outside the hospital. Maybe they could go in after they died.

Some people saw that there was no way to go to the hospital to check their bodies and blocked the door of the hospital and refused to cooperate with the military and police. Others gave up hope, or believed that the government would properly arrange them, and believed that someone would meet them later and return to their residence.

After 8 hours of chaos, the President of the United States delivered a televised speech at 17:00 in the afternoon to appease the people, but what he said made many Americans fall into greater panic.

"Wait for me to say that this incident is not worth panicking, and the country will guarantee everyone's safety! All you have to do is stay at home and wait for the police to rescue you! Don't move around!"


In the evening, after watching the TV speech, American residents ran to the streets regardless of the blockade, drove their cars, and rushed madly to supermarkets and convenience stores. They didn't bring any money because the zero-dollar shopping had begun!

The door of the supermarket was forcibly broken, and the anti-theft door made of new materials could not prevent the people from pursuing life.

In the future blockade period, food is life! Drinking water is life! Life is priceless!

A car, surrounded by a crowd, crashed into a supermarket at a speed of 60 miles per hour. The employees in the supermarket hid far away. They were also stuffing the goods on the shelves into shopping carts and taking them away through the back door.

After the door was broken, the dim supermarket burned with the enthusiasm of the people. A large number of people of all colors wearing masks rushed into the supermarket and began to sweep the shelves.

Some took canned food, some took raw meat, some took vegetables, and some took drinking water and puffed food pre-prepared food.

In addition, many people also went to the home appliance area to move large TVs.

Some people went to the discount area and swept the dazzling array of pistol and rifle bullets on the shelves into the box.

It was only the first day, and the goods on the shelves were still rich. Although there were frictions between people, they were not serious.

After a while, after the food was consumed, if the blockade was not lifted, they would expose the instinct of human beings as animals and compete with each other for survival.

In order to give themselves a greater advantage in the future, the foresighted people took enough food for a week and ran to the shelves to get bullets.

12:00 in the evening.

The citizens who had made a big splash in the zero-dollar shopping event returned home, lay down on the sofa tiredly, turned on the TV to pay attention to the latest news, but when the TV was turned on, they did not see the news, but saw a guy who was hiding his head and showing his tail.

"Hello everyone!"

The picture on the TV was dark, and the weak light only illuminated the outline of a hooded man. The voice that was difficult to distinguish between men and women and even species awakened people's fear of the KVA terrorist organization attacking major cities five years ago.

The next moment, the rat on the TV said something that made many people slam the table.

"We are the ones who attached the green virus to banknotes and spread it all over the world. What Hades failed to accomplish will eventually be accomplished by us! Modern technology is a kind of cancer. Only by returning to the natural state can you be freed from cancer! We are the saviors, we are... kva!"

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