Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 239 International Banker

You have to ask, who controls the world?

Most people may only say America in general, but when it comes to specific people, they are not so firm in pointing out a few famous figures.

If Irons were to answer this question, he would answer without hesitation: international banker.

That is, the Wall Street elites that ordinary people are familiar with, and then to a few familiar banks, companies, and families, such as Morgan, Citigroup, Rothschild family, Rockefeller family...

The fact that elites rule the world has always been a fact unknown to ordinary people. There are many people who follow their opinions and confuse the public's view of discovering the truth, resulting in few people knowing their news.

The actual power of bankers living in New York is beyond most people's imagination. The gold stored in the Federal Reserve Bank of New York accounts for 25% to 30% of the world's gold.

As for the Federal Reserve System, which appears in the public eye as a central bank, who would have thought that it would be a private bank?

Those who have the power to mint money are the elites who secretly rule the world.

These elites not only have power in the United States, they also substantially control most of Europe. They use huge groups bound by interests to micromanage the world at all times, provoke local wars, and use the World Bank to control developing regions. The so-called aid devours the wealth of people all over the world into their pockets.

Irons was once just a new player in this elite circle. To put it mildly, he was just a pawn to be used at will and a controlled puppet.

What he criticized at the alliance was actually the elites who were hiding behind the scenes and silently watching all this.

[To be honest, I have been reading books recently to catch up on updates. I can switch sources and read aloud with many sounds. It can be used on both Android and Apple. 】

After more than thirty years of operation, Titan Company has been transformed from a simple mercenary company into the world's largest military organization, and the assistance of the elites is indispensable.

They used unregulated armed groups to try to control the world, but in the end, development escaped their control, and Irons declared war on them, just like every other American commander.

Only this time, the situation was slightly out of the elite's control.

Titan Corporation is already the world's largest armed group, with an iron fist and a big stick. Irons has greater control over Titan Corporation than the elites imagined. After Irons declared war, he took into account his own interests and the world's largest armed group. With the threat of force, the elites seem to be in a difficult position.

Making peace and delaying are all expedient measures for them to continue using small means.

They knew that Irons' speech when he reappeared was a joke, just pretending to be crazy to confuse their vision, and there was a slight possibility that it was a signal to give up the declaration of war.

The elites didn't believe it. They used their own thinking to speculate on Irons' thoughts, and the result was that Irons wanted to harm them!

Sure enough, the high-profile return of the KVA organization completely verified their ideas!

Now they fully believe that Irons is the person who sent Titan Company to create global turmoil and destroy the United States' finance, trying to use these conditions to destroy everything they have!

Those KVA organization members who make global speeches are absolutely fake!

How could they not know where KVA really is?

Irons has become a scourge that they have to get rid of, unrest has arisen, and any complaints are useless.

When Irons announced that Titan Corporation would do its best to help the people of the world restore order, a not-so-secret secret war had quietly begun.

The Titan Company's fleet entered New York on the 5th day after the incubation period of the smallpox virus ended. This special city could not be abandoned by the elites in the early and middle stages of the turmoil, because it was an international financial center and stored many things that could be purchased. The monetary equivalent of two-thirds of the earth's land.

Just the transfer of gold from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York takes a lot of time, not to mention that there are branches of major American companies in Hudson City, and a lot of important information is also stored in the underground nuclear facilities in Hudson City.

The financiers in New York have basically gone underground, because their lifestyles are very different from ordinary people, and they cherish their lives very much. These people have survived the harm of smallpox.

Seeing the Titan Company's convoy entering New York, the elites were like a mouse seeing a cat, constantly calling their private soldiers to deal with the Titan Company's team.

They were afraid and trembled with fear.

Irons knew all this, so there was actually only a small amount of cargo in the Titan's truck.

After the rockets fired from the building blew up the jeep led by Titan Company, more rockets were shot out from the windows on both sides of the building. Titan Company's convoy was instantly enveloped in black smoke from the explosion, and the situation was unknown.

The extended truck of Jushen Company was even blown apart from the middle. Fortunately, it was the latest electric vehicle, otherwise the fuel tank might have been ignited and a big explosion would have occurred.

The sudden attack brought the convoy to a halt, and the mercenaries of Titan Company got out of their vehicles one after another, using the vehicles as cover to shoot at the buildings on both sides.

A large number of drones flew out of the broken truck compartment, and then the drones entered a stealth state.

War is just an extension of politics, and politics is just a false cover, with interests wrapped inside.

Whether tangible or intangible, they are all means to achieve an end.

These people died just to send a signal that Titan Company is not allowed to intervene in New York.

The smoke on the streets dissipated, and the next day, the mayor of New York gave a speech, saying that New York had reached a deep cooperation with Umbrella Corporation, and the work of maintaining the safety and stability of the city would be handed over to the military police and Umbrella Corporation. Giant God Corporation was not allowed to enter New York to avoid unnecessary chaos.

During the chaos, every move of the official forces was extremely eye-catching, and the Wall Street elites had to find a new force to check and balance the booming Giant God Corporation.

Who to find?

Of course, it was Umbrella Corporation, whose management was all old players in the circle. After the financial storm brought about by this incident, the debt-ridden United States was bound to collapse, but the elites still had a lot of gold in their hands, which was enough to exchange for most of the shares of the Umbrella Group.

After some minor adjustments by the top management of Umbrella Corporation, several more names appeared in the internal operation system. They began to squeeze Giant God Corporation in terms of influence and business, trying to reduce the influence of Giant God Corporation.

The main point of contention between the elites and Ains was the most important public opinion after the chaos, or more accurately, the votes!

Whoever rescues enough people first will be able to take the lead in restoring order!

Wall Street elites began to use their connections to spare no effort to control the spread of smallpox virus, and urged their companies to continue production and not take holidays.

All transactions are restricted to the use of electronic systems, promises of benefits, personal threats, no matter what is done, employees must be guaranteed to work, materials must be sufficient, and donated in the name of Umbrella.

They want to create another Giant God Company, but this time, the controller must be them!

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