Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 258: What Ains has seen

The flight formation landed at the Umbrella Airport in Raccoon City. Not many people came to greet them, only some executives in the group. They had to report to Duncan later, and there was another meeting after the report.

The people in the Ains team also needed to contact the executives of the group, and find the most suitable base point in mutual understanding and communication. Sharing databases, researchers exchanging positions and further studies, etc. all require careful consideration by both parties before they can be determined. This will be a long process.

The group got off the plane, and after a brief introduction to each other, they quickly got in the car and went to the group headquarters.

Raccoon City in Umbrella is very similar to the New Baghdad headquarters of Giant God Company. Both are company headquarters based on a city, but Raccoon City is larger, and the city is more prosperous and has a better atmosphere.

Ains had been to Raccoon City before, but looking at it again, he still felt that this city was more sci-fi than their city, more like the future.

Holographic imaging systems can be seen everywhere, GG signs, signs, and various colorful neon lights. People are walking on the road with laughter and joy. Many of them are employees of Umbrella Company. Most of the passers-by are employees of Umbrella Group, so you can see some tall and strong security soldiers in casual clothes and special combat soldiers who are resting and having fun.

The convoy drove all the way from the main road to the Umbrella Building. Duncan got off the car, and behind him was Alice. Irons stood beside him, and behind him was a group of management.

Entering the building, from the elevator, to the conference room on the top floor, under the witness of many senior executives of the group, Irons and Duncan signed an agreement to officially join the Umbrella Group, and then there was a work report...

At present, the group's profits are still not high. Most of the products produced by such a large group are sold at a low profit and high volume, and the biggest profit is still from patents. ඏ♦ ♦♦

The spread of T-type enhanced serum was very stable, and some religious stubborn people soon succumbed to the temptation of power and life. While cursing the devil, they honestly took acupuncture and rejuvenated their second spring.

In order to save face, those religious groups blew Umbrella into a sacred group under the will of God, at least they obtained religious permission, which made people less resistant.

Now the Umbrella Group is still gradually promoting the development of balanced development strategy and the construction of global transportation system. Borders still need to be established, but there are already many more maglev container train projects connecting countries.

The first thing to be solved is actually the problem of the same writing system and the same track. At present, experts from various countries are still continuing to improve more measurement content in the WTO.

People's livelihood aspects such as food, clothing, housing and transportation are all making progress, and garbage disposal and environmental protection are also being improved. Duncan will not let the earth become like a wasteland.

The key issue of education reform was emphasized at the meeting.

Because the average life expectancy has nearly doubled, it is obviously no longer suitable to educate the next generation with the current education model. The best solution discussed now is the integration of industry and education.

Production and education, in other words, work and study.

After graduating from high school, every two years of study, students need to work in various public institutions for one year, and the money they earn will allow them to spend money on socializing in the next two years.

The university is changed to an eight-year system. With the help of NZT-48, learning will not bring too much burden to ordinary people. This model is very easy.

In the sixth year of university, students can choose to study a single major, such as aerospace, IT, light industry, heavy industry, machinery or liberal arts, while working and studying. Most of the time, AI will teach, and then transition to the stage of mutual discussion and mutual learning. Finally, they can continue to study or enter the society to work.

"At present, this system has not been perfected, but the first round can be tested at Umbrella University of Technology. Funding, positions, teacher resources, etc. are in place. Professor Antuon suggests that you can add some extracurricular activities, such as going to see other worlds or going to the moon..."

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The director of education, who is responsible for the management of all schools in Umbrella, finished reading the prepared manuscript and looked at Duncan with trepidation.

Professor Antuon is a top scholar at Umbrella University. He repeatedly asked students to go to other worlds or go to the sky to broaden their horizons. However, after adding these special projects, the annual cost will exceed the pre-set budget.

Duncan nodded gently and said, "These two proposals are acceptable. The space research ship is actually being designed, leaving a lot of space for students. Maybe we can also go to Mars for team building every year in the future."

The director of the education department looked forward to it from the bottom of his heart and laughed deeply. Others at the conference table also laughed. The conference room was filled with a happy atmosphere...

The meeting also discussed industry, medical care, policies and other contents. After the work report, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon, and nearly seven hours had passed.

After the meeting, the team led by Ains went to the cafeteria for dinner. He took his secretary and Duncan to the Meimen Industrial Park to meet another important person in the group. Needless to say, you know who it is. Yes, it is Pepper Potts.

When she is focused, her work efficiency is hundreds of times higher than that of an ordinary person. Even Duncan has to admit that her brain is very useful in business management.

Tony, who is obsessed with research, is also forcibly pulled to the dining table. In addition to them, there is another person, Bruce Banner.

Dr. Banner has left the Marvel battlefield and has handed over the research work in the zombie world. He is currently on vacation and just stays at home to watch movies every day. He said that he was a little tired from fighting the Chitauri and didn't know when he could recover.

"What an incredible change. My imagination is still too expensive."

Iens frequently cast a surprised look at the big and green Dr. Banner at the table, and Dr. Banner always responded with kindness on his honest face.

Tony, who was drinking, swallowed the steak stuck in his throat and pointed at Banner and said, "Yeah! Anyone who sees a big green guy will be amazed at how God created him. My friend Banner is an incredible miracle!"

Banner just smiled honestly. He is now a good guy.

Pepper Potts also smiled in agreement.

In a more private space, no one needs to pay attention to their image, and everyone finished dinner happily.

After a short rest after a full meal, Duncan took Irons to see some cutting-edge technology in the Meimen Industrial Park.

"This is probably a miracle that only God can do!


In the underground storage room, after Duncan explained the function of the Hope Furnace to Irons, Irons was inspired.

No matter who sees the Hope Furnace and understands its function, they will have similar thoughts.

"There are more to come, keep going and take a look."

Duncan was very satisfied with Irons' reaction. Showing off what you have made to people of the same level always makes people happy.

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