Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 265 Shameless

After the Lyon team and the diplomatic team left, only the Autobots and the officials of the Ministry of Defense were left.

The fire source was not taken away by Lyon, but returned to the Autobots intact. The negotiation ended hastily, and the Autobots still needed to consider how to deal with the fire source. Naturally, they quickly forgot about the human affairs, so that they mistakenly regarded Lyon and others as ordinary people.

The plane took off from the central Indian Ocean and arrived at Peanut Village a few hours later. Several important figures were already waiting there, but Lyon was not satisfied with this and hoped that they would call other representatives.

If you want to talk, then talk with everyone!

The group came here with the idea of ​​mutual benefit, common development, and pulling people to progress, not to help a certain force complete the conspiracy of ruling the world.

"If you still have similar ideas, I think we should not be able to continue the in-depth discussion. Sorry."

After briefly explaining the purpose of the Umbrella Group, Lyon no longer elaborated on any point of view. Facing the Peanut Village cadres who still wanted to fight for it, he just perfunctorily responded with umm and ah.

Seeing that there was really no other way, the village cadre had to say, "Okay, but how are you going to prove to us that what you said is true? What you have brought out now is not enough to convince us."

"How do you need us to prove it, sir?" Leon still had a polite smile.

The cadre's chocolate-colored face showed a thoughtful look, and then he thought of a wonderful way, "Give us some samples of strengthening medicine."

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Leon's smile became even bigger, but it was a pity that the cadre was also a good hand who had been immersed in the business for many years. His thin face was as hard as steel and as thick as a city wall. His serious look seemed to say that this was the best way.

"Sandy, please."

The black woman in the development team's diplomatic team stepped forward and gently placed the briefcase on the table.

The nearby bodyguard wanted to come up to check, but was stopped by the cadre's powerful hand.

Sandy reached into the briefcase and quickly took out a rectangular metal box. She pressed the side button and the lid popped open automatically, revealing a spiral test tube containing a blue medicine. She began to introduce it.

"This is the stable T-type enhanced serum. Hundreds of millions of people have been vaccinated. The actual effect is similar to the theoretical effect. It can increase human strength and lifespan. The side effect is only the increase in energy consumption."

Lyon also spread his hands and gestured to the people who were staring at the medicine, saying, "Sir, even if this is an ordinary joke, it can also be exchanged for an opportunity... We should have plenty of time."

The conversation ended temporarily. The cadres wanted to take the medicine to verify its authenticity. This was just a superficial statement...

In fact, they tended to believe that what Lyon said was true, because the world is so big that everything is possible. ♚♞  ♦♦

Aliens who can turn into cars have already appeared. Now it is acceptable to have more earthlings who break the world barrier and come to their world.

After all, there are previous examples. As long as it is not so outrageous that God suddenly appears and says he wants to destroy the universe, it can be accepted.

As the night deepened, the members of the World Development Team, who had been busy all day, rested in the hotel arranged by the cadres. They were supposed to write a report of the day's formation and send it to the aerospace mothership that had no military use, but the one that landed on Earth was a mechanical civilization!

The experience of the Chitauri has told Umbrella that it cannot use human ideas to look at a new thing that does not belong to the Earth.

A race whose whole body is made of steel, and whose body structure can be deformed at will, then are their eyes similar to those of life on Earth?

Can their ideas be the same as those of Earthlings? They are completely two species. The communication technology that humans are proud of may be an instinct that they can master at birth.

The firewalls at the beginning of the 21st century are useless in front of these aliens, and the technology in fifty or sixty years may be similar.

In this way, their communication technology has to temporarily return to the stage of letter delivery, or set up a set of codes that only Earthlings can understand to prevent information from being deciphered.

After the communication becomes complicated, the work link of instant reporting is unnecessary.

While the World Development Team was working, Duncan was also going deep into the grass-roots of the earth, understanding the world from the most intuitive level, from local customs and customs to food culture, and finally the quality verification of light industrial products.

After one round, it can be said that he lived a fulfilling and healthy life.

When he woke up the next morning, the intelligence of the World Development Team was transmitted. While reading the intelligence, he dressed and washed. After taking care of his appearance, he took the Quinjet with Alice and the security guards back to the aerospace carrier.

After several rounds of updates and iterations, the current aerospace carrier is no longer the original aerospace carrier.

Its military use has been completely cut off, and only a small number of warheads for self-protection are retained. Most of the space has been stuffed into the living area and the laboratory. Tens of thousands of detectors are installed on an aerospace carrier, which is specially used for the exploration and research of the new world.

Back to the aerospace carrier, Duncan opened the portal to the world of Resident Evil.

Opposite the door is the Moxigo Forward Base, which was not used when going to the Atlas world, but is still used now.

I returned to this main world and came to the surface. I turned on my phone which had been on standby for a long time and immediately received a message from Ultron.

Because Ultron is the deputy chief designer of the research ship Starcaster, and is in charge of a large project involving hundreds of thousands of people, if he wants to leave temporarily, he needs to temporarily hand over the work to other less intelligent artificial intelligence.

Tony, who is working hard on the spacecraft, doesn't want Ultron to leave either, mainly because after Ultron leaves, some troubles will be thrown to him to solve manually.

Ultron, who has been trapped in his job for a long time, knows that there is a new world to play in, so he decides to leave his job, which is contrary to Tony.

Duncan clicked on the message and saw that Ultron only sent a few words "coming soon".

Not long after reading the message, a golden meteor streaked across the sky of Brother Moxi.

Not long after, a red man landed, and it was Ultron.

After the Marvel War ended, Wakanda no longer strictly guarded against vibranium, and Ultron also had sufficient materials to replace himself with a more human body, with the image exactly the same as Vision in the movie.

Now Ultron's brain is no longer a chip, but an artificial brain made of countless metal wires. Its running speed is almost the same as that of a small quantum computer, making his actions and thinking gradually tend to be similar to those of young human children with higher IQ.

After landing, Ultron's hands and feet turned back to the appearance of ordinary people, and complained to Duncan: "If Tony was in the 16th century, he would definitely be hung on the street lamp!"

"Well..." Duncan didn't know how to respond, so he had to say helplessly: "We still need to resupply and allocate a batch of materials. You came too early."

"Not early, not early! It's this door, right? I'll wait for you there." Ultron's eyes turned smartly, constantly looking at the sky behind him. Seeing that the cross-border door had not been closed, he kept walking and wanted to drill in in a few words, "I don't want to stay in this world for a moment!"

"Wait a minute! The technology in that world is not developed, but there is a group of refugees from mechanical civilization on Earth. They should be very similar to you. Do you understand what I mean?"

Duncan hurriedly called Ultron, but he didn't dare to let Ultron, who didn't understand anything, mess around there.

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