Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 269 Challenge

In the spirit of science, Ultron talked to Optimus Prime about Cybertron civilization, and the more he listened, the more disappointed he became.

It was finally confirmed that Cybertron civilization was just a pseudo-civilization fabricated by "humans". Their ideology and culture were only equivalent to the feudal period of human beings, and their development was extremely deformed. Entertainment products were almost non-existent, and the thoughts of Cybertronians were extremely poor.

There was no process of fighting against the living environment. The only wars were the civil wars of Cybertronians themselves. From the perspective of ideological realm, Cybertronians were actually still in the era of tribal conflicts, and they did not even have faith in the unknown. They completely lost the most important point of touching the mysterious field, the desire to explore the unknown.

This desire to explore is a very abstract concept. It does not refer to curiosity, but fantasy.

When humans face unknown things, they will imagine the unknown side. There may be a mysterious force manipulating it. This "mysterious force" can exist in any form, and there will never be a real answer that is the final answer.

Cybertronians are not like that. They will regard the results produced by the unknown side as Yuanshi Tianzun and study it with a more scientific concept.

Ultron believes that the most fascinating thing about mysticism is the order that exists in the gap between disorder and chaos, just like an unedited history book. Once a certain pattern is found to piece them together, the joy is enough to overwhelm anyone.

But the Cybertrons have lost their awe of this unknown. The slave marks they are branded with are so inconspicuous that they themselves cannot find it.

"You seem disappointed. Is it because of the truth?"

Optimus Prime felt the disappointment that emanated from Ultron from the inside out, and couldn't help wondering why he was disappointed.

Looking up and seeing Optimus Prime who was still kept in the dark and unaware, Ultron shook his head slightly, "Sometimes, knowing too much is not a good thing."

He got a disappointing result. When he wanted to say goodbye and leave, he no longer focused on the Autobots, and thus found an Autobot corpse in the corner of the hangar.

Pointing to the corpse that no one cared about, Ultron asked: "Is it dead? Can I take it back for research?"

"Sorry, Jazz is our companion." Optimus Prime stood up from the ground and rejected Ultron's request.

"So what will you do with it?" Ultron asked.

"Melt it and let it return to the planet..."

Optimus Prime was halfway through his speech when he realized that this was not Cybertron. He sighed heavily and stopped talking.

The other Autobots were the same, sighing or remaining silent.

Ultron did not give up, and scanned Jazz's body up and down with his eyes, "I can try to revive it."


Shaking his head slightly, Ratchet did not look down on Ultron, but he really did not think that Ultron, who was the same as humans, could revive Cybertronians.

"It's okay if you don't want to.

The Decepticons' bodies should still be there, and they can be taken after the group and the Global Village cadres have established a good relationship. Ultron doesn't need to stare at the Autobots. After saying this, he turned around and left without waiting for a long time.

"Take it, I hope you can succeed..."

In the end, Optimus Prime stopped Ultron and decided to let him try.

This is the result of the impression points based on several hours of communication, and they only have one choice to deal with Jazz's body, which is melting. It's better to give it to humans, which may reduce humans' defense against them.

It's okay to take the body away, but Optimus Prime still has to remind Ultron, "Please don't let a warrior who died for mankind be humiliated."

"I will. "

With respect for Optimus Prime, Ultron nodded slightly, and then he took Jazz's body away.

The people at Diego Garcia Military Base and District 7 had some opinions, but this was Optimus Prime's decision, and they had no ability to interfere.

Ultron's actual gains from this trip were far from what he expected. The few places worth studying on Cybertron now were their bodies and the technology they mastered.

And Ultron believed that Cybertron did not have many technologies that surpassed the group's modern technology. Even their conventional space navigation technology was still accelerating to the speed of light in the universe. It was estimated that there was no way to get anything good from Cybertron.

He estimated that the only technologies that might be useful were plastic metal and digestive system. If Cybertron had self-repair function, maybe he could reverse it and create memory metal with self-repair function.

Since Cybertron was an artificial life, they had A high possibility of being copied by humans...

After returning to the helicarrier with the body of the Autobot Jazz that was broken into two halves, Ultron never left after uploading the intelligence and speculations he obtained from this operation to the computer, and his mind was completely focused on the research of Cybertronians.

He wondered if he could also get a Cybertronian digestive system, so that he could eat like humans to replenish energy and increase the possibility of understanding the power of idealism.

Not long after Ultron studied the dead body of the Autobot, Duncan finally returned to the world of Transformers with another helicarrier full of supplies.

He went to the helicarrier where Ultron was to check if there were any unexpected situations in the past half day, and as a result, he saw the report written by Ultron.

From his conjecture about Cybertronians to Optimus Prime's oral description of Yuanshi Tianzun and Unicron, all of them were shocking his nerves. He seemed to be too optimistic about this world...

This kind of mysterious name appears in the movie and is said to be dead, but it will definitely come back to life in some way!

There are so many Hollywood movies with this kind of routine that Duncan feels a bit self-deceiving even if he wants to comfort himself by saying that such a situation will not happen.

Reason is urging him to do something, but what can he do?

Let humans challenge a lost civilization?


It doesn’t seem impossible…

why not!

This bold and crazy idea continued to grow, and Duncan began to bite Alice's finger and think about the pros and cons and pros and cons. He stretched out his index finger and paced back and forth in the command room of the aircraft carrier, sometimes frowning and sometimes relaxing.

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The pilots in the command room were silent when they saw the tangled look of their president, and they didn't even dare to look back. They had nothing to do, so they had to find something to do.

Finally, as the clicking sound disappeared, Duncan let out a long breath and decided to do it!

He wants to rebel against the survivors of Cybertronian civilization!

Explicitly prohibit the activities of Cybertronians who do not abide by the laws of the Earth and harm the people on Earth. All illegal entry activities are prohibited. Infighting among the Cybertronians is prohibited from affecting the Earth. All secrets about aliens on the Earth are unearthed and made public. !

This is a clear act of making enemies, because the Decepticons operating on the earth have never paid attention to humans from beginning to end. They only have Autobots in their eyes.

Once humans declare their opposition to those wanton Decepticons, they will most likely be regarded as hostile units. They will go from not caring at all and being too lazy to attack humans to actively attacking humans when they see them.

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