Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 271 A long meeting

Simply speaking of size and appearance, the Mei clan leader can conclude that this soldier will be stronger than any soldier in his special forces, because this is the difference in tonnage. If his speed is the same as that of a normal person, then he will be a sure kill.

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However, the ordinary T-type enhanced serum described by the Umbrella Group is enough to give ordinary people more than 1 ton of strength. This soldier who demonstrates the Umbrella Group's top human enhancement technology should be even more heavyweight!

As expected, Leon then began to introduce the various values โ€‹โ€‹of the super soldier.

"Super Soldier, in easy-to-understand data, Jeff weighs up to one ton, and his fist can reach a maximum force of 87 tons. He can easily penetrate a 1-meter-thick concrete wall, and his maximum speed can reach 80 kilometers per hour. His muscles can withstand the damage of ordinary rifle bullets. After wearing armor, he will not be hurt by any light weapons except tank armor-piercing bullets on the battlefield!"

As he explained, Jeff also took a stance on the spot, and easily touched the six-meter-high office ceiling with a jump. The strong wind brought by the empty fist was also clearly felt by the head of the Mei family six meters away. His face felt as strong as being slapped in the face by someone in the air.

Jeff also waved his fists to the secretary-general and the silent bodyguards standing in the corner of the office. The rustling wind was like a big fist, which made the village cadres and his servants see stars.

"Our technology is very mature. After hard training, ordinary soldiers can be strengthened in batches to become excellent warriors like Jeff. Moreover, they can also be strengthened with T-type strengthening serum, and their lifespan can still reach 200 years old like ordinary people.

Lyon reached into his briefcase and groped.

"But considering the impact of the power of super soldiers on ordinary people, soldiers need to pass a strict psychological analysis before they can be strengthened, so the group still has only two super soldier corps, with a total of 2,300 people."

Jeff stopped boxing, took a square iron ingot handed over by Lyon, rubbed it with both hands in front of the head of the Mei clan, and kneaded it into an irregular shape like plasticine, then let go of his hands and let the muddy iron ingot fall freely.

"If the head of the clan still has doubts, you can ask a representative to go to our world to verify it, instead of going there in person. "


The floor was carpeted. The iron ingots that had been pinched until they were slightly red fell down, scalding the carpet and emitting white smoke. The smell of burnt lake soon filled the small meeting room.

The Mei clan leader's nose twitched and his chest throbbed. He suddenly felt a little hot in the room. He tugged at his collar and said to the secretary-general beside him: "Go and call the deputy clan leader."

The secretary-general nodded repeatedly after coming back to his senses, and hurriedly opened the door to escape from this environment. Not long after, a gray-haired man who looked like he had Alzheimer's disease walked slowly into the meeting room.

"Clan leader, you're looking for me?"

"Prepare a closed meeting place without any electronic equipment, and call everyone to the meeting."


"Go! "


In the closed conference room, Leon was explaining the current situation of the earth to the representatives of various countries, explaining that the group's assistance was purely humanitarian.

And...several worlds have already joined this community. If they join now, they can still be in the first or second echelon when they develop into special zones in the future.

In addition to the empty language explanation, representatives of various countries were also invited to the aerospace mothership to watch the images of materials entering and leaving the two worlds, and several of them were invited to stay in another world for a few days.

After the representatives entered the other world and confirmed that they were not dreaming, they all gathered together for the next few days to discuss various rules and regulations with a group of people. The conclusions in the Cybertron analysis paper of the Umbrella Group also became more credible, and the sense of crisis was almost instantly ignited.

Especially after seeing an earth invaded by aliens in a documentary, they passed a very radical joint cleanup action plan with a minority of abstentions and all the remaining votes in favor.

After returning to the Transformers world for a week, the representatives all believed After the information was reported to all parties orally, the latest delegation settled in Peanut Village, and finally came to the world of Resident Evil through the aerospace mothership, recording the oral analysis with pen and paper, and making the final proofreading of the joint purge operation.

There is no experience to learn from in the confrontation with a pseudo-mechanical civilization. Tens of thousands of experts analyzed the known data and formulated countless small actions under the purge operation, named "Silence".

It does not mean silent, but "hiding the true intention".

After they go back, each region will form a force with the help of Umbrella and carry out a series of strike activities to eliminate all Decepticons hiding in the human living environment. If it is a friendly target, you can choose to monitor.

In addition to these, the Umbrella Group will also provide a large amount of T-type stable strengthening serum and rapid strengthening serum to various countries to help the selected soldiers of various countries strengthen their bodies.

How much risk the selected people will bear needs to be known through long-term observation. For now, the cooperation between the two sides has not yet begun to deepen.

The meetings continued for a very long time. In addition to the special meeting on the purge operation, the Umbrella Group also provided a lot of technical and financial assistance to the Transformers World, allowing them to build new hospitals, suppress armed forces, and reduce hostile relations between countries. Each of these items requires a special meeting to discuss.

The group also needs to establish a branch in New York as a communication bridge between the Umbrella Group and this world, and also needs to establish a large and stable transmission channel overseas to facilitate the exchange of materials between the two worlds.

The establishment of a branch was accepted, but there was no stable transmission channel overseas, and the people in the Transformers World still had concerns.

Duncan, who did not show up throughout the whole process, was not disappointed. The initial suspicion was normal. In future cooperation, they have many opportunities to get to know each other better and understand each other, and sooner or later they will join the big family of the group.

After six months of exchange activities, the delegations returned to the Transformers world and brought back many local specialties, such as Chitauri arms and legs, eyes, zombie specimens, and superconducting ore from Pandora...

It didn't take much time to confirm that these items were not from Earth, and that they were real and would not cause hallucinations.

In 2007, the technology in the Transformers world was not weak, and it was not much off. Their standard quality allowed them to easily distinguish the nature of Earth objects and foreign objects.

The most obvious of these was the Chitauri, whose bodies carried many bacteria that were different from Earth life forms.

The zombie specimens were even more obvious. The vitality of these little things had not yet died out. After squeezing them into juice and injecting them into mice for research, countries easily put the zombie specimens into the highest-level virus laboratory for storage.

The superconducting ore of Pandora is even more heavyweight. The emergence of this room-temperature superconductor material will bring countless technological products.

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