Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 303 End

The next flash of the fallen Kong, the broken body was lying on a Cybertron single-soldier aircraft in the sky.

It ran out of energy, and its body was severely injured by the human spear.

The plan failed completely. Humans are not strong, they have become weaker...

After tens of thousands of years without returning to Cybertron, Cybertron has fallen to this point. It turns out that my former brother's pedantic thinking is the culprit that hinders the progress of Cybertron civilization.

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Standing still is regressing. Time has proved the failure of that kind of thinking. Cybertron civilization will regain its former glory under its leadership in the future.

"My brother... you are wrong..."

The fallen Kong sat firmly on the single-soldier aircraft, looking back at the Cybertron mothership and the dense single-soldier aircraft that were slowly flying behind him, as if he had won.

A large number of dense airdrops were fired from the bottom of the mothership. A round metal ball wrapped around a Decepticon warrior and smashed into the Egyptian camp below. The ground was once again in a fierce battle.

Dense missiles chased the individual aircraft of Cybertron. The individual aircraft that the Fallen Kong rode was very stable. The individual aircraft guarding around spontaneously penetrated the missiles fired by the human warships.

The breath of the Fallen Kong gradually weakened. The explosive spear damaged the energy system. Later, in order to fight for the last hope, all the stored energy was released. Now it has become as weak as after the battle tens of thousands of years ago.

It was the other supremes who once injured it, but now it has become the skinny monkey that it looked down on tens of thousands of years ago.

Just as it was sighing about the time and preparing to lie on the aircraft to rest for a while, a series of red lasers shot from behind.

The individual aircraft that can intercept missiles have no way to face the invisible energy attack, and they are all penetrated without exception.

The red lasers were like blades, slashing everywhere. The large net formed by the interaction of multiple lasers soon detonated all the individual aircrafts, and the Decepticons sitting in the aircrafts naturally could not escape the fate of death.

The fallen Kong was shot down together, but it tried to twist its body and was not cut, but just fell from the sky.

The next moment, its body flashed again inside a mothership, lying in the aisle of the cabin in a mess, and only a Decepticon warrior who could find it helped it to the life support seat to connect the pipeline.


Just after the victory propaganda, the dream was suddenly broken. This lost contrast made it angry.

What puzzled the fallen Kong the most was that the mothership of Cybertron should be superior to the warships made by humans with backward technology, so why would there be attacks later!

Their warships did not destroy all the enemy warships?

Lying on the life support seat, the fallen Kong pulled out a screen with difficulty and paid attention to the battle situation.

Among the two points on the screen representing the enemy, more than 20 human warships were attached to 16 medium-sized Cybertron motherships. The dotted lines representing the trajectory of the mothership missiles would strangely deflect after contacting the human warships and pass by the attack targets.

Their shells were completely unable to hit human warships? !


When the Fallen Kong, who did not understand the deflection force field, was shocked and confused, a rapid alarm sounded on the mothership. It was a high-energy reaction!

In the back, the armor plates at the bows of 20 Hill-class destroyers were uniformly unfolded, revealing the main guns hidden inside the ships. The blazing white light began to condense. The main guns heated the heavy hydrogen stored in the destroyers to a plasma state and used the magnetic field to push and shoot.

The blue-white sphere was wrapped into a sphere by electromagnetic technology, quickly passed through a distance of several kilometers, and shot at the Cybertron mothership, which was very clumsy in moving in the atmosphere.

The Cybertron mothership, which was neither aerodynamically compliant nor had the technology to turn rapidly in the atmosphere, had no way to avoid it.

The Decepticons in the battleship ran around in a panic, but they couldn't avoid the human shells. The shells they fired now could hit the human battleships, but the difference in attack power between the two sides was too great!

As the golden dotted line approached rapidly, the system in the mothership was still in a hurry to alarm. It immediately squeezed its body energy and activated the space-time bridge to escape from the mothership.

But after standing up, bursts of electric sparks burst out from all parts of its body, and the space-time bridge device failed to start!

"No! No no no no!"

After continuous fatal attacks and continuous consumption of stored energy, the body of the fallen king Kong has reached the end of its strength. It roared in fear and pulled off the energy pipeline on its body to walk towards the escape passage.

In the legend of Cybertron, the law that only the Supreme can hurt the Supreme seems so ridiculous and ignorant in the face of iron facts.

The power of the plasma shell explosion is even close to that of a small nuclear bomb. The high temperature generated by the energy released by the collision evaporates most of the armor of the mothership. The high temperature and impact burn all the electrified equipment, even the Cybertronians.

They are also affected by low and high temperatures, and their tolerance is not high enough to be immune to the damage caused by plasma cannons.

In the Egyptian camp, the soldiers in combat also took a break from their busy schedule, squinting their eyes and looking at the several suns that suddenly appeared in the sky. After losing most of the lighting equipment, the camp was instantly as bright as day.

The high temperature in the sky did not dissipate for a long time, and the fragments of the spacecraft that were blown away fell to the ground like meteors.

All Cybertron motherships were destroyed. The high-speed missiles they launched were collectively intercepted by the Hill-class destroyers. Only a few of them broke through the multi-layer defense blockade and hit the destroyers, causing serious damage to the outer shells of three Hill-class destroyers and slight damage to the interior.

The destruction of the mothership seemed to declare victory in this war. Soon after, the artillery fire stopped, all Cybertron individual aircraft flying in the sky were shot down, and a few Decepticons on the ground were captured, and most of them were killed.

Everything returned to normal. After confirming safety, Captain Garden took a plane from an inconspicuous Hill-class destroyer to land at the camp. He looked at the messy military camp with heartache, and at the same time counted the wounded and comforted the survivors.

In this Decepticon raid, a total of 362 soldiers died, more than 2,600 soldiers were seriously injured, and the lightly injured were not included in the statistics.

The Decepticons' armor is very thick and their vitality is very tenacious. Sometimes they will not die even if their heads are penetrated. They have more advanced and powerful individual weapons, which are roughly equivalent to heavy grenades.

The soldiers in the camp rely on various defense facilities, and the number of deaths is still exaggerated. It is considered to be the war with the largest casualties after the group soldiers put on heavy armor.

The number of deaths of soldiers in the United Military Organization is more than that of soldiers in the group, but most of what they do is logistics. Except for the explosion in the underground arsenal, the number of casualties in the battle is not large.

Every soldier who died will be remembered forever, and this battle will also be recorded in the history of the group's development.

Finally, after visiting all the wounded, Captain Garden gave an online post-war speech. After all the problems are dealt with, medals will be awarded to soldiers who have shown bravery. These medals will also be awarded to soldiers of the United Military Organization, even if those soldiers are not in the group's military system.

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