Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 310 Second Generation Serum and Science Award

Solving the bulimia that occurs when the second-generation serum gains power is the main problem solved by the virus research department of the Zombie World Group in recent years.

Because the serum may be popularized in various worlds, the research progress is much slower than some scientific and technological projects.

These hours spent are necessary and effective!

It took a total of 11 years from the beginning of research to the achievement of results for the second-generation serum.

In 2033 of the Resident Evil world, hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world and even from all over the world gathered in Raccoon City, the headquarters of the Umbrella Group.

This originally ordinary small city has transformed into a super-modern city with a population of more than 20 million.

The new star area newly built for the five-year Science and Technology Awards was used for the second time today. Compared with the first conference held by Duncan on a whim, the gold content of this conference is obviously higher.

Scientists from six worlds, including the Resident Evil world, Marvel world, Avatar world, Hitman world, Zombie world, and Atlas world, gathered in the Nova Zone. They will hold a month-long exchange meeting here, with a full schedule every day, so that everyone can enjoy NZt-48 and exchange academic ideas.

The group provides the best scientific research environment and the most generous treatment for these top scholars who promote the prosperity and progress of civilization. Everyone can get fair and just opportunities through academics.

Let them gain as much as possible in this short month and motivate them to continue working hard.

Although this conference is more like the group's internal annual meeting after the life expectancy of all mankind has been improved, it is actually an open conference. The Nobel Prize is no longer popular. Now people look at the internal awards of the Umbrella Group.

Hundreds of thousands of scientists gathered together to brag. They are all talented scholars fighting on the front line of scientific research.

More and more studies have shown that most of the "talent" is developed in childhood. The schools built by the group are implementing a new education program, which is directional training according to the direction of interest of each child, and will try a lot of projects.

Every child can always find a subject they like after taking NZt-48 when they reach the age requirement. This education has been implemented for more than 20 years, and a large number of high-quality talents have been cultivated for the group and the world.

In this conference, many young assistants followed older mentors to see the world. The smarter people are, the more emotional they tend to be.

Emotionality does not only refer to emotions such as joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness, but also to inner emotional beliefs. Some scholars can wander for half a year for a belief just to return to a certain place to teach and educate people.

They are not Ultron. Although they will feel happy because of gaining new knowledge, what is more important is that they need to endure the belief of long-term academic research.

Gatherings between top scientists generally do not discuss science, but like ordinary people, put aside all academics and relax.

After relaxing, they will still discuss academics together, because they have integrated work into their lives. It is okay to relax for a day or two occasionally, but doing nothing for a long time will only make them more painful.

The award ceremony was held smoothly. Reporters from all over the world were all shooting materials at the conference. The party passed day by day, and finally came to the most exciting award ceremony night.

Due to the increase in medical standards and life expectancy, this award ceremony will last for six hours, and all the awards will be presented at once. The later the award is, the more valuable the award will be.

The creative awards are ranked first, followed by the progressive awards, and the outstanding achievement awards are the last to be presented. There are many small awards under several categories.

Ultron and Tony have been in the Transformers world for several years. This time they also returned to the group to attend this award ceremony. After all, this is the best way to fully understand the development of the group's technology. It is not boring and much more interesting than looking at statistics.

In addition to Tony, the core layers of the group, big and small, are also on the scene. As the leader of the group, Duncan also needs to attend.

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He has been handling work in the group for several years, always supervising the operation of the group, and connecting several worlds to travel back and forth, and gradually living like what he once despised.

"Giant has basically completed the invisible control of the world. When can they come to our place to build an airport?"

"I suggest pouring special disinfectants into the sea, and re-implanting life after all the viruses in that world disappear."

"The content of superconducting minerals on Pandora is getting less and less. It's time to consider how to deal with this planet~! Hehehe!"

"Hey! The greatest scientist in history has completed the design of the spacecraft. Why don't you pay attention to space?"

"Tony, we just have different divisions of labor. Don't be anxious. The conference is about to begin."

If someone walks to the front row, they will definitely be shocked and speechless by what this circle of people is discussing.

Duncan smiled and recorded these precious clips, and then looked towards the stage. The head of the technology department is actually not a person, but Red Queen.

From the mass production of quantum computers to now, more than ten years have allowed the little girl Red Queen, who hates evil, to evolve into... a mature little girl.

A little girl wearing a red floral skirt stood in the center of the stage. Every time she waved her little hands, dazzling special effects appeared on the stage.

After the opening remarks, the awards ceremony began. The creative awards were mostly won by young people, who stood in front of countless people to receive flowers and applause.

A group of elders in the front row clapped their hands to praise the future of mankind, and sent them sincere blessings, hoping that they can thrive.

After the Creativity Award was awarded, there was the Progress Award, and the winners all looked young.

After the Outstanding Achievement Award, the average age of the people or teams who came to the stage to receive the award began to rise linearly. Even if they were injected with the T-virus and the extract of the Immortal Flower, the appearance of these scientists who were over a hundred years old would inevitably show some changes.

Bang bang bang!

"The winners of the Outstanding Medical Contribution Award are: The Fourth World Electric Eel Country Survival Base, the team led by Director Alex Mercer. The team led by Director Alex Mercer has devoted eleven years of research to bring us The second generation black light strengthening serum is here. Due to the outstanding contribution and spirit of the team, the Outstanding Medical Contribution Award will be awarded to the team led by Alex Mercer.”

The little girl's voice rose and fell like waves, directing the spotlight to a certain seat.

In that small area, more than 60 people stood up collectively and walked to the stage with overflowing smiles to receive the award.

Alex, who has been wearing a hooded sweatshirt all year round, also put on an awkward suit, revealing his face that was originally hidden under the hood. His control over his abilities over the years has allowed him to restore his original appearance.

After dying and coming back to life, he actually didn't know how to smile much, but when he saw his sister Dana clapping her hands excitedly in the audience, he still smiled.

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