Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 314: Investigating the Cult Incident

Based on the messy narration of the aunties, John Wick roughly restored the incident in his mind.

Not long ago, a couple heard screams from their neighbor's house at night. When the husband went out to check, he found that the neighbor's house was full of blood.

The hostess returned to her home to call the police for an ambulance, but was stabbed in the side by a cult member who sneaked into her home.

The hostess was pregnant at the time, and the fetus was six months old. If the knife stabbed the uterus, the final outcome would probably be one corpse and two lives!

Fortunately, the woman went to church every Sunday to worship, and was blessed by God, and the mother and child were safe.

The police investigation found that the murderer was the couple's daughter Annabelle and her cult boyfriend.

The police went to the murderer's home and found that the couple had been killed and stabbed dozens of times.

This incident happened not long ago, but it was actually a long time ago.

The incident was at least half a year ago, but cult wounding incidents were too rare in this area, and the process was tortuous and thrilling, so it was recalled only half a year after it was circulated.

Moreover, one of the protagonists of the incident has recently moved to Pasadena and lives in an apartment in the center of the town. It is said that he goes to church every week to expel the shadow.

John Wick bid farewell to these enthusiastic informants, refused the retention of the clerk in the clothing store, and drove into the center of the town.

America is vast and sparsely populated. There are few people in the town but many buildings. The Los Angeles area has developed well. The current population of Pasadena is close to 100,000. Los Angeles County is also vigorously developing Pasadena. It will soon become one of the satellite cities of Los Angeles.

John Wick is also more concerned about this rare cult incident. There are cult killers in the world, but it is impossible for them to exist on such a large scale.

It is not the first time that the uncles and aunts have mentioned cults. They don’t know what the cults are under. Anyway, they say on TV that they are cults and exist nationwide.

Not sure about the name of the cult organization, not sure whether it is one organization or multiple organizations, this is also the most special part of the new world.

Not only John Wick discovered it, but also the members of the exploration team disguised as a tour group and the members of the exploration team disguised as businessmen also discovered the most eye-catching point of this world, the cult.

The cult that seems ordinary to people in this world is somewhat strange to people from a world without cults.

John Wick suspected that someone had created mind-control drugs and founded a cult to subvert the world.

Hoping to have something to do, he decided to visit the victim couple with another leader of the exploration team to get more details.

When he arrived near the destination apartment, John Wick's eyes immediately locked on a hot girl in leather clothes under the apartment. A devoted person like him has a high resistance to the body curve outlined by the black leather clothes, but for men passing by the apartment area, it is as attractive as deadly poison.

They all stopped where they were, some holding garbage bags to take out the garbage, some holding briefcases ready to go to work, and some standing by the car wanting to get in.

People of all kinds gathered together, all of them fixed their eyes on the bright leather jacket and the fiery red motorcycle under the roundness. In addition to the fact that the woman sitting on the motorcycle was really strong, the cool heavy motorcycle also became an important trigger for them to stay in place and look at more beautiful things in their busy lives.

Jill Valentine chewed gum in her mouth, pulled down her sunglasses on her face, looked at the slowly approaching boulevard, stepped off the slender and straight legs from the motorcycle, and stood in place. She trembled and "accidentally" dropped the pistol in the leather jacket.

Fortunately, she caught it in mid-air and had the leisure to check the status of the bullets in the pistol with one hand.

"Too ostentatious."

The boulevard stopped in the public parking space, and John Wick, who opened the car door and walked out, reminded Jill the first sentence.

Jill didn't care. She looked at the men around her who had come back to life, put away her gun and said lightly, "Isn't this my setting? If you have any opinions, you can go to the designer. I'll be grateful if you can let me change it."

John Wick paused, then walked towards the apartment, without saying a word, but he had already expressed his thoughts, which was: forget it.

Jill's bright red lips curled up slightly, shaking her round thighs to keep up, and the alternating cat steps became the drumbeats of her leather boots stepping on the ground, stepping on the heads of the people who were still peeping, making their heads up and down.


After entering the apartment, Jill had seen John Wick communicating with the administrator, and it was not going well before he took out the forged federal agent's ID.

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"Let's go."

Putting away the ID, John Wick glanced at Jill and walked towards the elevator.

This apartment building has only six floors, but the structure is like a "mountain" character. The area is actually quite large, and there are three tenants on each floor.

John Wick had asked the administrator where the victim couple lived half a year ago. After pressing the sixth-floor elevator, he and Jill found the corresponding house number very neatly.

In the process of looking for the victim couple, John Wick asked people who were still collecting intelligence in the town to investigate the couple's information.

The couple had not been married for long. The wife was Mia, a housewife.

The husband was an intern named John Gordon, who was still working at Huntington Memorial Hospital at that time.

So when John Wick knocked on the door and hid half of his body behind the door frame, only a beautiful young woman holding a baby opened the door.

Speaking of which, the couple are both very good-looking. If they hadn't encountered the cult, they would probably be the best couple praised by the neighbors.

Looking at the two strangers who didn't match each other in front of the door, the hostess of the house, Mia, took a small step back with her daughter in her arms, and asked with a puzzled and vigilant look: "Excuse me... who are you looking for?"

After confirming that there was no danger, John Wick walked out from behind the door frame, raised the forged certificate in his hand, and said: "Federal agent, we have something to consult you and your husband."

Jill on the side also took off his sunglasses, smiled and took out the same federal agent certificate from his leather jacket pocket, "Yes, ma'am, we are investigating a case, so can I bother you for a while?"

"Okay, please come in."

After learning that the two were federal agents, Mia's stiff body relaxed, and she stepped aside to invite the two into the house.

Three people squeezed into the small apartment. John Wick was a big guy, while Jill was tall. As soon as they entered the house, they could clearly feel the crampedness of the apartment.

It seemed that it was not just cramped...

John Wick looked around skillfully. His steps were always half a beat slower than the other two. When he passed through the entrance and corridor and entered the living room, he quickly scanned the living room on the right and the room leading to the baby room on the left.

The living room on the right was a little dark, but it was normal.

But when he saw the pink baby room on the left, John Wick was so startled by the figure that flashed by that he instantly pulled out his gun and almost pulled the trigger.


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