Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 317 Father Marshall

Woohoo! Woohoo! Woohoo!

Police cars roared in, and American policemen in police uniforms came to the scene, raising their pistols to empty the magazines.

The young police officer was eager to try, but the old police officer saw the ID card held high in the hands of the person involved and immediately yelled, "Don't shoot!"

Approaching carefully, the old police officer, who had not yet gained weight, stretched out his big hairy hand to take the ID card and carefully examined it. After confirming that it was a legal ID card from the FBI, he waved to let the police lift the alert.

"Madam, do you know what you are doing?"

The old sheriff looked at Jill, who was dressed hotly, and put away his hard... pistol.

"We are investigating a case about a cult. I can only reveal so much, so please understand." Jill smiled apologetically to the old sheriff. Behind him, there were many exploration team members in suits who were carefully collecting the fragments of the puppet doll into the container.

The old sheriff looked at the sealed scene, nodded hesitantly, and finally nodded in understanding, "Okay, I hope you work smoothly, and the team will be dismissed."

The FBI from Huashengtun is investigating cult cases across the country. They are probably afraid of alerting the enemy or leaking secrets, right?

For the sake of his career, it is better not to ask about such things.

After sending the police away with fake documents and professionalism, Jill's smile faded, and he climbed into the ice cream truck in a few steps. Looking at John Wick who had woken up, he asked, "Are you controlled by the devil?"

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"No... I just saw the puppet, on the roof."

The tied John Wick also began to reflect. He was too impulsive. He was indeed a little flustered by the supernatural thing like the devil. Because he was unfamiliar and worried about the unknown dedication, he subconsciously tried to solve the trouble in the way he was most familiar with.

"I'm fine, can you let me go?"

"Hmm..." Jill dragged out her nasal tone, hesitated until the end, and said: "Not for the time being, you have to do a comprehensive examination first to confirm that you are not possessed by strange things."

Demons are too abnormal, and she feels that just checking is not enough. If possible, it would be better to do a comprehensive exorcism ceremony and baptize John Wick with holy water.

Thinking of holy water, Jill thought of another place that needs to be investigated.

The clergy, churches, and other places in this world.

When the members of the exploration team began to go to the church as believers to try to obtain occult information, the news that the new world is a chaotic world also spread back to the world of Resident Evil and was learned by Duncan.

He was very surprised and felt that the new world was more dangerous than other worlds.

There is always a chance to defeat the enemies on the surface, but those demons and devils who can possess human bodies and dolls are not what the current group can deal with.

By the way, Ultron seems to be very interested in these things... But now is the critical period for the construction of the Star Lookout. Without him to coordinate the progress of the space shipyard, the progress will be at least twice as slow. Let's not tell him this news for the time being.

Duncan made a reasonable decision and arranged, using his authority to temporarily let Red Queen seal the news of the Chaos World. The World Development Department has experts specially prepared for those gods and ghosts in the Chaos World. Those people should be more proficient in dealing with related problems. Even if they can't, they can find a way in that world.

Known dangers are not dangerous. Now that they know the opponents that the new world will face, they will certainly not be afraid anymore.

More exploration troops and advance teams enter the new world. They will investigate the mystery of the new world and try to contain the monsters in it. This will provide the group with one more way to deal with unknown existence.

All 300 warriors of the advance team entered the new world. Rows of iron cans of power armor stepped into the woods, opened up a space, used silencing devices to eliminate sounds, used holographic imaging devices to disguise the scene, and built a small base on the edge of the town.

Six Quinjet fighters were pushed to the ground, and the remaining 600 people of the exploration team also entered the town. They took a plane and spread out from Pasadena Town.

The ice cream truck that Jill took arrived at the camp. The theological experts and human anthropologists who came from the main world used the oldest rituals and the most advanced instruments to expel evil spirits and examine John Wick's body.

Finally, they both confirmed that John Wick was fine before untying him. The hallucination might be that the devil used mysterious power to affect his mind.

To solve such an influence, perhaps we need to add a layer of medium to the five senses of people, just like the transmission of sound requires a medium.

"Now you can try the silent mode of the combat helmet first. If it doesn't work, we will customize new equipment. I hope this will be useful." The man in priest costume kissed the cross with the umbrella logo, and then handed John Wick an old-fashioned fully enclosed combat helmet that had been blessed.

This kind of helmet can isolate the outside world. After wearing it, it will start the silent mode, and all the sounds and smells from the outside world will disappear. But facing the devil, we can only hope it will work...

Jill was also assigned a helmet, but she already had a helmet. It was a combat helmet that was transformed into a motorcycle helmet. It also had a silent effect, but it could not isolate the field of vision. There was a transparent observation window on the helmet.

The two had just come into contact with the chaotic things in this world and took a break for a while. The investigation was handed over to more than 60 team members scattered in the town.

They were the first to come into contact with the devil, so the task of facing the devil was also handed over to the two of them and a pair of exploration team members driving an ice cream truck to avoid more meaningless losses.

The clergy who came to support from the main world were still discussing what kind of transformation to make to the weapons. The oldest among the clergy was a Roman Catholic priest who was over 130 years old and was lucky enough to wait until the Umbrella Group promoted human evolution before his death.

Father Marshall was completely reborn before he was about to die. He thought it was a gift from God. After entering the group system, he changed into a priest robe with the Umbrella logo and engraved the Umbrella badge on all the props.

Because this is God's will, God let the Umbrella Company lead the progress of all mankind, just like the Book of Revelation in the New Testament. Umbrella is the agent who receives God's will to bring peace, stability and tranquility to the world.

Accept repentant heretics to join the kingdom (referring to the Umbrella Group), take in the suffering people (referring to ordinary people in various worlds), share the kingship with it (referring to all employees of the group), share the glory (referring to the eternal glory of mankind), and finally Satan (referring to purifying the world occupied by demons, the zombie world.).

The Antichrist, the false prophet and the unrepentant sinner will all pass away. The New Jerusalem will descend from the sky, where God and man will live together and enjoy infinite happiness forever.

Being hostile to the Umbrella Group is to oppose God. Everything in the world will become a bubble and be spurned by hundreds of millions of people!


Kneeling on the ground to complete the daily devout prayer task, the sky has darkened.

Father Marshall, with gray hair but vigorous spirit, stood up, shook off the grass debris on his robe, and walked slowly to the tent hung with characteristic crosses to see if the boys have prepared weapons for battle?

Weapons are important equipment for humans to fight against demons!

Where there are demons, there is God. Marshall's devout faith deepened after thinking of the infinite world and infinite possibilities.

Although he has not received a response from God so far, he believes that God is always watching him and the group!

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