Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 319 The Devil Breaks Free of His Chains

The old sheriff looked up and swept his eyes over the twelve knights, his eyes swept over the long swords and shields one by one, then turned back to Father Marshall and said with a stern face: "Are you serious? Are you deliberately looking for trouble?"

"We abide by the law. The horse walks on the road and I walk on the sidewalk. There is nothing wrong." Father Marshall still smiled kindly. No one would dislike people who follow the rules.

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The old sheriff saw that the priest was very imposing and aggressive. After reading the laws of California, he was obviously not a character to be messed with.

Just as he didn't want to get into trouble for disrupting the mission of the FbI agent at noon, the old sheriff didn't want to be sued by the clergy because of these trivial matters.

"Okay, where are you going? It's too conspicuous to walk on the road. I'll take you there."

Father Marshall smiled with satisfaction and wanted to refuse, but it was not good for them to block traffic, so he immediately responded: "We are going to the church to communicate with colleagues."

The old sheriff, who didn't want to cause trouble, waved his hand and asked his men to clear the way. He invited Father Marshall to get in the car, and the knights followed on horseback.

The police car led the way in front, and the tall horses and heavily armored knights followed behind. This strange combination opened the eyes of the townspeople of Pasadena.

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With the police leading the way, there was no more gospel preaching on the road, so the journey was very smooth.

The old sheriff placed Father Marshall at the door of the Pasadena Church. The twelve horses behind him stopped here.

With a whip, the majestic warhorse raised its front legs high and then landed heavily, which made the policemen who got off the car feel a little excited. They wanted to sit on the horse and experience the pleasure of riding a horse.

"Thank you very much, may God bless you!"

After getting off the car, Father Marshall expressed his gratitude to the old sheriff.

The old sheriff waved his hand and looked at the twelve knights, especially those swords with obvious blades. Finally, he warned: "Father, I have to remind you that if you use these swords to commit crimes, bullets will penetrate your armor!"

After that, he took the police in the police car and left.

Watching the police go away, Father Marshall prayed for the dedicated police for a while, and then walked towards the cathedral, which was still lit in the middle of the night.

The knights got off their horses and walked towards the church door with the sound of armor plates colliding.

Gently knocking on the door of the church, Father Marshall stood at the door and waited with a smile.

After a while, the door of the church was opened from the inside, revealing a bald man in a suit.

He was shocked by the scene at the door of the church. The light emitted by the golden crystal of the scepter illuminated Father Marshall's kind face, and also made different shadow effects appear on the twelve knights in armor, giving people a sense of grandeur and hesitation.

"You are..."

Facing the old man's doubts, Father Marshall smiled and answered his questions, "Hello, I am Father Marshall of the New Christian Church. Because I found that there are demons hidden in this town, I came to try to eliminate the demons, and by the way, I also came to communicate with the priests of the church.

The old man inside the door first showed a look of realization, and then fell into a daze, his eyes wandering between the knights, "Actually, I am the priest of this church, you can call me Perez, um... please come in first. "

Father Perez opened the door and let the strangely dressed people in.

The soft yellow light illuminated the entire church. In addition to Father Perez, there were several other people in the church.

Two women in black nun robes, and a young man and woman sitting on a bench, looking back at this side.

"Wow, wow! "

The collision of the knights' armor woke something up, and the crying of the baby instantly made the quiet church noisy.

The young woman on the bench picked up her daughter to comfort her, but her eyes were still on the priest and knight who walked in.

Is this the person Father Perez contacted?

Why does it feel so... so reliable?!

The tall knight was wearing silver-plated armor. The repeated inscriptions on the mithril armor were gorgeous and mysterious. In the center of the lines was a strange symbol, like an open umbrella, with an inconspicuous red and silver pattern hanging seductively in the center of the breastplate.

Even the shields held by the knights had such a pattern, which might be the symbol of the force to which this team of knights belonged.

The knights filed in, and the last one even closed the door of the church.

Father Marshall stared at the young couple sitting in the middle of the bench and asked in confusion: "Miss Mia? "

The couple in the church who are not clergy are Mia and her husband Gordon, who were found in the file investigation. For some reason, they appeared in the church at night instead of at home.

In theory, in this entertainment-poor era when black-and-white TVs are still sold on a large scale, young couples generally do not go out at night and stay at home to sleep.

But now the two of them appeared in the church, could it be the influence of demon-related things?

Father Marshall was in a delicate mood. He originally wanted to find some things that could exorcise demons from the church in this world, and then try to solve Miss Mia's problems.

Although they are not sure whether the demon is still pestering Miss Mia, they are free to move now anyway, so if there is no trace of the demon in the known incidents of demon hurting people, they will ride their war horses to other places. town or other states to look for traces of the devil.

Hunting demons is the duty of their Crusaders!

This is also the mission we shoulder as a member of the group!

"Uh, you know me?"

Mia looked at Father Marshall with a puzzled expression, wondering why this kind-hearted old man knew him. Father Perez and Mr. Gordon also looked at Father Marshall.

Father Marshall smiled and said, "Of course we do. We are in contact with the federal agents who visited your home today. We actually came here to try to help you get rid of the devil's entanglements. I just didn't expect you and your husband to show up." here."

Father Perez, who was standing next to him, understood. Mia also told him about the FBI agent taking the doll away at noon.

He stood up and said: "It seems that you also know Father Marshall. After the agent destroyed the doll, the devil lost its carrier. Although the power was weakened, it was able to exert the devil's abilities more freely."

Speaking of this, he looked at Mia with some sadness and said: "If you break the shackles of the body, the devil will quickly return to hell, but those who beat it will be better, will also break the rules, even if they do not voluntarily sacrifice The soul can also be collected."

Father Marshall followed the content of Father Perez's words. After all, he has been a clergyman for half his life. "Sorry, they probably didn't mean it. I will try my best to protect the safety of Miss Mia's family until the devil returns to hell." , or be destroyed by us.”

"I hope..." Father Perez sighed, his sad expression unable to fade away.


At this moment, a strange demonic wind suddenly blew in the spacious church. All the lit candles were extinguished, and even the light bulbs in the church were extinguished, and the lobby was instantly plunged into darkness.


Mia, who was already flustered, let out a long scream at this time.

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