Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 322: The Disciples of the Ram

The young chief left with the police, and the firefighters took over the scene and left after putting out the fire, leaving only the church burned to ashes and Father Perez standing in front of the church with a helpless look on his face.

Mia shook Father Marshall's hand excitedly. After she came to her senses from the shocking scene, she realized that her family had been saved.

If it weren't for the desperate battle of Father Marshall and the brave knights, she might have died at the hands of the devil, her soul would have been devoured, and her husband Gordon would have lived alone in this world with their daughter in grief. When their daughter grew up, he would commit suicide one night in the dead of night.

Oh~ No, that's too terrible!

"Thank you again, Father. I can't imagine what would happen to our family without your help!"

"God has mercy on the world. You are not destined to die. The dawn will come at the most critical moment. Please survive well. Soon you will be taken to live in the kingdom, where people will no longer worry about survival. There are enough material resources to enrich the spirit!"

Father Marshall preached the God's gift as usual, and then planned to leave with the knights. He waved his hand majestically, and the twelve knights behind him jumped on the horse.

"Children, the devil is still destroying this land. We can't stop here. Go and save more people!"

Father Perez, the original owner of the church, opened his mouth, but didn't say anything in the end. He silently made a cross on his chest.

If he couldn't save a life because of his retention, he would feel guilty for the rest of his life, and he might not be able to go to heaven after death. ̢̜̳̱͈̹͓͛͜ḩ̷̻̩͍̱̗͔̺̏̓͊̀͂̀ͅṵ̵̙̻͉̦͙̗̥̉̓̓͊̑̂̑x̸͍̘̳͂͊̂̊̀͊̕͘.̷̹̦̆̆c̶͙͈͚̽̄̈̎̒͜ó̶̧̧̝̳̠͇͕̺̲̹̔̈́̃͝͝m̷̗͓̽̂̌̋̃̌

The knight on the warhorse and the priest in the robe left here like this, without Some people know where they are going, but no one knows what they are going to do.

Just by silently watching the backs of the group of people in the distance, you can feel the brilliance of a noble mission.

They must be on the road to protecting the peaceful lives of ordinary people, and they will go on forever!

In fact, Father Marshall brought the knights back to the temporary base. After a battle, they had to go back for AI verification. Calculate and cooperate with experts to conduct experiments.

The next operation is estimated to take half a month.

This time it was an accident, but the actual operation will definitely not be so frivolous. The members of the exploration team who were scattered are still in the stage of gathering information.

The data is not complete, and it is easy to get into trouble if you rush around.

The situation in Pasadena Town has been basically explored. The cult was not found, but some members of the exploration team found a lot of data about the cult from a second-hand grocery store.

The members of the exploration team disguised as FbI agents found pictures of the cult injury case that Mia's family encountered that year. According to the marks formed by the bloodstains left on the wall by the suicidal criminals, the analysis team found a corresponding cult book. ♦♦  ♪♦

The disciples of the ram are the self-proclaimed cult group that Mia's family encountered. The black female manager of the second-hand bookstore has a better understanding of the situation.

Now a female member of the exploration team is still consulting the female manager for all the information needed by the World Development Department, and the progress is still moving forward.

The black female manager said that her store is full of miscellaneous books whose authenticity is uncertain and cannot be used as a reference for facts.

Hundreds of related books are piled together. After scanning for a day, the messy data are recorded. The computer cannot process these messy data, nor can it judge the authenticity. It can only reduce the time required for manual investigation as much as possible.

During this period, John Wick and Jill left the camp again. The two of them went to two different places. John Wick went to Maryland and Jill went to Pennsylvania.

What the members of the exploration team have to do is to go deep into the bottom of the world, Finding information that is not recorded in the open, in this era when the Internet has not yet been established, is even more necessary to practice.

These two states are special places clearly marked in the second-hand grocery store books. Maryland is the place where demons are bred, and Pennsylvania is suspected to have a cult group, which has some connection with the disciples of the ram, but belongs to two different groups.

Both of them brought 30 members of the exploration team to assist. After arriving at the destination in the Quinjet, the gloomy sky also turned bright.

The cult of the disciples of the ram is very hidden. They are not like those cults that cheat money and spread everywhere. They will only look for those more remote towns to develop believers and will not appear in the city.

[In view of the general environment, this site may be closed at any time. Please move to the permanently operated source change app as soon as possible. ]

When John Wick arrived in Maryland, he was put on the interstate highway and would drive to the next road.

Enlarging the double-door boulevard he carried with him, John Wick got in the car and went to the town called Derry Town.

The members of the exploration team that had been dispersed a few days in advance had already done their investigations. In Maryland, the town with the most special cases is Derry, which is located next to a forest and is famous for its logging industry.

Historically, a large number of people have gone missing in this town, and no matter how hard the town police searched, they could never find them.

Just over a year ago, there were missing people in the town again, and the police searched to no avail.

In history, the town of Derry was prosperous, but also had a period of terror.

A mysterious cult killed all the touring circuses in Derry and set fire to a nightclub called Black Spot.

Since then, there have been periodic murders in the town. The worst one was that they killed a child and hung his head on the branches of a dry tree. Even in black and white photos, it looks extremely terrifying...

Perhaps it is because of the black and white photos that people have more different feelings.

The Boulevard drove from a small road to the town. John Wick put his left elbow on the car door and held the steering wheel with his right hand. The speed was neither fast nor slow.

The wind blew his medium-length hair, and the fresh air in the town was very comfortable.

"Help! Help!"

The Boulevard was about to cross the red-topped wooden bridge built at the entrance of the town, but suddenly heard a child's cry for help from the other side of the bridge.

Then, an old sky blue car passed by the Boulevard driven by John Wick.

The red wooden bridge was like a tunnel. The roof and walls on both sides blocked the wind and rain, and also blocked the view.

When the boulevard passed through the wooden bridge, John Wick, who was sitting in the car, saw a rather funny scene.

Four teenagers aged 16 or 17 pressed a fat boy who looked like he was only 11 or 12 years old against the guardrail beside the bridge, and punched the fat boy's face with fists that were almost as strong as those of adults, and immediately the fat boy's nose bled.

John Wick frowned, stopped the car in front of the few people and honked the horn.

The shrill horn made the four young men who were immersed in the pleasure of sadism tremble, and turned their heads to see a car suddenly appearing and were a little surprised.

They were very familiar with this road, and usually no one would walk on it. It was rare to see a car passing by just now.

From the open car window, the four young men and the fat boy who was pressed against the guardrail saw John Wick's cold and hard face, with carefully trimmed stubble, long hair covering his ears, and sharp eyes staring at them.

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