Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 324 Silent Hill Church

After crossing the steel bridge, the convertible entered a two-lane road. Jill had to drive at least two kilometers to reach the town of Silent Hill.

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The atmosphere became more gloomy as we walked in.

Perhaps because of coal mining and burning, this town has an independent power plant, and the coal mined in the town will be transported to the power plant as fuel.

This will cause white fog and gray smoke from burning to rise to the sky, covering most of the sunlight and making the town look gloomy.

[I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network → method 𝚠𝚔g𝚗.𝚌 situation𝚖]

The convertible drove through the winding path and finally saw a corner of the building exposed on a relatively flat hillside.

The buildings enlarged in front of Jill, and there were more and more voices in front of him. The gray sky was also brighter in the reflection of the ground color, and the gradually rising chill was dispelled by the crowd in the town.

Although the people here rarely leave the town, they are not poor. In fact, because of the coal mine, the town is quite prosperous.

The town has schools, hospitals, and nightclubs. From birth to death, everyone can live in the town until the day they die. There is no shortage of jobs in the town.

People will live a rich and happy life here, as long as they can tolerate the gray smoke that never dissipates above their heads all year round... and it happens that the residents of the town are very good at tolerating it.

Because the managers of the town have made most people in the town accustomed to this kind of life, as long as most people adapt, the remaining few will naturally follow the crowd and live in the town all the time.

Moreover, the current technology and communication are not well developed. People in the town don’t know the beauty of the outside world, and information is not circulated, which makes people in the town less eager for the outside world.

They are full of curiosity and vigilance about everything in the outside world.

When Jill's convertible entered the town, it attracted the attention of most people in the town. Her off-shoulder dress seemed to be too eye-catching, and the car was also very high-profile.

Some passers-by at the entrance of the town looked at Jill curiously and vigilantly, watching her car go away from the street, and then they began to whisper.

There was no big malice, just wondering if Jill was a lost traveler. Occasionally, lost people would break into the town. After being reminded, they would leave, and some people would stay to see this isolated town.

It's just that Jill's dress is more unique and more attractive, and it also fits the stereotype of big city people in small places.

Wearing cool clothes, driving a luxury car, and looking casual.

Jill, who has been identified as a city dweller entering the countryside, is driving around the town. The sunglasses on her face have been taken off. The daytime in the town doesn't look very bright. Although the dim lights of every shop add some warmth, there is still a sense of coldness that keeps strangers away.

Now that we have come to this town, the next task is to investigate the information in the town and see if there is a cult group.

Jill is very high-profile, her personality is like this, and the group is also capable of solving the problem of alerting the enemy, so her first stop is the church she learned from a young man.

The church in the town is built on a hillside deep in Silent Hill. To enter the town, you must first step on more than ten meters of stairs.

This high church is like a tower built by mortals to chase gods, trying to bathe in the so-called grace of gods in this way.

A large church was built in a small town. The area of ​​the church is close to that of a large manor. There are spiked fences around it, separating the world of mortals from the world of gods. The huge double wooden doors are open, and the poetic chanting sound slowly comes out.

Jill pulled the black windbreaker from the back seat and put it on, covering the uncovered part of the off-shoulder white top. There was a clanking sound from the heavy windbreaker, but I didn't care.

Brown boots tapped on the ground. Jill put her hands in her pockets, chewed gum, and walked over dozens of steps to the front door of the church.

Through the open door, she saw the scene in the church.

Several rows of benches were neatly placed on the left and right sides behind the door. A group of men and women were holding a thick leather book and chanting with their eyes closed.

There was a sunken circle in the center of the church, and several devout believers were kneeling on the circle. They held one hand in a fist and the other hand in a fist against their chest. They bent down and lowered their heads, muttering and praying to an unknown god.

The reason why it is unknown is that Jill did not see any information about Christianity in the church. In front of the sunken circle was a stage, on which stood a middle-aged wide-faced woman wearing purple clothes and holding a Bible.

There was no religious element on her body.

What is more concerning is that behind the woman, the background board of the stage is a huge portrait that is not so acceptable.

A group of villagers gathered together holding torches. In front of them, in the center of the portrait, a woman was tied to a wooden ladder, hanging above a pile of firewood, and being roasted by the raging fire.

This huge portrait conveying distorted values ​​​​made Jill silent. She pinched the miniature submachine gun hidden in the pocket of her windbreaker, hesitating whether to start a massacre here and try John Wick's problem-solving method.

Just thinking of her mission, she turned around and sent the message to the World Development Department remotely, intending to wait for more people to come back, so that it would be easier to control the situation and protect the data.

Just as she turned around, a large amount of golden light suddenly emerged in the church, casting a shadow on Jill's body.

Jill turned around suddenly and saw a huge amount of golden light coming out of the church glass window above the huge portrait. The light was so bright that it was difficult to achieve even at night under the scorching sun.

While illuminating the entire church, it can also be transmitted outside the church, creating a visual contrast between day and night.

The chanting voices of the believers in the church became high-pitched, and some people's voices were even distorted due to excitement.

Fanaticism, weird fanaticism!

Jill took out her sunglasses and put them on her face, but her vision was still covered by this golden light. In the end, she determined that this golden light was some kind of luminous dust with a higher density than light.

After all, he had just put on sunglasses, and his vision was not improved, but the "golden light" directly covered those dazzling areas, and the figures shrouded by the light were hazy and unclear.

This is a trick of using physical matter to cover people's vision.

Just like wearing sunglasses in foggy weather reduces the visual range, Jill is a firm scientist. She firmly believes that all unknowns are only unknown to humans, not unknown to science.

Sooner or later, science will explore every unknown problem.

The glowing fog in the church can't scare Jill, who has received higher education. After watching this boring trick, she sneered and turned away, waiting for the group's army to flatten the church, and all evil will be brought to justice!

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