Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 88: New Year

The next day was an operation against the drug lords of Moxige. This operation was carried out during the day because the drug dealers of Moxige had a larger range of activities and some gangs were far away from civilian areas, and fixed plantations were excellent targets for attack.

The drug lords, most of whose income came from drug trafficking, did not want to lose money, so they could only gather people and confront the Umbrella Company head-on.

The ending was also very clear. Under the crushing of technological capabilities, drug dealers on the ground were too easy to find.

Although these gangs had more advanced weapons and stronger firepower, the Umbrella Company easily solved them.

At an altitude of thousands of meters, bombs were dropped by fighter jets, destroying all the plantations, and the gangs were stunned at once.

They had no choice but to ask for help from the local regular customers who had received money, but those regular customers were helpless because the Umbrella Company's business had already controlled them.

The bribes from the gangs were tempting, but before the gangs came, the Umbrella Company's special operations forces had already provided them and their families with protection and promised to increase a large number of jobs.

It's not that they don't want to help, but they gave too much!

When the drug lord was in a state of panic, missiles were dropped from the air. The Umbrella Company used the most unpretentious way to completely destroy the Moxige gang. No matter where they hid, advanced satellites could find them.

The gangs that were running around caused a lot of trouble, but the Umbrella Company sent many special operations forces soldiers to be stationed in remote towns and cities to protect most people from being attacked by criminals, which was much more efficient than the police.

Because they had scouted the place in advance, they knew the appearance of every gangster clearly. As long as they appeared in a monitored place, the latest intelligent system White Queen would mark them out and hand them over to the nearest mobile team for processing.

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Kill, or imprison.

The anti-drug storm went very smoothly, and the Umbrella Company also had a proper reason to continue to expand its army. After the drugs were really eliminated, he would come up with new excuses, such as: saving women, saving people...

These are just means of diverting attention. Be vigilant. What needs to be done most now is to deal with the possible Thanos crisis.

The time was too short. He had not digested the technology obtained from the Marvel and Avatar worlds before he had to face Thanos.

The Guardian suit, the Owl suit, and the drones were standard equipment for Umbrella Company soldiers, but the cumulative number of these standard equipment from manufacturing completion to mass production was only more than 60,000.

There were many reasons for this. The metal material processing conditions of bulletproof helmets were difficult and the process was complicated. There were many exoskeleton parts and the production was slow. There were too few military factories and the production lines of new factories had not been built yet.

Overall, there was not enough time.

The old weapons production line was very mature. A total of nearly 500 million rounds of various types of bullets fell from the assembly line every day, and shells and missiles were also produced at a faster rate.

The AMP mecha from the Pandora world was also in production. The more expensive holographic imaging system was used to replace the original crude glass, and the mecha was equipped with heavier bulletproof steel.

Like the helmet material of the Guardian suit, a thin layer can easily protect against rifle bullets, and the weight is lighter than ordinary steel (technical support Tony Stark).

The newly made mecha uses new energy and a small amount of superconducting ore, which greatly improves its performance.

The cost is very expensive, but a single mecha can provide absolutely overwhelming firepower for a small battlefield.

It is one of the best street fighting weapons Duncan prepared for the war. Thanos's should be like the New York War, where the miscellaneous soldiers directly enter the city, making it difficult to use weapons of mass destruction.

Brutal street fighting requires flexible mobile units. Ultron is not very interested in manned mechas, but Duncan likes this kind of thing very much. Its appearance on the battlefield can give ordinary soldiers strong confidence.

Soldiers will like these big guys very much. When the time comes, a promotion channel for ordinary soldiers can be opened, and a mecha ceremony can be held to enhance the cohesion of the army.

After the Umbrella Corporation's armament incident was resolved, Duncan began to frequently travel between various underground branches, and invested a large number of clones with implanted memories and wearing mental controllers in the development of the Avatar world.

There are no more events in the outside world that can disturb Duncan's development. Various plans are being completed in an orderly manner, and new plans will begin after completion.

In order to improve work efficiency, Umbrella now requires employees to work overtime for 1 hour, and work 9 hours a day. If the time is longer, the probability of employees making mistakes will increase a lot, so this time is just right.

Busy time always passes very quickly, and the days of the Resident Evil world soon came to 2007.

After the New Year's bell rang, Duncan had to stand on the stage again. In the new year, he routinely explained the situation of Umbrella Company to the outside world, and then released some new things they had never seen before.

New drugs, new intelligent systems, new games.

Duncan released the virtual reality game that was almost developed to the market. Instead of using neural connection technology, he used a set of walking equipment instead. The selling point was that the game screen was clear and the holographic image vision could immerse people in another world.

The price of a set was as high as 300,000 US dollars, which was used to rob the rich, harvest their over-expanded wealth, and contribute to the development of Umbrella and human civilization.

After the business was over, Duncan quietly left the stage, Alice was responsible for driving, and the two went to the mansion in the suburbs of Raccoon City.

"Time is getting shorter and shorter. Do you think we can win the war?"

Duncan lowered the passenger seat very low and lay there lazily, thinking about the purple potato spirit.

There was a little worry. After all, he was now a wealthy man. It was very painful to watch his things being lost.

Duncan felt that he was a good man because he did not exploit the lower classes. He had capital and did a good job. He wanted to keep doing it.

Alice, who was driving the car, glanced at Duncan lying in the passenger seat and comforted him: "Maybe you should be more selfish, so you won't have any troubles."

"One of the few advantages of me is fraternity. God loves the world, and I love the world too!"

He said something serious in a joking tone.

It has been almost four years since he traveled through time. Duncan, who is financially free, feels that he has not changed much. He always likes to take care of evil people and evil things. At first, he also felt that he was a selfless good man.

But later he found out that he just wanted to beat people legally and reasonably, and he didn't have to be responsible if he beat them a little harder.

Satisfying the desire for destruction will bring people a strong sense of satisfaction. Violent games are like this. In order to satisfy human desire for destruction, all kinds of killing and killing are done.

So fighting with Thanos' army can satisfy his desire for destruction, let the soldiers rescue people, gain grateful eyes, and satisfy vanity.

So Duncan is now worried about whether there will be a reverse invasion and the strength of Thanos' army.

Alice was about to reply and looked at Duncan with a smile, but she saw a person suddenly rushing out of the quiet alley in front of her.

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