Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 94: On the way to rescue

Special Operations Force soldiers have been scattered throughout New York. There are a large number of abandoned vehicles on the roads. In the process of escaping, there have been countless serial car accidents throughout New York.

The congested route will not have much impact on the soldiers protecting the umbrella, but it will greatly slow down the escape of citizens.

Kevin happened to be among the support troops this time. He was heading to Manhattan Island in an armored vehicle with his teammates and nine other teams.

It was the place with the most aliens, and people died every moment, being snatched out of the building and killed by the Pioneer Guards.


A long howl sounded between the two buildings, and the huge Leviathan crashed into the space between the two buildings, making the building precarious, as if it was about to collapse at any time.

The armored convoy now has two options: speed up and rush over, or stop and take a detour.

They chose to speed up!

The black armored vehicle passed between the broken concrete rain, and the large amount of dust blurred the vision in front of the window glass. Fortunately, the intelligent driving system allowed them to easily identify the obstacles ahead.

Before the building collapsed, seven of the armored vehicles successfully passed through the collapsed building. Large pieces of falling concrete blocked the path of Kevin's team and another team.

The combat system revised the fastest route for them, but they would pass through a war zone and need to contact the National Guard soldiers at that defensive point.

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"Shet!" Bieber, the driver of Kevin's team, braked suddenly in front of the boulder. After the system corrected the route, he immediately turned the steering wheel and yelled in an attempt to calm his violently beating heart: "Damn, this is worse than me doing a gang. The butt is still exciting!”

"I think this is similar to the alien dungeon on hard difficulty!" The medics in the team also echoed. This feeling of being in a quagmire and struggling to move forward was only experienced when they entered the hell difficulty dungeon for the first time. It's just that the game The hell difficulty dungeon in was much more difficult than it is now.

The captain of the team is a guy who doesn't like to joke very much. He is very serious on weekdays, but he is even more serious on the battlefield. "Shut up, this is definitely not a game. Don't waste time. Haven't you seen the corpses on the roadside!" "

As soon as the words fell, there was silence in the car. Several people stopped talking and gripped their weapons, ready to fight at any time.


Suddenly a high-speed black shadow flashed across the street, and several blue rays of light flashed. The armored vehicle behind Kevin's team that had just completed a U-turn was blown to the sidewalk.

The front of the armored vehicle that Kevin was in was also blown up by more than one meter, and several people in the vehicle were shaken.

"Fake, that thing is a bit too much!" The sniper in the team had the fastest reflexes among the people. After the attack came, he glanced through the side window a few times, but the Chitauri The SAV has disappeared on the other side of the street.

The captain ignored these things and called his companions on the blown-up armored vehicle on the channel.

"We're fine!" came the response from the armored vehicle a moment later.

Several soldiers climbed out of the overturned door, then pushed the armored vehicle down and restored it to its original position.

The manufacturing cost of armored vehicles is very high, the materials are the best, and the quality is very hard. After getting in the vehicle, they start again.

Not long after the vehicle drove, another Leviathan passed by at low altitude, and a dozen black Chitauri ejected from its flanks. They clung to the walls of the buildings on both sides and slowly slid down.

"Kevin!" The captain called Kevin's name.

Needless to say, Kevin stood up from the back seat, opened the door of the shooting position, and leaned his upper body out of the armored vehicle.

The M249 general-purpose machine gun in his hand, which was fully equipped with armor-piercing bullets, was aimed at the falling Chitauri. Each time the trigger was pulled for only two seconds, the precise barrage would tear a Chitauri soldier into pieces.

The fireman on another armored vehicle also stretched out his upper body from the shooting position. After the two armored vehicles passed by, the Chitauri who had just landed died before he could take out the energy firearm from his back.

The armored vehicle passed through the turning intersection again and saw a National Guard unit advancing with the tanks in front. In front of them were a large number of corpses of vanguard guards, and in front of them were Chitauri who were using bunkers to shoot.

The front armor of the tank was reddened by the high temperature of the energy weapon, and there were many pits and pits. The barrel was deformed. At this time, the tank's only function was to serve as a bunker.

The approach of the two armored vehicles was obvious, and National Guard soldiers engaged in a firefight soon spotted them and waved them off.

The soldiers from the two teams temporarily got out of the car. The New York National Guard soldiers walked to the side of the car and shouted something, but the sound at the scene was too noisy and they could not be heard clearly.

The soldiers also discovered this and pointed to a staircase going down next to them. Only then did they discover that this was the entrance to a subway station.

Then they discovered that the intelligent system wanted them to go through not the war zone, but the subway path.

The captains of the two teams and the soldier went down the stairs to talk, while the others were left outside to support the soldiers who were huddled behind tanks and buildings shooting.

The weapons of the Chitauri are all energy weapons. Their batteries are very powerful and have a long battery life, and they don't have to worry about overheating of the barrels. However, they lack the rate of fire. The Chitauri infantry is actually very average in the eyes of the earthlings, and it is difficult to resist. It’s not too difficult, provided the logistics can keep up and there are enough bullets.

"Are you here to provide support? There are wounded soldiers who need to be transferred. Can your car transport them out?" The soldier said loudly. He looked at the heavy armor and sealed helmets worn by the special operations soldiers. He couldn't recognize which unit they were from, but he felt that their combat effectiveness should be good.

The captains of the two teams looked down the stairs of the subway. There were six soldiers lying on the steps, and more ordinary citizens who were not wearing military uniforms were shaking their hands and pressing bullets.

Those soldiers were hit by energy weapons. There were large areas of burns on their bodies. Some of them had bleeding from the corners of their mouths. Emergency treatment was done, but the effect was limited.


The medics in the elite team carried powerful therapeutic agents. When used with the T virus vaccine, they could quickly heal the injuries. There was no problem in saving the lives of those soldiers.

After seeing the injuries of the soldiers, the medical soldiers of the two teams immediately returned to the armored vehicle to take out the spare medical box, injected the sealed medicine inside into the arms of the soldiers, and then handed the medicine inside to a soldier with a red cross armband on his arm, and told him that he must vaccinate several people in ten minutes.

The medical soldier nodded solemnly. The equipment of these people looked very advanced and very trustworthy at a glance!

The team leader said to the National Guard soldier in charge of the negotiation: "We are going to Manhattan Island from underground for support. The follow-up support troops will arrive soon. Hang on!"

When the National Guard soldier heard that they were going to Manhattan, he was surprised and then stood in awe. Although he didn't know which unit they were from, he still saluted and then turned back to the surface to join the battle.

One medical box of the two teams was left for the National Guard here, and the remaining medical box was carried on the back of the medical soldier of Kevin's team. Then they walked down the stairs and entered the subway station.

The dim subway station was filled with wandering citizens. These people were noisy and restless, and had many pessimistic views on the war above their heads. Many people were still sobbing quietly. The overflowing negative emotions made people not want to stay any longer.

When they saw people dressed like soldiers walking down, they just watched without making any radical moves. Obviously, they had been beaten.

The evacuation speed was too slow...

After seeing the subway station full of people, Kevin and the soldiers of the special operations force felt a little heavy in their hearts.

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