Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 98: The Night After the War

This operation was a complete failure for Black Dwarf, one of Thanos's five black generals. He failed to seize the gems on Earth and lost a lot of cannon fodder.

Although Thanos would not care too much about these losses, Black Dwarf felt that he had failed Thanos' trust and needed a chance to redeem himself.

It would take a certain amount of time for Thanos' army to balance everything on Xandar, and he must take back the Infinity Stones during this period.

After returning to the spaceship, Black Dwarf contacted Ebony Maw, who was of the same status as him but had a higher intelligence level than him. After explaining his failure, he hoped that Ebony Maw could remotely command the subsequent battles.

He was only suitable for charging in the front, not for leading troops in battle.

However, Ebony Maw was still assisting Thanos in balancing the lives of the Xandar galaxy, killing half and leaving half, and bluntly said that Lord Thanos was more important and could not help Black Dwarf.

Black Dwarf is also loyal to Thanos. Since Ebony Maw is still assisting Thanos to balance Xandar, he can't ask for anything more. He can only find a few lieutenants with decent IQs and let them make plans.

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Just when he was about to cut off the communication, the door of the captain's room was suddenly opened, and a hurried Chitauri scientist rushed in.

"Lord Black Dwarf! Something bad has happened!"


Angrily waiting for the scientist who broke in, Black Dwarf's brain is usually stubborn, not stupid, but he doesn't like to beat around the bush. If he can't make the bad things clear in two sentences, he will teach this guy a lesson. โ™ฆเต โ€ƒโ€ƒโ™ฆโ™ฆ

The Chitauri scientist took a breath and said tremblingly: "The energy of four gems... disappeared..."

"What did you say!" Black Dwarf heard the bad news and took two steps forward in shock and anger, oppressing the thin Chitauri with his own breath.

The long-distance communication had not been cut off. Ebony Maw, who was far away on Xandar, heard the bad news through the receiver, and the facial features on his gray and wrinkled face sank a few centimeters.

Affected by the momentum accumulated by Black Dwarf's long-term killing, the Chitauri scientist trembled more violently and said intermittently: "Our tracker suddenly couldn't detect the energy of the gem just now. I, I suspect that the gem guardian used some method to hide the gem!"

Black Dwarf raised his hand in anger, wanting to smash the cowardly and incompetent scientist away, but was stopped by Ebony Maw.

"Stop your boring venting behavior!" Ebony Maw looked at the stupid, big, black and thick Black Dwarf and snorted slightly, "The gem will not disappear out of thin air. If there is no signal of the gem in the universe, it proves that it is still on this planet. I will tell Lord Thanos the truth, you just stay there for the time being."

"Hmph!" Black Dwarf put down his hand, nodded, glanced at the Chitauri scientist, and snorted a heavy nasal sound, "Continue to look for the missing gem signal, and notify me as soon as you find it!"

"Understood!" The Chitauri scientist turned around and fled from here in a hurry as if he had been pardoned.

The Chitauri warship calmed down, they landed on the moon, and began to mine the moon in front of the earth to replenish the consumed resources!

"Tsk tsk..." Duncan was observing the moon at an observatory in Peanut Village. He was very unhappy to see that the Chitauri warships were mining their ore.

After all, the ore on the moon belongs to the earth, and it will be mined soon. Who would be unhappy if someone blocked the door with a gun and took their own things for free!

There are still many people in the observatory, Tony, Steve, Banner, Ultron, Rhodey, Natasha, T'Challa, Barton, Stephen Strange, Nick Fury...

All the famous people in Marvel are here, and there are two new members, Wanda and her brother Pietro.

Now the two are standing in the corner under the gaze of Tony Stark.

They are not affected by the evil Ultron, but are bewitched by Baron Zemo and participate in the conflict of the Sokovia Accord between Steve and Tony.

During the civil war, Tony was beaten up.

The abilities of the two are too weird,

and Tony is a little doubtful about his life.

In the end, the two let go of their hatred under Steve's sincere persuasion. They are not evil and have never killed anyone. In addition, they have super powers, so they are specially recruited into the team.

"Okay, Tony, don't look at them like that." In the end, Steve, who couldn't bear it, rescued the brother and sister.

Tony finally retracted his gaze, ignored Steve like a child, and asked Duncan: "How are the gems now?"

"They don't glow anymore." Duncan turned around and sat on the sofa next to Alice, giving a concise response.

The Infinity Gems were sent to the Avatar world. After leaving Marvel's homeland, the gems burst out energy like a last gasp, and then the brightness has been decreasing until just now, the gems are almost the same as glass of different colors.

Dr. Strange continued: "The gems are just carriers of power. They need to be sent back for three days every six months. If they don't do this, the universe will generate new gems."

Steve sighed, "Does that mean we still have to continue to resist the invasion of aliens?"

"Why do you ask that? If we don't resist, will Thanos get the gems and destroy half of the life on Earth?" Tony seized the ambiguity in Steve's words and verbally attacked the American captain.

Steve was not angry, but asked with difficulty: "I mean, is there any way to solve the problem?"

"This is a war. Thanos wants to destroy half of the lives, and half of our people will die. The result of getting the gem will be even worse..." Natasha said with a frown.

"Is there any way to completely destroy the gem? Or send the gem to a safer place?"

Colonel Rhodes was thinking about the solution and questioned Dr. Strange, who knew the gem best.

Strange is also a genius with excellent memory. He has read a lot of books in Kamar-Taj in the years since he became the Supreme Sorcerer. Naturally, he knows how to destroy the gem.

"You can use magic to completely destroy the gem, but I won't do that. Kamar-Taj still needs the power of the gem to suppress the demons in other dimensions."

"Well... there is already magic, so it's not so surprising if a few more demons pop up." Barton played with the arrows, quite speechless.

"Wait... Are you talking about demons? What are they made of and how are they formed? Maybe I should make myself a real human body, so that I can understand this kind of power against my will..." The profound magic knowledge short-circuited Ultron's mechanical brain. Strange was really a troublemaker, making him feel curious.

Nick Fury, who had never interrupted, stood up at this time, "I have called for strong external aid. Maybe the crisis can be resolved as long as we resist for a period of time."

"Do we have external aid?" Steve looked at Nick Fury hopefully.

He had some research on tactical arrangements, but extraterrestrial wars were not within his research scope. Even if he could fight all day, he could not defeat the aliens' thousands of troops.

In this desperate predicament, Steve could not think of any solution at all.

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