"Shh~! Shh!" Dense warheads roared past.

"Crack~! Crack!" The wall hit by the bullet sent fragments flying everywhere.

Entrance to the subway station.

More than a dozen vampires dressed in windbreakers were suppressed by six times as many werewolves, or even more.

The streets on both sides of the entrance were blocked, and there were even a large number of werewolves on the subway platform, which completely made this group of vampires unable to advance or retreat.

"Click! Click!"

A vampire half squatting on the right side of the entrance, behind the low wall of the green belt, retracted his head immediately when he saw that the magazine was empty, and fumbled with his left hand for the windbreaker to take out a new magazine.

"Whoa! Boom—! Poof!"

But at this moment, a large-caliber bullet shot straight through the two low walls, and then hit the vampire's abdomen

"Puff!" Suddenly, flesh and blood flew, and the upper and lower body of the vampire separated instantly.


The 50cal caliber armor-piercing bullet is enough to tear light armor, and it is said that it is still a vampire of flesh and blood.


But the vampire just spit out a mouthful of bloody phlegm, propped his upper body against the low wall with both hands, looked at its still twitching lower body, finished changing the magazine in extreme annoyance, and yelled:

"Made! It hurts so much! Go to hell! A bunch of dog people! Grass!"

"Da da!"

While cursing, the vampire stretched out the low wall with the gun in his right hand, shooting blindly to vent his anger.


But before the vampire emptied the magazine, he was headshot by another armor-piercing bullet.


The headless half of the body swayed, and fell forward to collapse on the ground, with blood gushing out from the neck continuously.

However, the werewolves, who had an advantage in numbers, were not feeling well either.

I saw that those werewolves who were shot would immediately burn open flames at their wounds, and it would also make them twitch in extreme pain.

If the heart and head were shot, the werewolf would die instantly.

It seems that the warheads used by vampires can cause substantial damage to werewolves.

Moreover, the vampire side is well-trained and knows how to cooperate with each other to carry out cover and fire suppression, and the shooting accuracy is far superior to that of werewolves.

Therefore, the two sides were in a state of anxiety at the beginning of the exchange of fire, which was comparable.

However, as the werewolves used large-caliber anti-material weapons, the vampires began to suffer obvious casualties.

What's more, the ammunition carried by the vampires is about to run out, so their final result must be wiped out by this group of werewolves.

Obviously, the vampire was ambushed by a prepared werewolf.


"Tack! Tack!" The crisp gunshots unique to pulse guns began to resound through the street.

"Boom! Boom!"

Caseless bullets of various calibers exploded at low intensity the moment they hit the werewolf's body.


The werewolves who were attacked by caseless bullets instantly experienced the feeling of being dismembered and headshot by bullets.

That's right, Leon was saying that the werewolf's physical fitness far surpassed that of humans, but the caseless pulse bomb produced by Umbrella was even more "brutal".

"Could it be that the gang of shady guys came to support?!"

"Where are people?! No smell! No people to see!"

"Fire! Back! Back!"

The sudden situation caused the werewolves who had not received much military training to panic.

I saw 141 who were still in the "invisible" state, and began to intervene in this doomed battle.

The TPS power armor worn by 141 is a fully enclosed type of equipment that can fight in a vacuum, low pressure and high radiation space environment.

This made the werewolves with excellent sense of smell unable to distinguish the location of 141 by smell at all, and could only rely on vision to capture the firelight of guns to lock 141.

But 141's combat literacy is far superior to werewolves and vampires, so they can naturally guess what the werewolves are thinking.

Immediately, the 141s relied on the advantages of their own equipment to run and move, while using the auxiliary calibration system to shoot accurately, and gradually ate up the activity space of the werewolves.

In less than half a minute, the werewolf suffered heavy losses, and there was almost no room for resistance.

Look at the vampire on this side of the subway entrance.

They were also a little dazed with broken limbs and arms.

Really support?

"My lord, could it be reinforcements sent by other families?"

Half squatting at the entrance stairs, a vampire with a broken left arm turned his head and looked down asking.

Following its gaze, a female vampire wearing slim leather pants and a windbreaker, with long black hair and holding a silver M1911 in her right hand was protected in the center by the remaining vampires.

"Impossible." The female vampire shook her head and denied, "This ambush is no accident."

"My lord. Could it be that other families colluded with the werewolf?!" Another vampire suddenly said.

"Otherwise? The werewolves know our return route, and they are fully prepared in terms of weapons." The female vampire said solemnly.

"Da da!" A sudden gunshot interrupted the discussion among the vampires.

It turned out that the werewolves besieging the subway platform had already dealt with the seven vampires guarding the rear, and were attacking the remaining six vampires from bottom to top.


"Crack! Crack!"

The female vampire let out a roar, pointed the muzzle of the M1911 at a werewolf and pulled the trigger.

"Made! Go to hell, dogs!"

"When I die, I will pull a few dogs on my back!"

"Da da da!"

The other five vampires roared angrily, and towards the corner of the stairs below, they crazily tilted the silver warhead.

For a moment, the vampires occupying a favorable position temporarily suppressed the werewolves who wanted to rush up from below.

Taking advantage of this gap, a vampire pulled out two fragment grenades.


The vampire removed two pull rings at once, released the safety and flung it towards the corner of the stairs.

"Boom! Boom!" There were two explosions, and air waves came from below.

"Ah uh." Also came out, as well as the painful groans of the werewolves.

The silver fragment grenade completely interrupted the attack of the werewolves, buying some time for the remaining six vampires.

But before they had time to rejoice, they led eight 141 Prices to the entrance of the subway.

As an "immortal", just by looking at the positions of the vampires, Price deduced that the female vampire was definitely a character with higher value.

So Price used the helmet screen to mark, and shared the order to the other eight 141s: "Keep the target, and shoot the rest."

The 141 who received the order formed a semicircle around the edge of the entrance with Price as the center, locked on their targets and prepared to pull the trigger.

! !

The vampires, who also had excellent hearing, heard the movement from above the stairs.

Now, they were completely sure that the group of "unseen" soldiers were not so-called reinforcements at all, but were going to deal with vampires and werewolves at the same time!

"We surrender! Don't shoot!"

Before she had time to think, the female vampire immediately dropped the M1911 in her hand, and raised her hands to show that it was willing to surrender.

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