Umbrella, The Light of Humanity

Chapter 156 Spreading Wings and the Two Iron Bloods


The moment the fit was completed, Sanguinius only felt his whole body go numb like being electrified, followed by dizziness, which made him lose his sense of direction in an instant.

at the same time.

The latch closes automatically.

Then the entire driving bolt penetrated into the body of the god, and the valve was closed tightly.

The elevator carrying the technicians left quickly, and there was also a warning sound from the broadcast: "All personnel please evacuate the scene as soon as possible."

Soon, there were only ten biological weapons that were still on standby in the huge underground space.

Sui Bian, who was in the observation room, looked forward calmly, watching the divine body of Sanguinius.

Waited patiently for about half a minute.

The body of God, whose head was unable to hold together, suddenly trembled, and the head was slowly raised.

Deep in the center of the lifeless emerald green eyes, a pupil-like light flickered, and then, the light filled the entire eye.

This change is like "living" with the body of God injected into the soul.

The god bodies of Robert, John, Corax, and Russ also "woke up" one after another.

The body of God in a sitting position began to move away from the metal platform.

After adjusting his body shape and gathering the white wings on his back, Sanguinius controlled the body of God that belonged only to him, and stood in the center of the underground space.


As the pilots, the Primarchs performed corresponding actions according to the test requirements, such as twisting the head of the body of the god, moving the arms, raising the legs, bending the knees and so on.

And the body of God with angelic wings on the back is given special attention.

Sanguinius stretched and folded his wings several times as required, and even flapped his wings a few times symbolically.

It seems that Sanguinius can control the wings as he pleases.

at this time.

"Sir." Bai Hou and Sui Bianhui, who were in the same observation room, reported: "Dr. Birken said that the fit between the original body and the body of their respective gods was above 96%, and the data remained stable, far exceeding their expectations. best condition.

Dr. Birken also said that the corresponding inspections have been completed, and the next test items can be decided by you, sir. "

Sui Bian nodded slightly to show that he understood, and said: "Turn on the communication with all the driving bolts."

"Good sir."

After the voice fell, the White Queen had already notified the Primarch in the driving hitch, and established a communication channel between the driving hitch and the observation room.

"How do you feel?" Sui Bian asked.

"It's like it's magnified..." Robert was the first to reply.

Hearing this, Sui Bian looked at the row on his left.

Standing on the first platform, the God Body belonging to Robert looked down at his hands. It seemed that while Robert was sighing, the God Body also made corresponding movements.

"Yeah, this feeling is really amazing." Corax echoed.

"En." The body of God belonging to John nodded.

Seeing this, Sui Bian looked forward again and asked, "What about you? Sanguinius."

"I want to try flying, Father," Sanguinius said bluntly.

"Okay." Sui Bian replied without hesitation.

Because he wanted Sanguinius to do it.

After being approved, Sanguinius followed the prompts of the technicians, walked in the manufacturing workshop, and returned to the platform that belonged to his god body.

"Boom! Boom!"

Even if he restrained his strength, every step the body of God took would still cause a lot of movement.

After returning to the platform and turning around, the already folded wings tightened again, and the six opposing mechanical arms immediately fixed the body of God.

Then, the gate at the top opened.

Through the opened gate, the sunlight poured into the workshop in an instant, and the body of the god was just bathed in the light.


Suddenly, the platform carried the body of God and rushed upwards quickly. There was a piercing metal friction sound from the slide rails, and sparks caused by friction would flicker from time to time.

After more than ten seconds.

The platform sent the body of God to the east of the surface airport, and the six mechanical arms responsible for fixing it were quickly withdrawn.

The head of Sanguinius' god body is raised, and his shining eyes are gazing at the sky. There is no limit, and the white wings can be stretched freely.

"Huh~!" The wings began to flap rhythmically.

But according to the frequency and strength of this kind of fanning, it is impossible to let the big guy with a height of 90 meters fly into the air.


The feet of the body of God slowly left the platform, and the huge body successfully escaped from the restraints on the ground.

If Wang Zhaofeng and his scientific research team were at the scene, they would definitely make calculations "scribing and writing", and they had to study for a result.

Anomalies, however, are anomalies because they possess properties that humans cannot fully understand at this stage.

The body of a god made by Lilith, Ares, and Primarch genes also belongs to the category of abnormal phenomena, and many things cannot be explained by paper data.

Especially the pure white wings that grew out of Sanguinius' spiritual power.

Come to the air.

While Sanguinius manipulated the body of God to speed up, he also made various attempts to test the flexibility of the body.

Of course, it is also possible that Sanguinius is still a child at heart and wants to swim in the sky to his heart's content.


afternoon after a day.

Surface airfield at Göbekli Research Center.

Leads to a hangar next to the underground facility.

Chris, who was wearing a sand-colored combat uniform, took a simple folding chair and sat by the north door of the hangar.

Yesterday, Sui Bian held a video conference with the company's top management, and Chris, the deputy captain of the Charon task force, also participated in it.

After that, the Charon task force was called to the Göbekli Research Center, and Chris was required to stand by on the surface except for rest.

Sui Bian didn't tell the reason, but Chris didn't like to be too imaginative like Leon, but stayed here according to the order.


Chris, who had nothing to do, squinted his eyes and looked at the northern sky. He always felt that there was a vague silhouette there, which was rapidly approaching the airport.

Aircraft with optical camouflage on?

But it looks much smaller than Yugull.

While thinking about it, the outline gradually became clear, it was a short shuttle-shaped aircraft.

When the aircraft reached the sky above the airport, it took the initiative to release the optical camouflage effect.

Under the afternoon sun in the Middle East, the outer wall of the aircraft reflected dazzling silver light. Its style was quite different from that of Umbrella's vehicle, and it did not look like a product made by humans.

? !

Seeing this, Chris got up immediately, put his right hand on the holster at his waist, and looked wary of the aircraft that landed not far in front of him.

With two sounds of "Qi~!", the aircraft opened the hatches on the left and right sides.

When the familiar and distant figure appeared in the field of vision, Chris relaxed a little.

It turned out that the one who stepped out of the aircraft was a Celtic who was quite tall and wearing a "丿乀" engraved mask.

The one who got off the aircraft with Celtic was another Predator who was smaller than Celtic but whose mask was engraved with unknown symbols.

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