Destroying a demon with one punch is an extremely insignificant thing for a dark angel.

The other seven Astartes are also cold-blooded and efficient, and they deal with the remaining demons with absolute crushing momentum.

Not to mention, there is also Sanguinius, who holds a hunting bow and kills demons from a distance.


At this moment, Artemis, who was standing at the exit of the tunnel, repeated "loyalty" in a low voice.

Along the way, it witnessed the bravery of the Primarch and the Astartes, the ruthlessness towards non-human creatures, and the unwavering loyalty to Sui Bian.

Think here.

Artemis looked at the palace again, the group of demons who chose to fall, but are now being chased and killed by the dark and holy angels, the more it felt that it was a god, and it was not worthy of being called a god.

And in the palace.

Leon, who holds a sword in his right hand and swings his left hand rhythmically with his steps, ignores the seductive jewelry and jewels, or all kinds of costumes that can tease the most primitive desire in his heart, and goes straight to being nailed by Cassius. Aphrodite on the floor tiles walked.

"Boom, boom."

Hearing the heavy and oppressive footsteps, Aphrodite turned to look at Leon who was gradually approaching it.

After looking at the Lion King's epee emitting red light, it tried to counterattack, but the Cassius spear piercing through its abdomen made it unable to use its spiritual energy at all, and even its physical strength was weakened.

Just like the original Artemis, who was nailed to the underground garden and forced to fall into a deep sleep.

Immediately, Aphrodite gave up the idea of ​​fighting back, but endured the pain and inconvenience, tried her best to make a charming gesture, and continued to seduce Leon:

"Great male god, as long as you can pull out this obstructive spear, you will gain my eternal love, and I will only be loyal to you. Come on, my..."

But before it finished speaking, Leon, who was approaching, raised his left foot and stepped down without mercy.

Suddenly, the soles of the magnetic boots came into "intimate contact" with Aphrodite's face, and blocked its mouth by the way.

Leon, like his brother John, talks less and prefers to speak with actions, such as now.

"Mmm-! Mmm!"

Aphrodite, whose head was stepped on, could only groan, but could no longer utter obscene words.

If it weren't for the consideration of obtaining more information, Leon would have brandished the Lion King and beheaded the fallen Aphrodite.

Outside the palace, the battle was drawing to a close.

The lower gods and god servants who have fallen into demons are different from the demons "born in the same land" in different spaces, and they will also be afraid.

In the face of Astartes who can smash their heads with a punch and smash their bodies with a kick, even if they succeed in counterattacking before they die by luck, they have energy shields to defend against them. , The demon completely collapsed.

The two sides are no longer on the same level at all, and only Aphrodite can kill Astarte, but the fallen goddess was forced to "offline" from the beginning.

How to fight this?

So timidity prevailed, and the remaining demons chose to flee.

The dark and holy angels continued to chase and kill in groups of two and cleaned up the entire palace at the same time.

And Sanguinius and Artemis also left the exit of the tunnel, passed through the palace complex, and walked into Aphrodite's palace.

Facing jewelry and clothing, Sanguinius also chose to ignore them, but Artemis showed a dazed look.

It knew very well that Aphrodite before her fall liked these things and had a dissolute nature, and that group of demons might have used this to make her sister fall into a trap and become a demon.

While thinking, it and Sanguinius came to the center of the palace, raised their heads and said to Leon: "I have something to ask her, if she doesn't cooperate, I will trouble you two, give her a Have fun."

Then, it squatted halfway beside Aphrodite whose head was stepped on, and asked in a flat tone: "I want to know what happened to Olympus? Where are the father and the rest of the gods? Why are you Fallen like this?"

Seeing this, Leon, who also wanted to obtain information, moved his left foot away.

"Bah! Bah!"

Aphrodite, whose mouth was free again, rubbed her mouth and cheeks with her hands in disgust, and glared at Leon fiercely, then turned her head to look at Artemis, and said contemptuously:

"Give me a good time? Sister, you and that old Zeus, as well as the gods of Olympus, including the former me, are all false gods! Will die! Will cease to exist!

But now, I have received the reward from my lord, even if my body dies, I still exist in this world, so..."

"In that case." Artemis interrupted the other party's words, stood up, and withdrew a few steps back to maintain a safe distance, and said to the two Primarchs:

"Then trouble both of you."

As soon as the words fell, Leon raised the lion king in his right hand and swung it towards Aphrodite's neck at a very fast speed.

At the same time, Sanguinius also raised the bow of his hunting bow and shot a psionic arrow.



In the blink of an eye, Aphrodite's head and body "separated", and the arrow also hit the body, resulting in a dazzling explosion.

The flare explosion not only evaporated Aphrodite's body, but also affected the two Primarchs standing nearby. However, the energy shield generated by the Primarch's power armor helped offset the aftermath.

In the end, in the center of the palace, only the Cassius gun stuck obliquely into the floor remained.

As for Aphrodite whose physical body has disappeared, Sui Bian, who "stands" a thousand meters above the sky, spent 1,500 points to plunder before she could even make a mad laugh.

The two Primarchs, as well as Artemis standing in the distance, felt the complete disappearance of Aphrodite.

In fact, since the awakening of Artemis to the present, in terms of thinking and acting style, it seems to be gradually developing towards "Umbrellaization" unconsciously.

It knew that this was related to the psychic energy released by Sui Bian all the time, and even guessed that it lost its divine power, which was also inseparable from Sui Bian.

It was very resistant at first.

But the "god" had to bow his head under the eaves. Due to the gap between the two sides, Artemis didn't say anything.

But as it witnessed the fallen gods, soldiers and its half-sister, it understood Sui Bian's actions more and more.

Although the divine power has disappeared, Artemis can still use its "home", which is the "Full Moon Lake" above the underground garden, to make "Full Moon Water" with purification and exorcism effects.

However, Aphrodite is obviously hopeless, and her hands are covered with the blood of countless lives. Instead of trying to use the "water of the full moon" to save her, Artemis is more inclined to completely destroy it.

At this time.

A Blood Angel reported on the newsletter: "Suspected Tinkerer target found, along with six imprisoned humanoid entities."

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