Umbrella, The Light of Humanity

Chapter 296 Pillars and Egg Cases

Inside the collapsed area.

On the two sides above the vortex, there are broken subway tunnels that have stopped operating, and a group of technicians are investigating the vortex on the edges of the two sides with the equipment and instruments they brought.

There are also four teams with more than 20 "soldiers" on guard on both sides to ensure the safety of the technicians.

In fact, this group is "employees" belonging to the Umbrella Intelligence Department, but the Intelligence Department has various names for the outside world, such as...

"Foreign Creatures Response Section"

Or the "Biochemical Spill Response Team"

And the guy in the sunglasses, what the Sheriff Sergeant called "Emergency Response."

As for these well-equipped "soldiers", they are the emergency response team of the local intelligence department.

At this time, one of the technicians used an A4-sized, foldable "chip"-shaped tablet computer to control a wired spider-type reconnaissance plane and climb through the broken tunnels and walls.

After the football-sized reconnaissance plane passed through the vortex, the tablet computer also showed a picture of the other end of the vortex.

It was a dark space with almost no natural light, and after passing through the vortex, the reconnaissance plane quickly fell downward as if stepping on the air.

The screen keeps flipping.

Soon, the reconnaissance plane fell to the bottom.

The technician switched the observation mode and turned on the night vision function, and found that this space seemed to be the underground system of a certain city, but it was more spacious and empty.

And during the period when the reconnaissance plane fell, other technicians had already completed a brief analysis of the other end of the vortex through the collected data.

It is concluded that the atmospheric composition, gravity and other data at the other end are similar to the human parent star, and some data are completely consistent with the earth.

"Ah... help..."

"Where is this, Tom? Zach... are you all okay..."

"My legs...! Legs!"

At the same time, the reconnaissance plane also captured the sound of people calling for help, asking and shouting.

The place where it fell was on top of the ruins of the building.

The reconnaissance plane climbed to the nearest sound source, and saw the short boy who said "It would be great if I had an elf wife", the lower half of his body was pressed under the metal plate, and he kept yelling the name of his classmate.

See this situation.

The second lieutenant in charge of commanding the on-site emergency team asked the technician beside him, "Is there any spiritual fluctuation?"

"Not at all." The technician shook his head, and replied: "We have not detected any signs of a different space, and based on the existing data, the nature of this vortex seems to be... some kind of portal, leading to Another planet, or even a portal to another universe."

"Another universe?" The second lieutenant didn't show any surprise when he got this kind of answer.

After all, an abnormal phenomenon like the "portal gate" is not enough to shock and surprise Umbrella's internal staff.

The truth is "routine".

After thinking for a while, the second lieutenant immediately turned on the communication to report to his superiors, applying for more personnel and equipment support, preparing to carry out a detailed investigation on the other side of the vortex and rescue the survivors of the collapse accident.

Complete the debrief.

The second lieutenant ordered again: "The Alpha team will continue to stay behind, and the Charlie, Delta and Rama teams will follow me through the vortex for on-the-spot investigation."


"let's go."

As the second lieutenant said, he walked to the edge of the fractured tunnel, and without any hesitation or hesitation, he stepped forward and fell towards the vortex below.

More than a dozen members of the emergency response team followed.

They first fell freely through the vortex, and then deployed the small jets on the back and waist of the power armor to buffer and adjust the angle, and finally fell smoothly to the edge of the ruins to avoid secondary damage to the survivors.

Immediately afterwards.

The three teams quickly dispersed, armed with guns to guard the surroundings, and used the helmet screen to look around.

The area they are in, or the diameter of the underground passage is equal to the diameter of the vortex, which is also a full thirty meters wide.

The sluggish flow of sewage, less than half a knee high, indicated that the collapsed area was flanked by dark, damp sewers, not dissimilar in structure from those in the colonial metropolis.

After confirming that there is no threat nearby, the Delta and Rama teams continued to advance to the two sides and continued to carry out the reconnaissance mission.

The second lieutenant and Charlie's team used the power boost provided by the power armor to temporarily act as a firefighter, trying to rescue people who had suddenly collapsed.

The second lieutenant approached the short boy.

With the help of the weak light, the boy vaguely saw the second lieutenant approaching him, and he could hardly contain his excitement and wanted to call for help.

However, the second lieutenant, who had already come near the boy, observed the situation and considered how to rescue him, and at the same time turned on the helmet's external release function, imitating the words commonly used by firefighters to all survivors, and comforted him:

"Everyone don't panic, we will launch a rescue operation, and more rescues are on the way, please rest assured, we will definitely get you out of here."


The screen of the helmet gave the stress point of the metal plate, so the second lieutenant, according to the information presented, adsorbed the laser rifle to his back, bent his knees and squatted halfway, clasped the edge of the metal plate with both hands and lifted it up forcefully.

Looking inside, seeing that the boy had no obvious trauma, he completely lifted the metal plate.

"Thank you!" The boy who had regained his freedom quickly thanked him.

The second lieutenant just nodded lightly as a response, and told the boy: "Lie down first and don't move around casually, next..."

"Second Lieutenant, we have discovered some... special circumstances." However, at this moment, the leader of the Lama team, who was a sergeant, interrupted the second lieutenant's words on the communication.

And on the right side of the screen of the second lieutenant's helmet, there is also a real-time image shared by the sergeant.


Seeing the real-time screen content, the second lieutenant immediately left the ruins, ran quickly towards the passage indicated by "North" on the helmet screen, and rushed to the end of the passage that the Rama team was in charge of investigating.

This end is a "T"-shaped intersection corner, where the sewage from other areas converges and flows together to the east side channel with an inclined angle and low terrain.

Three members of the Rama team stayed at the corner of the "T" for vigilance, while the other two members squatted in the east tunnel not far from the corner, about 100 meters away. Among them was the sergeant who shared the real-time picture .

As for the reason why the two sergeants could not continue to investigate forward, it was because the east passageway had already collapsed, and the turbulent sewage was like a muddy waterfall, pouring out continuously.

And outside...

is the surface of the planet.

A land shrouded in thick clouds, filled with lightning and thunder, barren and desolate.

But it can't be said to be completely "desolate", after all, there are countless giant "pillars" arranged neatly here.

And on the "pillar", there are densely packed egg sheath structures that radiate red light, like "worm eggs".

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