Umbrella, The Light of Humanity

Chapter 476 Full Offensive Biological Barrier

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Zacks, who was the first to think of this possibility, no longer had the same calm face as before, but hurriedly opened the communication, and ordered with the intelligence department of the metropolitan area:

"Remind all military units in Telokol that an unknown anomalous creature... no, an unknown and highly dangerous xenomorph is about to launch an attack on the metropolitan area and major towns.

Also, it is best to inform the residents of remote villages and farms to evacuate to the nearest town first, and communicate with the UNSC fleet if necessary, and ask them to send an air formation to assist in the evacuation. "

"Yes, Director."

Hearing the reply from the communication, Zacks said to the people around him: "Everyone, it seems that we underestimated the threat of this kind of alien Zerg, and before the victims appeared, even our intelligence department could not Detect their infiltration behavior."

"Gah... It seems to be a meteorite that has fallen naturally." Captain Iron Blood echoed in a deep voice.

"That's right, there's a good chance that's the case." Zacks didn't deny it.

"So what should we do now?" Tanya asked.

heard the words.

Zacks first waved his left hand, swaying towards the large egg case below, signaling to the following auxiliary army to collect tissue samples immediately, and then said to Tanya and everyone at the scene:

"I'm not a commander, but until our intelligence department analyzes the reproduction speed and intelligence of this type of alien, try to keep our existing towns and metropolitan areas as much as possible."

"A good proposal." Captain Jagged nodded in agreement, and called the aviation company to pick them up and return to Olivieran Town.

"Then what if we can't keep it."

However, when everyone was waiting for the auxiliary army to complete the sample collection, Celestine uttered a question that made the atmosphere of the scene suddenly drop.

"." Zacks was silent for a few seconds. Seeing that the auxiliary army had finished collecting tissue samples, he continued:

"Although our intelligence department has confidence in the defense power of Tyroko, we do not rule out the possibility of falling. Therefore, after the researchers analyze the detailed information of the alien Zerg, if the threat level far exceeds expectations, the intelligence department will report to The nearest Legion Battalion applies for support.

But before that..."

Zacks turned around, and prepared to return the same way with the auxiliary army, and then said: "Please try to ensure the safety of the residents first. As for the current priority, get out of here."


The group didn't linger anymore, using the stamina and speed increase of their respective power armors, they rushed towards the surface at a fast pace, and when they were about to rush out of the insect nest, they joined the 2nd and 3rd investigation platoons.

Not long after leaving the insect nest, the Yugull and the aviation company hovering in the sky appeared in everyone's visual field of vision.

Wait for everyone to reboard.

The Fishing Gull quickly headed towards the low-earth orbit, carrying Zacks and the auxiliary army, as well as the collected egg cases of the unknown Zerg, and headed for the metropolitan area at the fastest speed.

And Tanya, Celestine and the others took the assault boat with the hatches on both sides deployed, accompanied by the 1st reconnaissance company and the aviation company, and headed back to the small town of Olivelan, more than 200 kilometers away.

With her legs stretched out of the cabin, Tanya, who was sitting near the tail of the plane, frowned, looking solemnly at the trees passing by her feet, Celestine sitting next to her, and the inside of the cabin. The same is true of my sisters.

They are far away from their hometown on their home planet, and follow the dispatch of their superiors to come to the Zero Three universe, isn't it for the purpose of destroying the aliens and burning heresies?

But when they were really in the vortex of the haze of war, for some reason, they felt that their previous thinking was too naive.

Wars and wars not only mean that aliens can be eliminated and heresies can be burned, but also that many compatriots will die.

These combat sisters, whether they are interns or not, should be merciless to the enemy and show compassion and kindness to the compatriots.

Therefore, they should not yearn for war or war, but should pray for peace and stability.

It seems that after the special team and the bones of the victims were burned, the thoughts of Tanya, Celestine and other sisters quietly changed slightly.

"Attention everyone!"

At this moment, the pilot's reminder came through the communication: "A large-scale vibration was detected in the rainforest 40 kilometers ahead. It is speculated that it was caused by the attack of unknown Zerg."

Hear reminder.

Tanya immediately adjusted the holographic screen in front of her left eye, switched to the flat view, and found that the 40 kilometers ahead said by the pilot, and the straight-line distance to the east of the town of Olivieran, was only more than 20 kilometers away.

She did not enter, nor had the right to enter the high-level channels of Umbrella and UNSC, but it is not difficult to guess that the 3rd Battalion at this time must have known the situation ahead of the pilots.

Tan Ya guessed that the 3rd Battalion had already made defensive deployments, so the next step should be to apply for a wave of artillery strikes from the frigate parked in low-Earth orbit.

"Gah... inform the whole company and all the trainee sisters that we are about to launch a bombardment of the swarm, please be prepared."

Sure enough, when she just thought of this, Captain Iron Blood gave a reminder on the communication.

Immediately afterwards.

Tanya, Celestine and a group of sisters looked up at the star-studded night sky with the convenience of the assault boat opening the hatch.

Soon, they discovered a burst of dense "blue meteors".

And the "shooting star" is getting bigger and bigger, which means that they are getting closer and closer.

Within a few seconds, "Meteor" entered the locking range of their respective holographic screens.

Without zooming in, the trainee sisters knew that those "blue meteors" were the plasma secondary guns fired by the frigate.

When the blue light illuminated the rainforest, Tanya, Celestine and the others also shifted their gazes from upwards to obliques, and finally leaned out of the engine room a little and looked towards the nose of the assault boat. .

I saw the huge plasma artillery group, the moment it touched the distant surface, the blue light completely lit up the sky.

After the light was fleeting, Tanya and the others vaguely saw a large amount of "ice crystal"-like soil exploding into the sky, reflecting sparse and shining light.

"Boom~!!! Boom!!!"

After a while, everyone heard the violent impact and explosion.

At the same time, the assault boat and all the transport planes also encountered a turbulence, causing the fuselage to shake a little, and the rainforest below was even more violent.

But the aftermath quickly dissipated, making the rainforest back to its original state.

But Tanya, Celestine and the others who didn't close their helmets smelled mud and burnt air.

It seems that the secondary artillery salvo of a frigate is comparable to the fire coverage of the UNSC artillery battalion, and it didn't take long for the assault boat to carry them to the edge of the plasma artillery regiment's killing range.

Because it is at the edge, everything here is not directly vaporized and crystallized, but the high temperature makes the soil dry, the trees dry up, or burns with fire.

Continue to fly forward for a certain distance.

You can see scattered but dirty and filthy crystal blocks, and the land where the artillery regiment touched and exploded was directly overturned. Large-scale chips and crystal blocks can be seen everywhere, reflecting the distant fire.

As for living things?

Seeing such a situation, in theory, no living thing can withstand the high-temperature plasma cannonball of hundreds of millions of degrees.

Even the Astartes who have completed the second transformation operation cannot face the intensive bombardment of plasma cannons or the ship's secondary artillery without the power armor of Thor's Hammer Mark VII and above.

However, under the influence of the Lord of Humanity, human beings who permeate the spirit of "safety" throughout the entire society do not just look at the superficial phenomena.

Therefore, Tanya, Celestine and others turned on the motion detection and pulse scanning of the holographic screen, and the results returned were relatively consistent with the surface they saw.

There was indeed no movement near the center of the explosion.

However, the data displayed on the holographic screen shows that there are still "red dots" under the surface outside the center of the explosion that cannot be counted.

not only that.

Seemingly affected by the bombardment of the secondary artillery, the "red dot" representing the unknown Zerg began to speed up and rushed towards the direction of Olivieran Town.

And the bombing just now was like stabbing a hornet's nest. The holographic screen also showed the area within the explosion range, and a large number of "red dots" appeared again.

This shows that the unknown Zerg have dug out a channel system of unimaginable scale long ago by using their extremely strong and extremely fast digging ability deep in the surface.

"Gah!" Suddenly, Iron Blood Company Commander ordered loudly on the communication: "Everyone is ready to contact the enemy! Fire at will! Fire at will!"


Before the words fell, Tanya and the others heard a piercing and sharp roar from below.

Hearing the reputation, he saw a huge insect with a dark purple carapace on its back and two pairs of blood-red bone blades breaking out of the ground.

The bug opened its hollowed out sides, with a mouth connected only by strips of meat, and stared at one of the Pelicans with its pupilless eyes emitting a pale yellow light.

More and more bugs came out of the soil, just looking at it made a sister who was disgusted by dense things feel deeply uncomfortable.

"Fire! Fire!"

"Made! For those dead children!!"

And the moment they saw the bugs appear, the roar of UNSC scouts sounded on the communication.


"Tong~! Tong~!"

Then came the sound of gunfire and artillery.

Shellless pulse bombs and Gauss spike bombs of various calibers, as well as airborne machine guns, poured wantonly towards the bug swarm on the ground.


In the engine room of the assault boat, two crew members who were only wearing work clothes in the atmosphere were operating the 8mm five-tube rotating Gauss machine guns installed on both sides of the engine room, and continuously fired straight blue light ballistics towards the ground.

Of course, the trainee sisters, who have been influenced by "Human Truth" since they were young, pulled the trigger regardless of their ammunition reserves.

"Haha~! Die! Die!"

Tanya tightly held the jet with extremely high recoil with both hands, spraying out a very long range and extremely high temperature orange-red flame.

The guns fired.

On the other hand, the insects...

They are not as fragile as the scouts and trainee sisters imagined, and the expected scene of their bodies being easily exploded, torn, pierced or burned did not appear.

"Buzz! Buzz!"

On the contrary, the large worms that drilled out of the surface can actually form a biological barrier that emits rotten green light, helping them offset the offensive from humans.

Even the biological barrier will collapse and dissipate, but this is enough to refresh the cognition of Tanya, Celestine, and the sisters.

Because of all the Zerg creatures they learned through textbooks and courses from classic battles, except for the Flood, which can infect the body of the host and use the energy shield of the host's power armor for defense, they have never heard of it at all. Which Zerg can create a biological barrier with only a physical body.

What's even more shocking is that they still can't sense any spiritual energy fluctuations, which is enough to prove that the insects below are not creating a spiritual energy barrier, but a biological barrier.

Fortunately, the main force on the bug side is a smaller guy who looks like a prehistoric velociraptor.

They either have bone knives, or "soldier insects" with tissues similar to biological guns. Only a very small number of them have biological barriers.

"Puff! Puff!"

Therefore, when they were fired by human guns, tens of thousands of soldiers and insects were directly torn up and destroyed, and the flames sprayed by Tanya and several sisters seemed to have a "clear screen" effect on the soldiers and insects.

It is larger than the Tyrannosaurus rex, and has four pairs of sharp bone blades, and the "samurai bug" with an exaggerated crown, each of which has a biological barrier.

And the bugs will not just stand on the ground and be beaten.

"Whoa! Whoa!"

The soldier bugs that grow biological guns point their wriggling, even flowing green liquid "muzzles" at the sky, shooting out extremely fast bone spurs, as well as bioplasma that shimmers with faint green light in the night sky.

The aviation formations began to suffer fierce counterattacks.


Tanya, who was sitting on the side of the cabin, saw a bone spur almost hit her, and the assault boat automatically generated an energy shield to help her bounce off and block the attack.

"Grass! These bugs are much more powerful than that Redfield said!"

This made the hot-tempered Tanya yell at her, and immediately removed the burnt fuel tank, threw it away, and then took out a brand new promethium fuel tank from the built-in box on the right side of the power armor and put it in place.

But just as she finished replacing the fuel tank and was about to continue pouring flames down, she saw new bugs emerge from the soil.

It is bigger than the warrior bug, but also more bloated and plump, with an abdomen protected by a dark purple carapace, and a green light is faintly shining.

One can tell at a glance that it is a long-range heavy firepower unit that can launch a "large-caliber" biological plasma cannon and belongs to an unknown Zerg.

as predicted.

Immediately after these plasma worms burrowed out of the soil, they used their 300mm or 400mm right-arm biological cannon, which is asymmetrical to the left arm and looks like a corrupted version, to aim at the Pelican and the Pelican in mid-air. The assault boat shot out huge green light cannonballs.

"Boom! Boom~! Crack!!"

Even though one of the Pelicans was controlled by the pilot to evade and actively deployed the energy shield with the highest power, after "eating" four artillery regiments in succession, the shield finally shattered unbearably.

And more than one artillery regiment fired at the Pelican...

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