Chapter 10005 One Trick Lore

Everyone was stunned by the scene before them!

The fire puppets on the wall crackled down, and the posture was like the autumn wind sweeping leaves.

The fire puppet in the distance didn't know what was going on, and couldn't help but panic, so before the trend spread to them, he jumped down by himself.

However, within a quarter of an hour, the city wall that was originally covered with fire puppets became empty.

Feng Wenzhong, the battered city lord: "..."

What happened?

How do you feel that there is a hallucination?

Soon someone reported: "City Lord, it is said that Yuan Qifan accidentally used the cleansing curse just now, so that's why."

Feng Wenzhong: "..."

Are you bullying me with little knowledge?

Cleansing spell?

The cleaning curse is usually used to take care of the filth on the body or to clean the room. When can it be used to deal with the fire puppet?

If the cleansing mantra has such power, what advanced mantras would they learn, and they would all practice cleansing mantras!

Although Feng Wenzhong felt that this was too mysterious, the person who reported it was plausible, saying that it was indeed Yuan Qifan's cleansing curse that had shot down all the fire puppets on the wall, which was a lore.

Another report from other people came, and Feng Wenzhong couldn't believe it anymore.

He then thought about it. He had only heard of the supernatural state before, but had never seen it. It seemed that he was ignorant.

Besides, he was eager for Yuan Qifan to have this ability, so that he would not have to worry about the risk of breaking the city.

He took a few staff and hurriedly found Yuan Qifan, at this time Yuan Qifan was adjusting his breath and meditating.

Feng Wenzhong couldn't help but nodded secretly, not arrogant or impetuous, but the character of a major event.

How did he know that Yuan Qifan stood there blankly not long ago, thinking in his mind:

"I'm so amazing!"

"I'm simply the first genius in Humble City!"

"I will change my name to Yuan Bufan in the future!"


Yun Chujiu coughed when he saw that the tool man he had selected was a little swollen, and said:

"General Yuan, your big move just now must have consumed a lot of puppet power. It's better to meditate and adjust your breath before the fire puppets attack next."

Yuan Qifan was a little unhappy, this day blindness is too much!

But thinking that Yun Chujiu's previous good ideas were all brought up by Yun Chujiu, and that his physical strength and puppet power were indeed overdrawn, so he started to meditate cross-legged.

Unexpectedly, Feng Wenzhong misunderstood.

The staff wanted to remind Yuan Qifan, Feng Wenzhong waved his hand, now Yuan Qifan is the key figure, letting him recover his strength and cultivation is more important than anything else.

Compared to Feng Wenzhong's excitement, the faces of the three Huo Ci were very ugly.

It is really that the power of Yuan Qifan's move just now is too great, it is almost unheard of, unseen.

Of course, it's a little rigorous to say this, I haven't seen it before, but I have heard it before, after all, there are many big people in the monks, for example, there are several masters who are not easy to provoke in Winter Academy.

Huo Yi's voice trembled a little: "This Yuan Qifan is actually better than the one with the surname Yuan, why haven't you heard of his name before?"

"It is estimated that this will happen only after reaching a state of superfaith. Usually, you may not have any great ability." Huo Xiang said.

Huo Yi sighed: "The key is that he has reached a supernatural state now, brother, what do we do next?"

Among the three, Huo Ci is the backbone, and Huo Yi and Huo Xiang both listen to him.

Huo Ci furrowed his brows, he always felt that something went against him, really that Yuan Qifan did it?

Even if the superfa state is very powerful, it shouldn't be so exaggerated, right?

(End of this chapter)

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