Chapter 1001, you are too naive

"Ouyang Tutor, you have to give us a clear statement today, you have an unrestricted rescheduling, what do you want to do?"

"Yes! We are not three-year-old children. You don't have to say the reasons for your lameness. Where do you want to take us?"

"That is, you must give us a statement today, otherwise we, otherwise we will act!"


Ouyang Tutor’s face sinks: “What do you mean? We have never lacked students in Tianyuan College. Since you have to give up, please, now I can let the flying spirits land, you can leave, who wants to leave now? ”

Ouyang instructor said that the candidates who had just filled out their indignation suddenly collapsed. Yes, Tianyuan College is the school they have always dreamed of. They have passed the first two rounds of tests. Is it so abandoning the quota that will be available?

So everyone pulled the words back: "Ouyang tutor, what we said just now is a bit too much, but you have to give us a deadline? We can't always land without it?"

Ouyang Tutor sneered aloud: "The deadline? Since you are coming to participate in the test, you must abide by the rules, the specific deadline is not, you are waiting to land!"

After the Ouyang instructor finished, he went away and the door closed with a bang.

Everyone suddenly blew up the pot again: "Rely! What is going on here? The dry food I brought is almost gone. If I don't land, I can't starve to death?"

"Don't we wait indefinitely? This Ouyang tutor is too unreliable. How can this be tested?"

“Perhaps this third round of testing is to examine our patience?”

"What you said is really reasonable, then we will continue to wait?"


There was a sneer in the corner: "Hey! I didn't want to shoot it. After all, the tree is big, but you are too naive! I really can't help it!"

Everyone looked at the past in the voice, and a beautiful girl who was talking, holding a roast chicken leg in her hand, said with a sneer.

"The beginning of the cloud, where are you talking about here? You are a waste, honestly treat yours, and shame." Yin Sulian said disdainfully.

And Yin Sulian’s group of eagle hook noses echoed on the side: “Is it, what do you know about the four old hats of the Qingxuan continent?! Also big trees? You are at best four dog tail grasses, hahaha!”

At the beginning of the cloud, he sighed: "Well, since you think that I am talking nonsense, then you haven’t heard anything. Anyway, I have food and drink, and I can play cards here. It’s so comfortable. ""

After the beginning of the cloud, he continued to greet Feng Ming three people to play cards, and he played a lot of fun, as if nothing had happened.

Some people are somewhat tempted. The group of two hundred and fifty, especially this little girl, looks very clever. Is there any good way?

However, there are only a few dozen people who hold this kind of thinking. Most people still think that Yunxiao is talking loudly. They can't do anything with Tianyuan mainland. What can she do? However, it is a mystery, and the bloggers only have eyeballs.

Time passed for another half a month, and everyone couldn’t sit still. They went to Ouyang’s mentor again. The attitude of Ouyang’s mentor was even worse. It’s still the rhetoric. Those who want to leave can leave the flying spirit immediately, otherwise they will follow the arrangement. .

Some people have little food left in the storage ring, and they are anxious in their hearts. If they continue, they will have to starve to death. They must find a solution.

Eighth. Dear, good morning, what?

(End of this chapter)

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