Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Vol 3 Chapter 10080: Whoever catches it

Chapter 10080 Whoever catches it is whoever gets it

Cheng Jiaoxi couldn't help nodding his head: "I didn't expect you to have such an ability! Alas, it's just a pity!"

Yun Chujiu knew that he was, but it was a pity that she was blind and could not practice, so she smiled indifferently:

"Cheng Jiaoxi, although I can't practice now, maybe I can practice later!"

Cheng Jiaoxiquan, when she was talking in her dreams, she was sky-blind after so many tests, how could there be any change? !

Cheng Jiaoxi was about to say something, Yun Chujiu's face changed slightly: "Oh, we have been delayed by the dragon sucking sand for so long, I'm afraid we will spend the night outside at night."

When Cheng Jiaoxi heard this, his face changed, and he didn't care what to say, he took out the puppet carriage and drove forward as fast as he could.

However, the sky gradually darkened, and everyone could only accept the reality of spending the night outside.

Cheng Jiaoxi tried his best to stay calm and calmed down: "This place is not very far from the Qiqian Pure Land. The fire puppets dare not be too rampant. As long as we are more careful, we may not be able to run into it."

However, only an hour later, this word was beaten in the face.

"Brother Jing, how about it? I said that when I saw the Winter Academy apply for an exam, many people would rush to the Qiqian Pure Land in a swarm. Look, isn't there five of them here?!

Tsk tsk, you just divide everything else, that fat guy is mine! "

Chi Wu was very sure that the fat man the fire puppet was talking about was him. He was angry and frightened. He grabbed Yun Chujiu's sleeve with his hand, for fear that Yun Chujiu would ignore him.

Fake Shu Yao looked at his unpromising appearance and curled her lips.

However, seeing the hundreds of fire puppets in front of her, her heart was also overwhelmed.

The fire puppet who spoke before is a personal fire puppet, surrounded by white flames, and should be a puppet general.

There was also a humanoid puppet standing next to him, who looked like a human being, but what he said was vicious:

"Okay, that fat man is yours! That little lady with delicate skin and tender flesh is mine! The remaining three will be divided among the brothers."

False Shuyao felt that only she could be worthy of the word thin skin and tender meat, and her heart sank, and she hurriedly looked at Yun Chujiu.

The five of them will definitely not be able to defeat these fire puppets, the only way is to let Huo Ci and the others shoot.

But after such a long time, Huo Ci and the others did not show up, and they didn't know if it was deliberate or was delayed by the dragon sucking sand before.

Yun Chujiu didn't panic, looking at the two puppets on the opposite side:

"I don't know what the two adults call?"

The two puppets looked at each other, and the puppet who spoke at the beginning tweeted: "You little girl is quite calm. Want to know our names? You are not worthy!"

Yun Chujiu smiled: "I don't want to say it, but I beg you to leave the road."

The puppet suddenly laughed: "You girl is not a fool, right? Do you think you still have a way to survive when you meet us?"

Yun Chujiu still smiled and said, "By the way, I forgot to tell the truth. The five of us are prisoners of Master Huo Ci."

The puppet was taken aback for a moment: "What did you say?"

"We are the prisoners of Master Huo Ci." Yun Chujiu said word by word.

The puppet sneered: "You are Huo Ci's prisoners? You can't treat me as a three-year-old child?! Huo Ci's site is more than 100,000 miles away from here, how could you be his prisoners?!

Besides, since you are prisoners, why are you here?

Unless you escaped!

Since he escaped, it doesn't matter who owns it, whoever caught it belongs to him! "

(End of this chapter)

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