Chapter 10084 boasting

After a while, Yun Chujiu's painful expression eased a little, and asked, "Has the planting succeeded?"

Huo Ci nodded: "I can sense its existence, so I succeeded."

Yun Chujiu asked curiously: "Do you have a distance limit for induction?"

Huo Ci was preconceived and felt that Yun Chujiu really wanted to be the spy of the Fire Puppets, but he didn't have any suspicion. He said, "No matter the distance, you can feel it."

Yun Chujiu exclaimed, "That's pretty amazing! I heard that your fire puppets have sage flames. Does that puppet have sages?"

"It depends on the cultivation base of the sealer and the main body of the puppet flame. The puppet seal I planted for you should have a little bit of wisdom, but it should not be too high." Huo Ci said.

"Last question, how do we contact?" Yun Chujiu asked.

Huo Ci took out a whistle made of bone and handed it to Yun Chujiu:

"Under normal circumstances, your human race can't use the bone whistle, but you can use it after I planted a puppet seal.

I now teach you how to use bone whistle. "

After Yun Chujiu learned, he said: "I ask you, when we attacked the city last time, did any of your three siblings behave unusually?"

"Why ask?" Yun Chujiu asked with some caution.

When Huo Ci saw her showing wariness, she felt that this was normal. Although she kept saying to take refuge in the fire puppet clan, her brotherhood didn't mean giving up, even if it wasn't a brother or sister.

He smiled: "Don't worry, I have no evil intentions, I just want to know something.

Don’t you want to become famous? This is a great opportunity!

Think about it, who among them behaved differently that day? "

Yun Chujiu's eyes lit up when he heard the words "Famous Liwan", after thinking about it carefully, he said:

"I feel that none of the three of them behaved normally that day. My elder brother was a little cold-tempered, but he kept talking to Yuan Qifan that day.

My second brother was greedy for life and afraid of death, but he was very active that day.

My third sister was selfish, but she was on duty for me for a while that day. "

Huo Ci listening with his ears pricked: That's it?

"Recall that when Yuan Qifan and Feng Wenzhong entered a transcendent state, what was unusual about the three of them?"

Yun Chujiu thought about it for a while and said:

"The three of them are very excited, and they look admiring, like two fools!

I helped Yuan Qifan come up with some good ideas, and he also rewarded me with a puppet stone.

So, the level of cultivation is not important, just use your brain well!

Just accept me as a spy, and I promise to make great contributions in the future..."

Seeing her boasting endlessly, Huo Ci interrupted impatiently: "Okay, I have limited time and I have no time to listen to you.

In short, pay more attention to your three siblings in the future, and report any abnormalities to me at any time. "

Yun Chujiu nodded, then hesitated to say something.

Huo Ci frowned: "Is there anything else?"

"Well, if you want to be a good spy, you naturally need to expand your network. If you want to expand your network, you need... money, can you give me some activity funds?" Yun Chujiu said with some embarrassment.

She had no psychological burden at all when she was born and acquainted with the tricks and money.

How did Huo Ci know that this person in front of him was a habitual offender, and he felt that what she said was reasonable, so he said:

"I have some trophies seized from Yuan Xiu. You can use them!"

(End of this chapter)

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