Chapter 10087 is utterly free

When the fake Shu Yao was about to have an attack, there were a few more pieces of meat in the bowl.

She looked at Yun Chujiu, and she was very contemptuous when she saw that she didn't want to make matters worse.

Even the fire puppets are not afraid of fighting with others? What a shame!

However, before I came here, I said yes, everything must be arranged by Yun Chujiu, so she had to pick up a piece of meat and put it in her mouth, and ate it viciously.

The person who was speaking didn't know what it meant to be closed when you saw it, and continued to speak loudly:

"Man, hurry out of the sky blind, or else the sign of your Zuixianlou building will be smashed in the future, and no one will come to eat with you!"

The guy smiled and said: "Master Feng, here are all sitting, the shopkeeper specially ordered to keep the Lengshuang Xuan on the third floor for you, you come with me!"

The dude obviously intends to settle the matter, but the young master Feng is reluctant and sneered: "What? What Feng Jihong said doesn't work?"

The guy looked terrified. When he was overwhelmed, the shopkeeper heard the report and came over: "Master Feng, his subordinates are not sensible. I will take care of him and give you a vent!"

Feng Jihong pointed at Yun Chujiu with his hand: "Stop talking nonsense, hurry out of the sky blind, or I will smash your drunk fairy building today!"

The shopkeeper is so angry!

Open the door to do business, how can there be any reason to drive customers out? !

Besides, even though the little girl is sky-blind, the three young people around him are all god-level high-grade puppets. No matter what the family background, the future will be unlimited.

He can only offend others unless he is a fool!

He smiled with a smile on his face: "Master Feng, you are selling me a lot of face, and this matter is forgotten, I have your meal today!"

Feng Jihong spit at the shopkeeper: "Bah! How much do you count?! Selling your face? Your face is worth a fart! I'll ask you if you can drive people?"

When the shopkeeper was embarrassed, Yun Chujiu stood up and said lightly: "The shopkeeper, let's eat and check out!"

The shopkeeper hurriedly replied: "A few guest officers, please follow me to the first floor to check out."

He breathed a sigh of relief in his heart and calculated that thanks to the general knowledge of the guests at this table, otherwise he would have to fight today.

After a while, it is a good idea to give them some exemption at the checkout.

He thought very well, but he didn't expect someone to find faults deliberately.

Just when Yun Chujiu and the others got up and wanted to go downstairs, that Feng Jihong shouted:

"Stop! That sky-blind trash, you disturbed Yaxing, who was eating. If you kneel down to apologize to me, then this matter will be forgotten, otherwise today this matter will not end!"

Yun Chujiu sighed, she really didn't want to cause trouble!

After all, I am unfamiliar with the place of life, and I must hurry to the Qiqian Pure Land.

She couldn't hold back someone rushing to look for abuse, and if she didn't do anything, she was sorry for the snow feather bird that she ate just now.

She turned her head to look at Feng Jihong: "I was planning to settle things down. After all, a dog bites a person, and a person cannot be as knowledgeable as a dog.

But some beasts really don't know what it means to be enough. If you don't teach you a lesson, it seems that you don't have a long memory!

Do you want to fight? I can’t play in the city. If you have the patience, let me go outside the North City. I will show you what is called Wan Duo Peach Blossom!

Of course, if you dare not go, I will say nothing. "

Yun Chujiu turned and went downstairs after finishing talking. The fake Shuyao three people protected behind her. The fake Shuyao looked at Feng Jihong and said contemptuously: "If you admit that you are a gangster, then don't go!"

(End of this chapter)

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