Chapter 10092 Feng Family

After Yun Chujiu drove out more than a hundred miles in the carriage, they found a place to stay overnight.

Jiaoxi Cheng asked with a cold face, "Let's talk about it, what's going on?"

Yun Chujiu told the story again, of course, she omitted the part of refining the soul and only said that Feng Jihong didn't know what he had done and killed her companion.

Cheng Jiaoxi was shocked: "You said they have a surname Feng and Ren?"

"The man named Feng called himself Feng Jihong when he was in the restaurant. When the man named Ren died, Feng Jihong yelled. I heard it was Ren Huan. As for the specific words, I don’t know. Do you know them?" Yun Chujiu asked curiously.

Cheng Jiaoxi pointed at the four Yun Chujiu with his finger: "You really don't provoke the disaster on the ground, but you provoke the disaster in the sky!

This is over! Even if I fight my old life, I can't save you! "

Yun Chujiu smiled and said, "Look, what you said is scary. After talking for a long time, what are the two of them?"

Cheng Jiaoxi smiled when she saw that she was still thinking about it, and was even more angry!

"What's the background? Say it and scare you to death!

The Ren family, the Wu family, the Mu family, and the Luo family are called the four great families. The Ren Huan you killed is likely to come from the Ren family. "

As soon as Cheng Jiaoxi's voice fell, Yun Chujiu said, "Cheng Jiaoxi, please pay attention to your words. We did not kill Ren Huan, but Feng Jihong killed him.

Besides, there is nothing scary about the Ren family. I still have tokens from the Wu family and Mu family! "

Cheng Jiaoxi snorted coldly, "Whether your two brands are useful or not, even if they are useful, Wu's and Mu's may not be willing to stand for you.

Besides, even if the Ren family is settled, a behemoth like the Feng family, the four major families together may not be their opponents! "

Yun Chujiu asked curiously: "The Feng Family is so powerful?"

"The Feng Family and the Leng Family are two super families, and they tremble three times when they slam the ground!

According to your description, that Feng Jihong who was so young that he cultivated his extraordinary foundation and was still pregnant with the most treasure is probably a direct bloodline. If the Feng family finds out on you, no one can keep you! "Cheng Jiaoxi said in a heavy tone.

Chi Wu rolled his eyes and said: "Cheng Jiaoxi, that Feng Jihong was not killed by us, but by Huo Ci.

And that Ren Huan was killed by Feng Jihong, shouldn't we find it? "

"Those people of your Feng Family eat for nothing?! So many people in the restaurant heard that you were fighting with them, even if the cause of death seems to have nothing to do with you, the Feng Family will inevitably anger you.

In addition, although Mu Yun often gave the password for your threat to Huo Ci in Leng Long City, it is hard to guarantee that someone will leak the secret in the future.

Once the Feng Family knew about it, they would definitely suspect that the fire puppet who killed Feng Jihong was Huo Ci.

Therefore, finding out about you is only a matter of time.

By then, let alone you, even if they are their direct descendants, the Wu and Mu families will not dare to protect them.

It's just the effort of letting you go out for a meal. You can cause such a big disaster. What a death! "

Cheng Jiaoxi was angry, scared and worried, wishing that time could be turned back in order to prevent this from happening.

Yun Chujiu blinked his eyes: "There is no room for a turn?"

Cheng Jiaoxi thought for a while and looked at the fake Shuyao three: "If you three can be admitted to the Winter Academy, the Feng Family will have some scruples, at least it will be safe in the Winter Academy.

So, in order to save your lives, I have to be admitted this time anyway! "

(End of this chapter)

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