Chapter 1010 Alliance

At this point, some candidates have found a jade card, but there are eight fine iron 傀儡 guards around the jade card. These fine iron shovel are very delicate, although they will not attack with the spirit, but the sword can not be injured. Its scores, wind blade and fireball attack have no effect, more than a dozen candidates are hard to be stopped by eight fine iron.

Everyone found a lot of jade cards. These jade cards are also covered with eight fine iron shovel. Although the jade cards are hanging there, there is no way to break through the blockade of fine iron shovel.

Time flies, these people have not even got a jade card.

With the clever candidates, I remembered the illusion of things. When I was in my heart, they looked around and looked for the shadow of the clouds. After looking for a long time, I finally found four people at the entrance to the cloud. I saw the beginning of the cloud. People are playing cards there!

"The beginning of the cloud, why don't you go to grab the jade card?" asked a thin tall man.

"Oh, we are too weak, we can't take you away, so I gave up, you grab it!" Yunchu smashed a broken can.

The man’s eyes turned: "The beginning of the cloud, how about our alliance? Let's get together in groups. If you can't help us, we can make a vow and never sell you."

At the beginning of the cloud, I thought about it: "Are you in trouble?"

Slim and awkward smiled: "It doesn't matter, the front is covered with fine iron shovel. Although these jade cards are in front of us, we have no way to pass through the blockade of those fine iron shovel. You are resourceful, we are I want to form an alliance with you and help us get those jade cards."

At the beginning of the cloud, he nodded. "It turns out that you can see me, but you have no way. What can I do?"

"The beginning of the cloud, we believe in you, you must have a way!" These people are all dead horses, and their spiritual power is not outstanding. Only the alliance has the hope of winning, and this cloud The illusion can be broken, and it is possible to deal with this fine iron shovel.

At the beginning of the cloud, I thought about it, and then slowly said: "Well, wait for us to finish this, I will follow you."

They are crying when they are tall and tall, grandma, when are you? Are you still thinking about playing cards? The heart is really big!

"The beginning of the cloud, Yungu grandmother, Yunzuzong, when this card can play, this time is coming soon, let's go first! If we can pass the test, we will play with you in the shift, you should not do it now. played!"

At the beginning of the cloud, I stood up and clap my hands: "Well, I will go and see with you! Oh, it’s really a big wind. I wanted to be low-key. Now it seems that people are too good, even if they want Tibetan mastiff. what!"

Everyone twitched in the corner of their eyes. The Fengming three were better. They were already numb. Then, where have you seen people with such a thick face? They suddenly felt that perhaps they thought more, this cloud can break the illusion before the beginning of the cloud is really a cat encountering a dead mouse!

The beginning of the cloud was crowded forward by the crowd, and some of the lesser-minded candidates saw it. The heart said that we wouldn’t fight those spirits anyway, but it’s better to die as a dead horse doctor, and follow the cloud. Can fight for a living path.

So, when the cloud first rushed to the place where the jade card was vying for, she had gathered nearly 200 people behind her and volunteered to form an alliance with Yunchu.

The first few people who came to the cloud did not refuse, and as long as they had made a vow to betray each other, they were all included in her.

(End of this chapter)

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