Chapter 10113 Each runs its own

Don't watch Yun Chujiu force Tang Chenxi with a dagger, but he didn't dare to really do anything to her.

Killing her or seriously wounding her will definitely bring a series of troubles, if it prevents the four of them from being admitted to the Winter Academy, then the gain is not worth the loss.

After Yun Chujiu released Tang Chenxi, he continued to ponder ways to delay time.

The twist curse may have an effect at first, but when the hurricane roe deer adapts, the effect will not be great, and other methods have to be found.

At this moment, the puppet carriage stopped suddenly!

Due to inertia, the people in the carriage suddenly swayed and screamed.

Mu Huailin jumped out of the carriage while asking aloud what was wrong, and then said with a horrified expression: "Why, why is there another one here?"

Yun Chujiu snorted in his heart, and hurriedly jumped out of the puppet carriage, and saw a violent wind a few hundred feet away, staring at the crowd.

At this time, Cheng Jiaoxi was aided by Chi Wu and Fei Yi and got out of the carriage.

He suddenly showed a look of despair, and fought back and forth. There was really no way to survive this time!

Not only him, but everyone else has a look of despair. If there is a violent roe deer, there may be a glimmer of life. At this time, there are violent roe deer before and after, and they are dead!

Fake Shu Yao looked at Yun Chujiu eagerly, subtext: Don’t be silly! Find a way quickly!

Yun Chujiu was indeed thinking of a solution, but the soul-refining fire marrow fell into a dormant state. Here again, she was a sky-blind who could not cultivate, and she was helpless for a while.

At this time, Teacher Qiao gritted his teeth and said: "The front and back roads are not working, I can only escape to both sides!"

With that said, he is about to come back to teach.

Cheng Jiaoxi shook his head: "It's a burden to carry me on your back. If you are thinking about our friendship, take these four children with you. If they can survive, I am grateful!"

Yun Chujiu rolled his eyes and then winked at Chi Wu. Chi Wu slapped Cheng Jiaoxi on the back of his neck, and Cheng Jiaoxi fainted.

"Second brother, take Jiao Xi on your back and come with me!"

Yun Chujiu didn't care about Mentor Qiao and everyone, leading Chi Wu and the others to drill into the forest on the left.

At this time, you can only run your own way, and no one can care about anyone.

Instructor Qiao hesitated, and led everyone from Winter Academy into the woods on the right.

His choice is understandable. There may be a chance to run separately, which is better than waiting to die together.

Chi Wu ran and muttered: "God bless you, both roe deer heads are going there. There are few people on our side and they are not enough to stuff their teeth!"

Although his words were a bit wicked, they had to say that fake Shu Yao also thought so.

The dead Daoist is not dead, so he can only be a little selfish at this time.

It's a pity that things backfired, and they desperately discovered that the two roe deers had come here.

Chi Wu cursed with anger: "These two blind people! Can't they count? Obviously there are twice as many people over there, and they all came after us!

Besides, they obviously killed their kinsmen, so why chase us down? "

Fake Shu Yao said in an angry tone: "What's the use of saying this?! You should save some effort!"

Yun Chujiu didn't expect that they were so badly lucky that they would attract both of them.

She said to the three of Chi Wu: "You run first, I will try to delay it for a while."

She originally thought that the fake Shuyao three would persuade them somehow. Who knew that the three of them could run faster than the rabbits, so they left without saying "Be careful"!

Yun Chujiu: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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