Chapter 10125 disappeared

Yun Chujiu's four suddenly realized it, and the fake Shu Yao three tried it again.

It's a pity that they are all the early Yuan disciples with the lowest cultivation level, and there is no way to see the cultivation level of others.

Seeing that Teacher Qiao hadn't returned, Cheng Jiaoxi began to teach Yun Chujiu's practice method.

Although Yun Chujiu had learned it from the fake Shuyao three before, it was a report after all, and it was far from the thoroughness of Cheng Jiaoxi.

Yun Chujiu listened very carefully, and even the fake Shuyao three people were listening attentively.

Cheng Jiaoxi was satisfied to see that they were so studious.

"Although it is recognized that the three most critical elements for casting a spell are spells, puppets, and cultivation bases, I think there is another factor that will also affect the quality of spells, and that is the stability of puppet power output.

The puppet power is stored in the pubic field. When casting a spell, it needs to be transferred to the right hand and then poured into the puppet. If the transmitted puppet power is unstable, the spell will be successful, but the effect will be greatly reduced..."

Yun Chujiu's heart moved. When she tried before, she directly poured the puppet power of the puppet print into the palm of her left hand, instead of pouring her dantian.

Does it have to be poured into the pubic field first, and then released from the pubic field to the left or right hand?

While thinking, she used the secret technique Huo Ci taught her to let the puppet print release a trace of puppet power, and then guided the puppet force into the pubic area, and then there was no more.

After that silk puppet power entered the pubic area, it was directly divided by the three for nothing, and almost fought because of the uneven distribution of the spoils.

Yun Chujiu almost died of anger!

After some warnings, the puppet prints released another trace of puppet power. The three of them did not dare to make small moves this time, and let the puppet power enter the Dantian.

When Yun Chujiu was about to try to cast a spell, Teacher Qiao came back and she had to give up.

Instructor Qiao was in a mixed mood. He asked Ning Zhong and others to try it, but no one succeeded.

He had to admit that the talents of Ning Zhong and others were not as talented as the four students who were taught by Cheng.

Although Ning Zhong and others are not top students in Winter Academy, they are definitely top students.

It is conceivable that in the future Gu Lianyi will definitely be more eye-catching.

Of course, the premise of all this is that they can be admitted to the Winter Academy this time.

Although their talents are good, the training time is too short after all, it is really hard to say whether they can pass the exam.

Yun Chujiu was thinking about casting a spell, and after a few greetings, he returned to his cabin.

She explored her spiritual consciousness into her dantian, planning to guide the puppet force to cast a spell, but found that the puppet force disappeared without a trace.

Her first reaction was that she was fed by the three for nothing, and she was suddenly furious!

"Do you want to rebel? Tell you not to eat, don't you understand human words?!"

Yarn ball grievedly said: "Master, you really wronged us this time, it really wasn't us who did it! If you don't believe me, I can swear!"

Dog's tail grass also shook the leaves aggrievedly, indicating that he did not steal it.

Yun Chujiu frowned. It wasn't the three who ate for nothing, who did it?

"Even if you didn't do it, the three of you have been in the Dantian and said, where did the puppet power go?"

Yarn ball weakly said: "You may not believe it, the puppet force disappeared by itself!

I'm telling the truth, if there is half a lie, let my cutie always ignore me! "

When Yun Chujiu saw that it had said so, he was sure that it was telling the truth, and the puff disappeared? How can this be? !

After thinking about it, Yun Chujiu let the puppet Yin release a trace of puppet power, and guided that puppet power into the pubic area, and then kept staring at it. He wanted to see what was going on?

(End of this chapter)

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