Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Vol 3 Chapter 10127: Grey-Feathered Warbler

Chapter 10127 Gray Feather Warbler

Mu Huailin didn't even look at the portholes, and said, "Those are all gray-feather warblers. They like to chase flying boats. They don't chase after a while, so ignore them."

Yun Chujiu was a little surprised, there is such a demon bird who has nothing to do?

But since Mu Huailin said it was okay, don't worry about it.

The four of them were about to go back to the cabin, but Mu Huailin suddenly said, "Teacher Qiao said that you can leapfrog a level to cast spells by absorbing the puppet stone. Is it true?"

The fake Shuyao couldn't understand his aloofness and raised her eyebrows: "Of course it's true. After all, it's not difficult. Could it be that you can't do it?"

Mu Huailin's face suddenly looked ugly, and he let out a cold snort.

When he got out of the cabin, the fake Shuyao curled his lips: "What kind of pretense, it's just a few years early to study, in fact, nothing!"

The four returned to the cabin, the fake Shuyao and the three began to meditate, and Yun Chujiu was bored and sat beside the porthole, watching the gray feather warbler pass the time.

She looked at the gray-feather warblers, but what she thought in her mind was how to make this stuff delicious?

After thinking about the various techniques of frying, roasting and frying, he swallowed unconsciously.

This guy is still entertaining herself. She read the book Wangmei Quenching her thirst before, but now she is... Wangniao stop greedy.

Looking at it, she suddenly widened her eyes and pressed her face to the porthole.

I stood up suddenly and got out of the cabin.

Although the fake Shuyao and the three saw it, they thought she had gone to teach Cheng and didn't care too much.

Yun Chujiu left the cabin, went to the public cabin, and went straight to the porthole.

She pressed her face to the porthole and looked out.

The frown became tighter and tighter, and got up outside the cabin where Teacher Qiao and Jiao Cheng were taught.

After knocking on the door and entering, Cheng Jiaoxi asked, "What's the matter?"

Yun Chujiu pointed to the porthole and said, "There is a problem with those gray-feathered warblers outside!"

Cheng Jiaoxi glared at her: "Since you know that they are gray-feathered warblers, you should also know that their habit is to chase flying boats and fly, what's the problem?"

Instructor Qiao also echoed: "Yes, we often encounter Gray-Feathered Warbler when riding a flying boat. This kind of monster bird is relatively docile and will not easily attack us."

"I also hope that I think too much, but when they used to chase the flying boat, would they bring their family with them?" Yun Chujiu asked.

Instructor Qiao was taken aback: "Bring your family with your mouth? What do you mean?"

Yun Chujiu pointed to the porthole and motioned to Instructor Qiao to see for himself.

Instructor Qiao walked to the porthole in two steps and looked out. At first, he didn't see anything unusual, but soon he saw several gray-feathered warblers with baby birds on their beaks.

Cheng Jiaoxi was also helped by Yun Chujiu at this time, and said in surprise: "Old Qiao, have you encountered this situation before?"

Instructor Qiao shook his head: "Although the gray-feathered warblers can chase flying boats, they have never seen them carry young birds. After all, the young birds have not yet matured, and the cold wind in the sky is very harmful to them."

Speaking of this, he turned and walked out of the door: "I'll go to the cockpit to have a look, the view there is better."

Yun Chujiu hurriedly said, "I'll go with you!"

Cheng Jiaoxi was worried, and said that he would follow along. Instructor Qiao had to go to the cab with Yun Chujiu, holding Cheng Jiaoxi from left to right.

Today, Feng Mingjie and Yuan Huanzhou are in charge of driving the flying boat. Although they were a little surprised when the three of them saw Mentor Qiao coming in, they didn't think much about it. They thought they were taking the tour and Yun Chujiu to visit.

Feng Mingjie also smiled and said, "Tutor Qiao, there are more gray-feathered warblers this time than any other time. This is the first time I have seen so many gray-feathered warblers."

(End of this chapter)

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