Chapter 10131 jump

Mentor Qiao couldn't believe his ears, Lin Zhou of the academy?

The Winter Academy has two top flying boats, one is named Lin Zhou and the other is Winter Boat.

These two flying boats are not only large in size but also very sturdy.

If it was Rinzhou, they would be saved!

It's just that the academy generally doesn't use Lin Zhou easily, so why would it appear here?

Although he didn't believe it, he looked towards the porthole.

At this time, Tang Chenxi and others were already cheering!

"It's Rinzhou! We don't have to die! We are saved!"

Instructor Qiao also saw clearly at this time. It was indeed the Lin Zhou of Winter Academy. Although the porthole was too small, only part of it could be seen, but the logo of Winter Academy was very clear.

Instructor Qiao quickly calmed down. Although reinforcements came, their flying boat was still being held by Heng Tian Diao, and it was not time to celebrate.

At that moment, the messenger in his storage ring rang.

After Teacher Qiao read the message in the messenger with his divine sense, he solemnly said to everyone:

"The person in charge of Lin Zhou is Deputy Dean Lou. He said that in order to prevent Heng Tian Diao from violently damaging our flying boat, we must be prepared to jump directly.

But don’t be afraid, there are also two large flying boats that will catch us with thousands of silk screens.

Of course, you only need to do this when you have to. Maybe you hate Tian Diao and will retreat. "

As soon as his voice fell, there was a clicking sound. The people were shocked to find that the flying boat had cracked, and it was obvious that Hate Tiandiao didn't want to ask for peace.

Instructor Qiao made a decisive decision: "Quickly, all go to the hatch. If the situation worsens, jump off immediately!"

Everyone did not dare to delay, and immediately climbed to the vicinity of the hatch.

Instructor Qiao opened the hatch, and he saw two flying boats pulling a thousand-wire mesh below.

Thousands of silk screens have a large area, so you can definitely catch them if you don't accidentally jump down.

He gritted his teeth: "Line up and jump! Jump now!"

Although the Thousand-Wire Mesh is very large, because of the long distance, it is best to only jump one person at a time. Otherwise, the two people may collide with each other and cause unnecessary death and injury.

Everyone hesitated. Thousands of silk nets were several tens of feet high from them. If they couldn't catch it by jumping down, they would definitely fall into the fire toad swamp, and they would definitely die.

At this moment, Yun Chujiu said, "Or I will jump first?"

Instructor Qiao stopped her: "You don't wear the armor of Winter Academy, the people below may misunderstand, let Ning Zhong and the others jump first, and then you can jump more."

Yun Chujiu is not stupid, of course he knows that Teacher Qiao is an excuse.

The left and right jumped off this flying boat. What is wrong? !

Besides, even if you are afraid of misunderstanding, you can send it to you!

After all, I want people from Winter Academy to jump first. After all, there are many dreams in the night, and there may be other changes.

However, she didn't say anything, it's just a different position, if she would take care of her own people first.

At this time, Ning Zhong said: "I'll jump first!"

Instructor Qiao nodded: "Okay, you come first!"

Ning Zhong took a deep breath, first cast a protective spell on himself, and then jumped down.

Everyone's hearts mentioned their throats, but fortunately, Ning Zhong fell to the center of Qiansiwang, unscathed.

Someone in the flying boat below used a rope to pull Ning Zhong into the cabin, completely safe.

Seeing that Ning Zhong jumped so smoothly, everyone didn't hesitate this time, they started scrambling to jump down.

(End of this chapter)

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