Chapter 10133

As soon as Chi Wu heard it, he wanted to squeeze into the skylight to have a look, but unfortunately this was the flying boat of the Winter Academy. It would be nice to let him stay here as an outsider. It was impossible for him to get close to the skylight.

He had to choose a porthole and put his face on it and looked out.

It's a coincidence that Heng Tian Diao just flew over from a distance. Although it was far away, the white clothes worn by the fake Shu Yao contrasted with Heng Tian Diao's black feathers at a glance.

Chi Wu was surprised and delighted. Although he didn't know how the two of them ran on the back of Hentian Diao, it was better than falling into the fire toad swamp.

Although not out of danger, at least there is hope of survival.

He hurriedly ran up to Cheng Jiaoxi, when Cheng Jiaoxi had already woke up.

"Cheng Jiaoxi, my little sister and them are not dead! They are all on the backs of hating Tiandiao! You must find a way to save them!" Chi Wu pleaded.

Cheng Jiaoxi was also relieved, as long as he is still alive, there is hope.

He looked at Teacher Qiao: "Old Qiao, I won't say anything extra, as long as you find a way to save them, I..."

Teacher Qiao interrupted: "We don't need to talk about this, even if you don't say anything, I will try my best to save people. I will send a message to Deputy Dean Lou. He must have a way to save the two."

After Teacher Qiao sent the message, he wondered, how did Gu Slow and the others get to Heng Tian Diao's back?

Not only is he curious, but everyone else is also curious.

However, the deputy director of the building above Lin Zhou saw the whole process.

Previously, the Hate Eagle dived down and wanted to attack two large flying boats. Its dive speed was much faster than Yun Chujiu's falling speed, so it was below them.

Although the height of Heng Tian Diao was lower than that of Yun Chujiu, it was not directly below them.

Suddenly, Yun Chujiu dropped a piece of meat from the storage ring and shouted loudly: "Hate the sky carving, catch it! This is the meat of the flame three-winged lion!"

The reason why Yun Chujiu lied that it was the meat of a three-winged lion with flames was because at dinner yesterday, she heard Mu Huailin boasting that their Mu family hunted a three-winged lion with flames last month. What a great value.

She felt that since the flame three-winged lion was so precious, she would definitely be greedy for its flesh.

She really made a bet!

The Hate Tiandiao heard that it was the flesh of a flaming three-winged lion, so he couldn't even bother to chase the two large flying boats, and galloped directly toward the direction where the monster flesh had fallen.

It also received meat, and Yun Chujiu and fake Shuyao also fell on it.

Yun Chujiu deliberately deviated a bit when he threw the meat, so it happened to fall on Hentian Diao's back.

Hate Tiandiao ate the meat into his mouth, and he became angry immediately!

This wasn't the meat of a flaming three-winged lion at all, but the meat of a very low-level monster beast that it usually didn't even look at.

It's no wonder that it doesn't look good. What Yun Chujiu threw was a piece of ground-bursting fire hog meat that he had taken from the kitchen of the City Lord's Mansion before leaving. The grade was very low.

Heng Tian Diao can't tear the person who lied to it to pieces, so he turned over in the air, trying to throw Yun Chujiu and fake Shu Yao off.

However, Yun Chujiu and fake Shuyao were clutching, and couldn't shake it off.

This is still Yun Chujiu's loss trick: "It's not safe to pull a feather, maybe it will shed its hair! So we have to pull its skin!"

The fake Shuyao scolded Yun Chujiu for being too detrimental while stubbornly holding on to hate Tiandiao's skin and not letting go.

Heng Tian Diao turned a few somersaults in the air, but couldn't shake the two of them off. He became more and more anxious, and turned around and flew to the west.

(End of this chapter)

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