Chapter 10135 The Curse of Hate

The speed of Heng Tiandiao was very fast, and in a blink of an eye, it was only ten feet away from Yun Chujiu and fake Shu Yao.

Hate Tiandiao's beak was wide open, and he wanted to swallow Yun Chujiu and fake Shuyao at once.

Although Vice-President Lou wanted to help him out, his puppet held the rope and couldn't cast the spell again.

Several other instructors have actually been using spells to attack Hengtian Diao, but the Hengtian statue is crazy, regardless of this.

Just when everyone thought that Yun Chujiu and fake Shuyao could not escape to death, a huge arrow cluster appeared out of thin air, which happened to be stuffed into the wide open beak of Heng Tian Diao.

I hate the sky and silly!

Desperately trying to spit out the stone in his beak, he didn't get it right for a while. Not only did he not spit out, but the sharp edges and corners of the stone tore the skin in the beak.

With this gap, Yun Chujiu and fake Shuyao were finally dragged onto Linzhou.

Deputy Dean Lou signaled the two of them to climb in along the skylight, and fake Shu Yao climbed in first.

When Yun Chujiu was about to climb in, the Hengtian Eagle had already spit out the arrow clusters, and it made a special chirping sound, and a cluster of feathers on top of its head turned into a white light and disappeared instantly. Yun Chujiu's eyebrows.

All this happened so suddenly that everyone, including Deputy Dean Lou, didn't react.

When the reaction came, the Heng Tian Diao had already flown away.

Yun Chujiu's face was dumbfounded. She pressed her hand between her eyebrows, and didn't notice anything abnormal. What kind of ghost is that?

Deputy Dean Lou glanced at her: "Go in!"

Yun Chujiu thinks that Deputy Dean Lou's look is quite complicated, but the most central idea is nothing more than you, how unlucky!

There was an ominous premonition in Yun Chujiu's heart, but he still obeyed the arrangement of the deputy director of the building and got into the cabin through the skylight.

As soon as he entered the cabin, the fake Shu Yao greeted him with a smile of joy: "Great, we are all fine!"

She came in first, so she didn't see the scene just now.

Yun Chujiu reluctantly twitched the corner of his mouth as a response.

The fake Shuyao had been with her for a long time, and suddenly realized that something was wrong: "What happened?"

Yun Chujiu shook his head and motioned to her for a while.

Deputy Dean Lou had a lot of things to deal with, so he didn't say anything to Yun Chujiu, but asked her to find a place to stay with Shu Yao temporarily, and gave some cakes back.

Half an hour later, after flying through the Fire Toad Swamp, three flying boats landed on the ground.

Everyone got off the flying boat, and Chi Wu burst into tears with tears: "Sister, it's great that you are fine!"

Fei Yi also came to ask questions about the shortcomings, full of joy after the disaster.

The fake Shu Yao was sour in her heart, really two idiots! I am also your sister to the outside world, anyhow you care about me too!

Humph, it's not unusual for your concern, the main reason is that you are afraid of showing flaws.

Cheng Jiaoxi originally wanted to come, but the deputy dean Lou came, and he had to go to see the deputy dean Lou first.

Deputy Dean Lou looked at Jiaoxi Cheng a little bit sigh, and finally just said: "The students you taught are all good, but the little girl named Gu Wanwan is under the curse of hating the sky."

Cheng Jiaoxi froze for a moment, and then his body shook. If it weren't for Teacher Qiao's support, he might have passed out again.

Instructor Qiao couldn't help sighing in his heart, and there were accidents one after another. Brother Ji Ming's injury would not get better for a while.

Look, at this moment, Yun Chujiu's four people were concerned about Cheng Jiaoxi's injury, and they all came over.

(End of this chapter)

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