Chapter 10137

Deputy Dean Lou said: "Wan Jianfeng, there is the rebirth of the Hateful Eagle..."

It was the first time that Yun Chujiu four heard this, and all of them looked surprised.

It's really ruthless to hate Tiandiao, no, ruthless bird!

It's no wonder that he is so stubborn and so cruel to himself, naturally he is fearless.

After the introduction, Deputy Dean Lou said: "Wan Jianfeng usually has a few Hate Sky Eagles patrolling, if you are near there..."

Although Deputy Dean Lou didn't say it clearly, everyone present knew that if Yun Chujiu appeared there, it would be no different from sending him to death.

Yun Chujiu said hurriedly: "Don't worry, I will definitely walk around Wan Jianfeng in the future, and I will definitely not touch it."

Deputy Dean Lou nodded, and then asked: "You just stuffed Hengtiandiao's mouth with arrow clusters, right? Why are you still carrying arrow clusters with you?"

Yun Chujiu happily talked about what had happened before.

Of course, she concealed the incident that later encountered two violent roes.

Instructor Qiao smiled and said: "At that time, the little girl said that this arrow cluster could bring her good luck, but she didn't expect it to save her life at the critical moment."

Hearing what he said, Yun Chujiu said with a pity: "It's a pity that the arrow cluster fell into the Fire Toad Swamp. I will get a few more pieces when I have the opportunity to store it. Maybe it will be useful in the future."

Everyone was amused by her, and the stagnant atmosphere before had eased a bit.

Associate Dean Lou and Mentor Qiao still had a lot of things, so after a few more words, he went to talk next to him.

When Cheng Jiaoxi looked at Yun Chujiu, his thousands of words became a sigh.

Yun Chujiu smiled and said in a low voice: "Jiaoxi Cheng, I think you and Deputy Dean Lou are also old acquaintances. It's better to walk through the back door and let me enroll without the exam!

If it doesn't work, we have also made a great contribution this time. You have to ask him something so hard! "

The sympathy, pity, and sorrow in Cheng Jiaoxi's heart all fed the dog, making her stay cool, not seeing or worrying.

Yun Chujiu was really obedient, and turned around to wander around Linzhou.

Only then did Cheng Jiaoxi ask the fake Shuyao what happened just now, and the fake Shuyao said it five to ten.

Chi Wu said: "It is estimated that the little girl used low-level monster meat as the meat of the flame three-winged lion to deceive Hentian Diao, and later blocked its mouth with an arrow tufted stone, so it became angry and hated the little girl. Curse of Heaven."

Speaking of the curse of hating the sky, Cheng Jiaoxi again looked sad.

The Feng family's affairs have not been resolved yet, and now there are more hateful curses, is there a way to survive?

On the other side, Vice Dean Lou and Mentor Qiao are talking.

When encountering the violent roe deer before, the tutor Qiao asked for help from the academy. Although the thirst could not be quenched far away, the deputy dean Lou rushed over.

Thanks to him rushing over, or it would be unimaginable.

Instructor Qiao elaborated on what had happened before, and then said: "I thought the Biaofeng roe was extinct, but I didn't expect to see four heads at once.

Fortunately, those two didn't know why they didn't chase us, otherwise it would be more ugly. "

Deputy Dean Lou nodded: "I will talk about the matter with the Pure Land Alliance later, and let them pay more attention to see if there is anything unusual in Nanyuan Forest."

Having said that, he changed his mind: "What do you think of the four Gu Fei?"

Instructor Qiao said immediately: "Although they have been practicing for a short time, they have very good qualifications. The most important thing is to be bold and calm in actual combat. This is better than Ning Zhong.

That Gu slowly, although the qualifications and cultivation are average, but he is extremely intelligent, if it weren't for her this time, we wouldn't be able to insist on coming over. "Instructor Joe said.

(End of this chapter)

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