Chapter 10141 is scheduled

The guys in Dongxue Tower hurriedly rushed in, even the guards who kept order ran in to help, and finally caught all the snow ducks.

After such a small riot, the first floor is simply terrible.

Many guests’ tables were knocked over, food and dishes were scattered all over the floor, and some guests even got dirty with snow ducks.

The shopkeeper of Dongxuelou kept apologizing:

"The guest officials are really sorry. Originally, these snow ducks were drowsed with special medicinal wine, so that they can be fresh and not run around.

We used to operate in this way, who knew that there was an accident today.

I don't know if it was the medicinal liquor or what happened, these snow ducks suddenly became sober and what happened just now.

In any case, this matter is the responsibility of our Dongxue Tower. In order to express our apologies, all of you here are exempted from the meal and a box of cakes from our Dongxue Tower will be given away. "

When the guests saw that the shopkeeper was very sincere, no one said anything.

The guys quickly cleaned up the mess and served a fresh drink.

Yun Chujiu's table was far away and they were not affected, so they sat down and continued to eat.

Yun Chujiu said as he ate, "Cheng Jiaoxi, the shopkeeper said that today is free, so you have to invite us again if you have time."

Jiaoxi Cheng was angry and funny: "If you can be admitted to the Winter Academy, don't say one meal, ten meals will do!"

Yun Chujiu Yile: "Then you quickly prepare the money, I will definitely be able to pass!"

Cheng Jiaoxi coldly snorted: "Bag, don't slap your face then."

At this time, the duck came up, and no one cared about talking.

Whether it is steamed or stewed, the taste is very good.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the snow duck was completely eaten.

Yun Chujiu rattled his mouth: "This snow duck tastes really good. Shall we take a few more to pack?"

Cheng Jiaoxi glared at her, but he still greeted a man who came over: "Help me pack two more steamed snow ducks!"

The guy apologized: "Guest officer, I'm really sorry, because something went wrong before, and now I'm rushing to make meals to compensate the guests. I don't have time to deal with the snow ducks for the time being. Why don't I make a reservation for you? ,OK?"

Yun Chujiu said in heart, it's no wonder that the business in Dongxuelou is good, and it makes people very comfortable from the shopkeeper to the staff.

Jiaoxi Cheng nodded: "Okay, then make an order for two. I'll let someone come and pick them tomorrow."

Because there is no need to check out, after ordering Snow Duck, the five people left the Dongxue Building.

The four of Yun Chujiu and the others wanted to take a stroll. Cheng Jiaoxi said with a cold face: "It's getting dark soon. If you go back, you have to clean up the house and go shopping. Go back!"

The four had no choice but to follow Cheng Jiaoxi back to the courtyard.

After cleaning, everyone finally had time to sit around, eat cakes, drink tea and chat.

Chi Wu picked up a piece of pastry and took a bite: "This pastry is quite delicious, not much like Snow Duck!"

It's rare for the fake Shuyao to contradict him, agreeing: "The snow duck is really delicious, especially the meat on the wings, which is tight and springy, and I still want to eat it."

Chi Wu said, "Of course! I didn't see those snow ducks slamming their wings when they ran out today. Can the meat be tight?!"

Speaking of this, he said happily: "If only this happens every day, we can always eat for free!"

(End of this chapter)

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