Chapter 10147 Registration

For the next two days, Yun Chujiu replaced the puppets once a day, lest Cheng Jiaoxi found out.

In the process, she discovered that not only did the three beauties of eating for nothing, but the puppet prints seemed to be a little more lively than before, and it should have grown in cultivation.

Yun Chujiu felt that there were so many benefits in this matter, but the only downside was that it was too expensive!

Those puppets whose colors have become dimmed cannot be used as flowers, they can only be used for cultivation.

She now only needs half a quarter of an hour to absorb all the puppet power in a puppet stone, and that day's serious cultivation requires dozens of puppet stones.

The most important thing is that as the puppet seal repair base grows, the consumption will increase.

After finishing the work of Winter Academy, her top priority is to quickly find a way to make money, or she can't afford it.

Thinking of Winter Academy, the problem has returned to the original point. What if there is no way to cast a spell?

She hasn't figured out a solution yet, and it's time to sign up.

Cheng Jiaoxi told Yun Chujiu the first night: "Tomorrow you must not make any trouble with me, this is a major event that affects your life and death!"

Yun Chujiu made a vow, and Cheng Jiaoxi let her go to sleep.

As a result, just after Yin, Cheng Jiaoxi woke up the Yun Chujiu four and took them to the main entrance of Winter College.

Yun Chujiu originally thought that Cheng Jiaoxi had made some fuss. Is it necessary to come so early? !

As soon as she turned to the street, she found that there were already many people on the road.

Don't ask, they must all sign up.

When the place was reached, the end of the registration team had been drained for several miles. This still opened ten registration points. If only one was opened, it is estimated that it would be queued outside Wintery City.

Yun Chujiu's four had to stand at the end of the line, and a long line of people lined up after a short while without seeing the side.

The four of them truly realized the position of Winter Academy in everyone's minds, no wonder Mu Huailin dragged those people endlessly.

Although there was a long queue, the four of them didn't feel boring at all, because there were many small vendors on the spot, constantly hawking.

In addition to the so-called tutoring books and small items of good luck, there are also a variety of food, clothing, and even various restaurant staff soliciting guests to set up a banquet after successful registration.

If Cheng Jiaoxi hadn't been staring at her, Yun Chujiu would definitely have to buy a bunch of food.

While staring at Yun Chujiu, Cheng Jiaoxi watched the surroundings vigilantly. What he was most worried about was that someone brought the demon bird to the scene, and that might disturb the registration.

Fortunately, he watched for a while and he didn't see anyone bringing the demon bird over, so he was relieved.

Also, it is not allowed to ride monsters or monsters in Winter City. This is the place to sign up, and no one should bring monsters with them.

At the beginning of Mao's time, staff members started to register. The process is very simple. Test first. If you pass the test, you can get a jade medal for the assessment.

Of course, the identity information has been entered in the jade card to avoid impersonation.

It was not until midday that the four of Yunchujiu were queued. Fei Yi, Chi Wu and Jia Shuyao all successfully got the jade medals, and it was Yun Chujiu's turn.

All of Cheng's heart raised his throat, and when he saw Lin Gu light up five puppets, his mental arithmetic was half down.

The person in charge of the qualification test said: "The qualification is qualified, go and apply for the jade medal!"

Yun Chujiu arrived in front of the table where the jade plaque was issued, and handed over the identity paper.

(End of this chapter)

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