Chapter 10150 Compensation

Chi Wu and Jia Shuyao had a quarrel, Fei Yi opened the door and said unhappily: "Okay, my little girl should be woken up by you in a while!"

The two of them were silent now, but stared at each other like two cockfighting.

Fei Yi is speechless, when is this? Still thinking about bickering here?

The three of them finally sat silent in the courtyard, waiting for Cheng Jiaoxi to return.

Although I feel hopeless, there is still a trace of luck.

An hour later, Cheng Jiaoxi came back.

The trio of Chi Wu saw that Cheng's expressions were a little complicated, and they couldn't tell whether things were successful.

Before they asked, Cheng Jiaoxi told the story.

After Cheng Jiaoxi sent a message to Teacher Qiao, he successfully entered the Winter Academy.

Cheng Jiaoxi found Mentor Qiao's residence in a familiar way, but he didn't expect Vice Dean Lou to be there.

After seated, without waiting for him to speak, the deputy dean Lou sighed:

"I know the purpose of your coming this time is not that I don't want to help you, it's really powerless.

You also know that in addition to Dean Wenren, our college has four meritorious instructors, and you don't know who screamed that Gu Slowly fell into the curse of hating the sky and spread it to the ears of the four meritorious instructors.

The four meritorious mentors insisted on thinking that Gu slowly entering Winter Academy would bring a series of bad consequences, so they proposed to Dean Wenren not to let Gu slowly sign up.

Dean Wenren buckled but they had to agree.

However, he was also quite sympathetic to Gu Slow and prepared to give some compensation.

First of all, if her three brothers and sisters are admitted to the Winter Academy, they can choose any branch instead of being passively selected by the major branches like others.

Secondly, you can give her a household registration quota for Qiqian Pure Land.

Finally, some puppet compensation can be given, and the specific amount can only be known after negotiation.

Ji Ming, these three conditions are not unfavourable, and Dean Wen Ren has done his best. "

Instructor Qiao also persuaded: "Brother Ji Ming, don't blame me for speaking badly. Slowly that girl is really clever, but the qualifications are there. Even if she signs up, she may not be able to pass the exam.

How about you calmly accept this matter, and you can still get substantial benefits.

If you don't listen to it, this is the compassion of Dean Wenren, or you will only accept it if you don't give anything. "

Both Deputy Dean Lou and Teacher Qiao felt that Cheng Jiaoxi would definitely agree, because the matter was here, and promise was the best choice.

Jiaoxi Cheng also knew that Teacher Qiao's words were rough and not rough, their little arms couldn't twist their thighs, not to mention the conditions given were really attractive enough.

Gu Lianyi's training time is still short, and her admission scores will not be too good, so she will definitely not be able to enter the top-ranked branch.

Branch colleges have a great influence on students' practice. If you can choose the branch you like, it is indeed a great thing.

The household registration of Qiqian Pure Land is also something countless people dream of.

In addition, Slowly now even the puppet is not summoned, even if the registration is successful, the hope of entering the Winter Academy is very slim.

Although there are so many reasons, Cheng Jiaoxi still feels flustered. He can't forget that little girl is full of confidence. It is clear that she has done nothing wrong. Why should he be deprived of the qualification to sign up?

He was silent for a long time: "There is no room for easing this matter?"

Deputy Dean Lou smiled bitterly: "It's not that you don't know the tempers of the four meritorious teachers. No one can change the things they decide."

Cheng Jiaoxi stood up dejectedly: "I will go back and think about it again, and leave."

 Continue at nine o'clock tomorrow night, okay!



(End of this chapter)

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