Chapter 10156 Stone Soup

Seeing that the treasurer Zheng insisted, Yun Chujiu had to compromise: "Okay, then sign!"

Shopkeeper Zheng quickly drafted a contract. Yun Chujiu took it and changed it, then handed it to shopkeeper Zheng.

The treasurer Zheng saw that although he had changed a few places, but the meaning was no different from what he said before, he signed the name and stamped the seal of Dongxuelou.

Yun Chujiu also signed Gu Slowly, and then pressed a fingerprint.

The contract was in duplicate, and each of them kept a copy.

There is no guarantor to sign the contract here, because after signing the contract, both parties must swear an oath, and no one dares to violate the contract.

Shopkeeper Zheng and Yun Chujiu each swears, and this contract is considered complete.

Because it is now a cooperative relationship, the smiles on their faces are a bit more sincere.

"Uncle Zheng, you should have heard that we ran into Fengfeng Roe on the road before?" Yun Chujiu asked with a smile.

When the shopkeeper Zheng heard that Yun Chujiu changed his name, he was a little flattered for a while. After all, he was just a shopkeeper, and this little girl was probably a descendant of the Wu family and the Mu family.

He said hurriedly: "I have heard some words. It was rumored that the Biaofeng Roe deer was extinct before, but I did not expect to show up in Nanyuan Forest."

"Originally, there was a corpse of a roe deer in Teacher Qiao's place, but it was used to feed Heng Tian Diao, otherwise I can find a way to let him sell you Dongxue Tower." Yun Chujiu said with regret.

"Yeah, if there is meat that is violent, even if the price is high, it will definitely be in short supply." The shopkeeper Zheng said regretfully.

Yun Chujiu suddenly smiled mysteriously: "Uncle Zheng, although I don't have the blood of Biaofeng Roe deer, but I have the blood of Biaofeng Roe deer, would you buy it?"

Shopkeeper Zheng's eyes widened suddenly: "What you said is true? Buy it, of course!"

"Uncle Zheng, don't expect too much. I just put away the blood-stained stone, there was not much blood in it.

But I have an idea. After you go back, soak this stone in water and use it to blend the soup and sell it.

This soup made of Biaofeng Roe’s blood is a very attractive gimmick. After all, Biaofeng Roe is a monster that is rumored to be extinct. It can drink the soup made from its blood, and it’s so good!

You can add some ingredients that can make the soup rich and delicious when the time comes. This blood-stained stone can also boil two large pots of soup.

At this time when there are many customers, what the rich people have is that if you come to auction, maybe a bowl of soup can sell tens of thousands of puppets, and these two pots of soup can sell for one or two million. "Yun Chujiu said with a smile.

Shopkeeper Zheng's eyes went straight!

He was completely stunned by the pie drawn by Yun Chujiu!

One or two million?

It is reasonable to say that he is also a person who has seen the world. The Dongxue Tower has hundreds of thousands of water in a day, but a pot of stone soup can sell for one or two million, which is simply a huge profit! How can it not be exciting? !

The most important thing is that this is the blood of Biaofeng Roe deer, and there are no other restaurants at all!

He calmed down for a while, and then said: "Slowly girl, can you let me see this stone first?"

Yun Chujiu nodded: "Naturally."

She immediately took out an arrow cluster from the storage ring.

At that time, she put away a total of one large, two small and three arrow clusters. The larger one fell into the Fire Toad Swamp, leaving only two small ones.

In fact, the two small pieces didn't get much blood, after all, they were buried in the ground.

However, there is also a corpse of the windy roe deer in the Yunchujiu storage ring. She deliberately stained the two arrow clusters with some of the blood of the windy roe deer, waiting to be sold, but she didn't expect it to be used so soon .

(End of this chapter)

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