Chapter 10164 Grace

Tang Chenxi looked very relieved, it should be! Deserve it! Even playing clever in front of Grandmaster Teng, maybe even the three Gu Lianyi don't even want to enter the Winter Academy!

Humph, is it possible to think that crying would be useful? What Grandmaster Teng hates most is this kind of weak generation.

Grandmaster Teng also thought that Yun Chujiu wanted to win his sympathy with pity, and was about to reprimand him. Yun Chujiu on the stage suddenly seemed to have changed.

She changed her previous weak posture, straightened her back, and chuckled lightly:

"Grandmaster Teng, you just said that I didn't believe my words, slanderous, and clever?

Others can say this, but you can't! "

No one thought that Yun Chujiu would say such a thing, and said to his heart, is this Gu slowly crazy or stupid? How dare you to talk to Grandmaster Teng like this, is it bored?

Cheng Jiaoxi's head buzzed even more, and he didn't know if he was angry or too anxious. For a while, he didn't know what to do.

Grandmaster Teng was angry and laughed!

For the first time in so many years, a junior dared to confront him like this.

He said with a gloomy face: "Why can't I say?"

Yun Chujiu looked at him without fear, even with a hint of sarcasm: "Say what you want to say naturally, but Grandmaster Teng, you won't be against me just because I poke your sore spot, right?"

Grandmaster Teng sneered: "If you say something reasonable, I will naturally not treat you, but if you talk nonsense, the old man will not spare you no matter how much you measure."

Yun Chujiu nodded: "Okay, since that's the case, then I will tell the truth.

I’ve already told about the journey on the road with Mentor Qiao, Tang Chenxi and others in Winter College. Did you hear that? "

Grandmaster Teng nodded.

"Okay, let's stroke it.

Tang Chenxi and others mistakenly killed a cub of Biaofeng Roe deer, which led to the first adult Biaofeng Roe deer's revenge. At that time, we could completely leave. After all, Biaofeng Roe deer was not targeting us.

But we did not do this, but stayed to fight with Mentor Qiao and others. This was the first time that we were kind.

At that time, Teacher Qiao asked Tang Chenxi and others to leave and escape, and they obeyed their orders.

It was my idea to use a puppet carriage to block the roe deer's mouth. It was the second time that I killed the roe deer and killed the roe deer.

After slaying the violent roe deer, everyone was immersed in ecstasy. Or I reminded Teacher Qiao that there may be an adult violent roe and must leave immediately. This is the third time to give grace.

After Biaofeng Roe caught up, it was my proposal to delay the time with the monster corpse and the binding curse. This was the third grace.

On the flying boat, I discovered the anomaly of the Grey-Feathered Warbler. This is the fourth time to give grace.

It is my suggestion to delay time with the meat of the violent roe deer. This is the fifth time to give grace.

Five times of grace, what did I get?

On the way to escape, Tang Chenxi and others wanted to force us to jump out of the carriage with the seriously injured Cheng Jiaoxi. If I hadn't dealt with it decisively, our five masters and apprentices would have died.

On the flying boat, the five of us were kept until the end. Although I saved my life, I was under the curse of hating the sky.

I didn't take any of these things to heart. After all, I don't want to report the kindness, otherwise I wouldn't ask for nothing when Vice President Lou proposed the reward.

But I never expected that Winter Academy would deprive me of my qualifications for admission, the reason is even more ridiculous, because I was under the curse of hating the sky.

No one knows how this curse of the hatred of the sky is hit, don't you people at the Winter Academy know? ! "

(End of this chapter)

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