Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 1020: The squad leader of the yellow word class

Chapter 1020, the squad leader of the yellow class

"When you send a tutor, is there a ready-made thing in your storage ring? Give me a few solutions first!" said the cloud thief.

This is the first time to be responsible for the mentor. He never expected to encounter such a wonderful thing. He twitched his mouth and transferred it to the three chickens in the cloud: "I don’t have much, I will give you first. Three to taste it!"

At the beginning of the cloud, you were welcome. You took a chicken leg and smashed it up. It was as delicious as you thought. This food side said: "Only the roast chicken is too monotonous. Send the tutor and let the old Dingtou give it to me. Get something else, if you are tired of roasting chicken, you can change the taste and eat light, such as pig's trotters, elbows and the like."

The eyes are twitching, the pig's trotters and elbows are light? Are you teasing me? !

After listening to the notes of the other three tutors, the students of the yellow-word class came back and saw that their own tutor and Yunchu’s two people were holding a roast chicken leg in the hands of Barabara.

I saw that the students were all back, lazily said: "She is your squad leader in the future, right, little girl, what is your name?"

"Send the mentor, my name is Yunchu."

"Well, after the beginning of the cloud, it is the squad leader of our yellow-word class. You can find her if you have something! Now go back to your dormitory. Take the opening ceremony at Tianyuan Square tomorrow. Don't be late, let it go. "When you say it, you will leave when you shake it."

Huang’s class students looked at the back of the girl with a look of enthusiasm, and then looked at the three mentor who were still squatting with some details of the students. They felt that the future student life was gray.

"What do you think of one by one? Give me a spiritual point! What happened to the yellow-word class? Do you know what yellow represents in the secular world? It is the supreme imperial power! So we are divided into the yellow-word class and there is nothing to be dejected. Believe me, with my squad leader, you can definitely lead you from one glory to another." Yun early eagerly said loudly on a rockery.

"Squad leader, although you said it is very exciting, but you also saw it, our treatment can not be compared with the three classes, the tutor is not adjusted, the place of residence is still so remote, how do we compare with others?"

"The tutor is not adjusting? Why are our tutors not adjusted? I think that our tutors choose me as the squad leader is the most important performance. This is called decentralization. It shows that we are open-minded by the mentor, know how to use people, and have the eyes of Bole!"

Everyone’s eyes twitched and squatted. Are you praising the tutor or praise yourself? !

At the beginning of the cloud, I looked at everyone and said, "In addition, what is the dormitory? What are the difficulties of the people who are practicing? Are you afraid of such a little difficulty? Spirituality must be cultivated, and the body must be cultivated. The college provides free exercise for us. The opportunity of the law, what else can you complain about?!

The most important thing is that there are more difficulties and obstacles in the process of cultivation. How can you just knock down you when you are just a shift? Is your resistance to attack so weak? !

If there is a will, then we can enter the Tianyuan College through a test that is one of the best. It means that our qualifications and talents are first-class. The hardship will only increase our chances of success. Only the constant self-challenge will go. On the new peak, tell me loudly, do you have confidence? ”




"The squad leader is right, what is this difficult?! We will definitely be able to counterattack!"

"Yes! What about the yellow-word class? Isn't it just a long way to live?! We should exercise our body!"

"As long as we work hard, there is no suffering to bring us down!"


At the beginning of the cloud, I was satisfied with the lions who were defeated by the avatars as the attacking little lions. Then they jumped off the rockery and waved their paws: "Go! Go to the dormitory with the squad leader!"

The other three classes of students and tutors looked at the students of the Huangzi class and left with great enthusiasm.

The three mentors flashed an idea at the same time, Mom! If you know that the mouth of this cloud is so slippery, say what you have to get into our class. With such a squad leader, we can save a lot of trouble!

(End of this chapter)

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