Chapter 10216

When Feng Ningbing was thinking about it, Wu Nianhuan was like a cat with its tail stepped on, exclaiming:

   "You're the Gu Weiman who was under the curse of hating the sky? I said, how come you look so unlucky, it turns out that you are the hapless Gu Weiman!"

  She screamed like this, Feng Ningbing also realized afterwards, no wonder that Gu Slow’s name was familiar, it turned out to be her!

  The eyes of the surrounding candidates all focused on Yun Chujiu, no matter the first place mentioned before, or the curse of hating the sky, they will undoubtedly become their focus.

  At this moment, the four meritorious mentors and Dean Wenren arrived with the mentors, and even the horse mentor, who had a broken rib, was helped.

  He is not reconciled!

  Although Yun Chujiu’s enrollment is already a certainty, he still has a trace of luck, and there may be room for change.

  Hearing the waves of protest, he almost cried. These people are his soulmates!

  Have you heard?

  They also felt that Gu Slowly was not qualified to enter the Winter Academy, and was not qualified to get the first place in the entrance examination.

  This is a call for justice!

   Teacher Cheng's heart raised his throat at this time. To be honest, he didn't have any deep thoughts in his heart.

  He knew exactly how Yun Chujiu passed.

  Although her children look good in every way, it is undeniable that she used opportunistic methods. Will Winter Academy recognize it?

   Dean Wenren stepped onto the special round stage and cleared his throat.

  The noisy crowd suddenly became quiet.

   Dean Wenren said without delay: “A total of 1,969 candidates have passed the entrance examination. From now on, they are the latest students of the Winter Academy.

  The specific ranking will be shown on the Chuanshashi later, and everyone can see it at a glance.

  Here, let me announce the names of the top ten candidates..."

  Everyone immediately pricked their ears to hear how Dean Ren dealt with Gu Slow's affairs. After all, the first place is now occupied by the rogue!

  "Dong Wenshen was ranked tenth, Yuan Qizhong was ninth, Li Hong was eighth, Lu Yuquan was seventh, and Luo Tianbao was sixth.

  The fifth place is Ren Xuehe, and the fourth place is Mu Huaishi..."

  The hearts of everyone suddenly hung up. Most people were only paying attention to the situation of Gu Slow, Leng Qihan and Feng Ningbing before, and did not know the ranking of others.

  So, they are not sure whether this ranking has eliminated Gu's slow ranking.

   Dean Wenren continued: “The third place is frozen by the wind, the second place is cold, the first place is slow!”

  Everyone immediately fry the pan!

   "Dean Wenren, Gu Slowly has no real skills, even the most basic ice curse. Your Winter Academy recognized her as the first place, which is unfair to other candidates."

   "That is, she has passed the test, and she is going to be bald! This kind of waste is also worthy of entering the Winter Academy? And is it worthy of the first place?"

   "Any candidate is a hundred times better than her. Why does she get the first place?"

   "If the Winter Academy did this, it would be too chilling for the unsuccessful candidates! It is estimated that no one will apply for the Winter Academy!"


  Teacher Ma can’t wait to slap and applaud the people who eat melons, what he said is really right! These are his voices!

  Huh, do you see it? The eyes of the masses are sharp, see how you end up this time? !

  (End of this chapter)

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