Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Vol 2 Chapter 10297: Red Eyed Golden Eagle

  Chapter 10297 Red-eyed Golden Eagle

  Most of the monster birds encountered next will be a lot of peace because of fear of praying for the teacher. Even if there are a few kinds of reactions that are slightly stronger, they are weaker than those of the crying owl.

  So, the journey is fairly smooth.

  Instructor Niu said courageously: "Qi Lao, I only need to see this place, don't go ahead?"

  Huayuan Supervisor also stood on Tutor Niu's side this time: "Qi Lao, Tutor Niu makes sense, let’s stop here!"

  Pray for the teacher to stare: "Why don't you go?"

  Huayuan Superintendent explained: “The red-eyed golden eagle is closed in the animal pen in front. It belongs to the same eagle clan as the Hengtian Eagle. The curse of Hengtian must have a great influence on it.

  Although the cultivation base of the red-eyed golden eagle is not as good as the hateful eagle, it is also considered to be the best among the demon birds.

  In case it goes crazy, we may not be able to subdue it without hurting it.

  You also know that we took the red-eyed golden eagle back alive with great effort. It would be a shame if it was killed or injured. "

  Yun Chujiu wanted to retreat as soon as she heard it, even the Superintendent of the Chinese Academy felt that it was risky, so let's forget it!

  It's just that there is no room for her to speak on this occasion, so I have to pray for the tutor to be the master.

  Qing tutor coldly snorted: "It is its reaction to be tested, because only the reaction of the carving clan is closer to the hatred of the sky carving.

  If you hurt, you’re hurt, and it’s not a precious thing. "

  Teacher Niu felt that Qi Tutor’s words were simply disheartening. He had obviously used the red-eyed golden eagle as an eyeball before, but now he says that it’s not a precious thing?

  Huayuan Supervisor saw that Teacher Qi insisted on going and could only obey. After walking a few steps, Yun Chujiu suddenly asked:

   "Pray for the old, how far is the animal pen of the red-eyed golden eagle from us?"

  Qi instructor casually said: "It's only a hundred meters, and you will be there after turning this corner."

  Yun Chujiu stood still as soon as she heard it.

  Qing teacher frowned: "Why don't you leave? Are you scared?"

Yun Chujiu nodded: "I'm afraid I am afraid, but the more important point is that I think the red-eyed golden eagle has already set up an ambush. If you go forward, you three are not in danger. My life is going to play. Finish."

  Instructor Niu curled his lips: "If you are afraid, say afraid. It is useless to talk less! The red-eyed golden eagle is indeed dangerous, but it is all locked in a cage. How can you ambush it?"

  Teacher Qi and the Superintendent of Huayuan agreed with Tutor Niu this time. Yes, the red-eyed golden eagle is locked in the animal pen. How can it be set ambush?

   Yun Chujiu explained: “According to what the Governor of the Chinese Academy said earlier, the red-eyed golden eagle and the Hate-Tian Eagle belong to the same family of eagles, and the curse of Hate-Tian will have a great impact on them.

  But, have you heard the cry of the red-eyed golden eagle? Did you hear the sound it made when it attacked the magic circle?

  No, right?

  What does this mean?

  It shows that there are more effective means of revenge than venting anger in the face, so I guess it set an ambush.

  As for how it sets ambush in a trapped state, because I don’t understand the skill of the red-eyed golden eagle, I can’t speculate for the time being.

  In short, it must have set up an ambush waiting for me. If I go further, my life will not be guaranteed.

  Pray for the old, you will take more care of yourself, I am very sorry for my life, and I don’t want to take my life here. "

  Qing teacher thought for a moment: "What you said is not unreasonable, but it is also possible that the Crimson-Eyed Golden Eagle has a higher rank than other demon birds, so it has stronger self-control ability, so there is no sound.

   Take a step back and say, even if it does set an ambush, you don’t need to worry, the old man can definitely guarantee your safety. "

  (End of this chapter)

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