Chapter 10418 is exactly the same

After hearing this, the birds of prey and the Vengeful Eagles were immediately embarrassed.

   Still have to sign a contract with the weak chicken?

  What if she takes the opportunity to retaliate?

  One of the Vengeance Vultures said: "Her cultivation base is so weak, and her spiritual consciousness must be very weak. Even if we sign a contract with her, we can cancel it at any time, at most it will cause a slight injury to the spiritual consciousness.

  Besides, I don’t believe she has so much courage!

  This is our territory. How much storm can she make? !

  That's tens of thousands of years of life!

  It’s worth taking a risk! "

  The words of this Vengeance Eagle represent the minds of most Vengeance Vultures, and the techniques of increasing the lifespan are too much for them to lure and confuse them!

  The bird was finally persuaded by them, and said to the story eagles: "You tell that little weak chicken, as long as she teaches us the exercises, the previous things will be wiped out!"

  As soon as the story goes, the story goes: "Little weak chicken said, you have already caused psychological trauma to her and little silly eagle. You can get a gift from the gods, but you must show your sincerity.

  For example, spirit fruit, herbs, prey, etc. Otherwise, we don’t need to talk about it.

  It doesn’t matter if you guys come hard, just hit it, whatever you want! "

  If Yun Chujiu readily agreed, the bird might still have doubts in his mind. Now that Yun Chujiu said that, he would even believe that things were true.

  So, Heixin Jiu made a lot of money, and then began to teach the exercises.

  The story sculptors watched by the side, and the little heart that had been wounded by Yun Chujiu was finally comforted. As long as everyone is unlucky, then unlucky is not called unlucky.

  One hour later, all the Vengeance Sculptures signed contracts with Yun Chujiu, and were taught... "The Tao Te Ching".

  Their mental journey is almost exactly the same as that of the story eagles. After questioning, they were quickly beaten to their bodies.

  The bird was so angry that it quacked, but it didn’t expect it to plot a plot, but it was actually cheated by a weak chicken!

  The little silly eagle poked his mouth on the side, even I was deceived, you fart too much!

  However, it also breathed a sigh of relief, the danger was lifted, and it could heal its wounds with peace of mind.

  Just to make it dissatisfied, Yun Chujiu took the initiative to give a group of silly eagles barbecue.

  Obviously this was its exclusive service before, so why can you enjoy it now? !

  Early began to let out ruthless words, preferring to starve to death than eating a bite of barbecue.

  After half an hour, it eats more deliciously than anyone else.

  I still have to eat it anyway!

   Yun Chujiu couldn't count how much monster meat she had roasted, and finally fed a group of silly eagles, and she dragged her tired body into the small tent.

  I slept dimly this time, and she was awakened by the bone whistle.

  Yun Chujiu picked up the bone whistle, and Huo Ci’s voice came from inside: "What's the matter? Why didn't you give me a message back? Why didn't you get a message back yesterday?"

  Yun Chujiu hadn't woken up yet, so he put the bone whistle back into the storage ring, and then cut off the connection with the gods, letting it bounce like popcorn.

  She wanted to go to sleep, but the Hengtian Eagles outside realized that she was awake, and quacked and called out one by one.

   Yun Chujiu got up with a look of anger, and got out of the small tent.

  Because of the limited area of ​​the peak, the Hengtian Eagles had to squeeze together, one by one, just like little angry quails.

  They saw Yun Chujiu come out, some urged Yun Chujiu to give them barbecue quickly, and some urged Yun Chujiu to continue telling the story.

   Yun Chujiu looked at them: "I gave you a face, didn’t you?! I am the master, not your servant!

  What do you stay there like a fool?

  Go hunting for me!

  If you go home empty-handed, don’t even want to eat barbecue at night! "

   Continue at nine o'clock tomorrow night, okay!



  (End of this chapter)

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