Chapter 10421 Ceremony

  Yun Chujiu praised the bird, and then asked about Wan Jianfeng.

  Precautions: "What do you ask this for?"

   Yun Chujiu sighed, with a pitiful look: "What else can be done?! Naturally to increase your lifespan!

  It’s easy for you to say, here should be Broken Feather rebirth, as long as you suffer a bit of sin, you can restore your cultivation.

  But about half of the eagles are here to die!

  They just became my eagles, how can I bear to let them die like this? !

  So I want to learn more about Wan Jianfeng, maybe I can come up with a way to extend their lifespan.

  And maybe you don’t have to suffer the pain of broken wings to restore your cultivation. "

  The bird is really shocked!

   Then I was moved. I didn’t expect this little chicken to have more bad water, but the essence is still good.

  The little silly eagle watched coldly, and said to her heart, how can you eat a hundred beans without being too fishy!

  She is **** for you!

  However, it did not remind the bird of prey, because it also wanted to know what happened and why did it move from the circle to the real world?

  Also, why did you feel the vague call before?

  After being moved, the bird confided what he knew, without concealing a single bit.

  In fact, before it came to Wanjian Peak, it knew no more than the little silly eagle.

  But since arriving at Wanjian Peak, there has been a message in the divine consciousness, knowing what to do.

  Like the Hateful Sky Eagle that needs to be reborn after cutting its wings, it needs to live in Wanjian Peak for a period of time and adapt to the climate and environment before it can start cutting its wings.

  Wing-breaking is not possible everywhere, but you must go to the bottom of the cliff.

  When it said this, Yun Chujiu interrupted it:

  "Under the cliff? The sculpture that had cast a spell on me before screamed after it fell, and it never flew up again. There should be something terrible below, right?

   By the way, speaking of the curse of hating the sky, the statue that cast the curse on me died. Does it still affect you now? "

The bird of prey first answered the question of the curse of Hate Heaven, saying: "The immortality of the enchanted carving has no effect on the curse of Hate Heaven. Just imagine if a Hengtian eagle casts a curse before it dies, and if it dies, it will fail. The curse of heaven is meaningless."

   "You mean, my curse of hating the sky is still there? How can it be lifted?"

  Rain hurriedly said: "No, your curse of hating the sky has been solved."

   Yun Chujiu was confused: "What's the matter?"

  "There is only one way to lift the curse of hating the sky, and that is to enter our holy land, which is the peak of Wanjian Peak.

  As long as you can appear here, the curse of hating the sky will naturally be lifted. "The bird of prey explained.

   Yun Chujiu: "..."

  It’s no wonder that people who have been hit by the Curse of Hating the Sky can be released, it’s too difficult to release the conditions!

  That is to say, she was brought here by the little silly eagle by accident, otherwise no one would be able to reach the peak of Wanjian Peak!

  鸷 again answered Yun Chujiu’s previous question under the cliff:

  "We didn’t fly directly under the cliff before the broken wing was reborn. Instead, we had a set of rituals that we could fly down after completing the rituals.

  If you go on rashly, you will see it too, and the end of the game will tell you everything. "

  "Ritual? What kind of ritual?"

  "It’s similar to the curse of the Curse of Hating the Sky. After the ritual, the feathers on our heads will turn red, which means that the ritual is successful and we can fly to the cliff and break the feathers.

  As for the process of breaking the feather, I don't know it, because after the rebirth of the broken feather, the Hate Sky Eagle will lose this memory. "

  (End of this chapter)

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