Chapter 10446

  Feng Chengan knew that the plan to take Yun Chujiu away had been ruined, so he had to hold back his breath and said:

   "Leng Shibo, since you have all spoken, please do as you said!"

  Leng Wenyan smiled and nodded. Anyway, as long as he can add a blockage to the Feng family, he will be very happy.

  Qi tutor nodded to Leng Wenyan, which is considered to be her love.

   Then he began to urge the Superintendent of the Court to call out the Winter Boat and leave the place of right and wrong earlier.

  The superintendent of the court was both angry and funny. He found it. As long as the Qi teacher was present, he had no room to play.

  The little girl won't be really kidnapped by him to Yuju Branch, right?

   Yun Chujiu bowed to Leng Wenyan without saying anything, and then boarded the winter boat with Teacher Qi.

  She filtered out Feng Cheng'an all the way, and rightly treated him as air.

  Feng Chengan was itchy teeth with anger, wishing to slap her to death.

  After getting on the winter boat, the teacher prayed to Yun Chujiu to ask for warmth. He took out a lot of food and drink, and even the big food box in Dongxuelou.

  Don't talk about the superintendent of the court, even Cheng Jiaoxi can't stand by Yun Chujiu's side.

   Grandmaster Zhai really couldn't see it, he coughed: "Old Qi, it's almost enough! The business matters."

  May the teacher snorted in his heart, you big idiot! She must have not seen that the ten white hairs on her head are the life-hate Lingyu of Tiandiao, or she must be more diligent than me.

  But it’s okay to avoid messing around.

  The superintendent of the hospital saw that the teacher Qi finally stopped, and then said to Yun Chujiu: "You can tell me about the things in Wanjianfeng!"

  Yun Chujiu immediately began to talk about it, and the content was not inferior to the content of "Wan Jianfeng Seeing and Hearing".

  Although there have been speculations a long time ago, Zhai Zhai and others still looked astonished.

  They are not shocked by Yun Chujiu's experience but by the fire puppet witch's ability.

  Since the Great Witch can see the situation of Wanjian Peak, can it also see the situation of other places in the Qiqian Pure Land?

  As they were thinking about it, Yun Chujiu said with an uneasy expression:

   "The story I made up was entirely to please Heng Tian Diao, so the content is a bit aberrant. You guys won't blame me, do you?

  What I thought at the time was that there was no second person on Wanjian Peak anyway, and it would be fine even if I compiled it. "

  The Superintendent of Guan Yuan glanced at her sympathetically, and said, “You may not know that everything about you in Wanjian Peak was seen by the fire puppet great witch using secret techniques.

  Not only that, but Huo Puppet also produced a "Wan Jianfeng Information Broadcast" to report on your situation in real time. "

  Yun Chujiu's eyes widened suddenly, and then she covered the position of her heart with her hand, and said with joy, "Fortunately, I didn't take off my clothes the whole time, or would it be gone?!"

  Administrative Yuan Supervisor: "..."

  Is the point you focused on wrong?

  Isn't the fire puppet witch's ability that you should pay attention to? Isn't the story you made up already spread?

  At this time, he saw the little girl's angry face again: "Unexpectedly, the great witch of the fire puppet turned out to be a sneak, voyeur, and mad! It's despicable and shameless!"

  Administrative Yuan Supervisor: "..."

  Qi instructor echoed: "Yes! I also think that's a pervert! Little girl, although the "Wan Jianfeng Seeing and Hearing Broadcast" describes several monsters, it is not too detailed.

  Come, you can tell me in detail! "

  Yun Chujiu's spirit suddenly came: "Okay, I especially like the monster beast that looks like a cow. Its meat is grilled and fragrant!

  I can eat two catties in one breath..."

  (End of this chapter)

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