Chapter 10461 I am the only one

  Hunting the Sky Eagle before speaking, Yun Chujiu curled his lips and said: "If it really has that ability, how can it become like the bear it is now?!"

  Hunting Tiandiao was furious: "You, you shut up!"

  Qi tutor looked at the rabbit-like puppet with a dazed expression, and didn't know what to say for a while.

   Yun Chujiu shrugged: "Okay, I shut up, but you have to tell the truth, otherwise I can't help but expose your old bottom."

  Hunting the sky eagle is so angry!

  I wanted to brag, but now it doesn’t seem to work.

  It snorted coldly: "Although I am not the master of the Qiqian Pure Land, I was indeed the only one at the time. This little old man also said that at that time, whether it was a monster, Yuanxiu or Fire Puppet, who would dare to fight against me?!"

  Qing tutor hurriedly nodded: “There is indeed a record in the ancient books that the hunting eagle was indeed the overlord at the time, and no one dared to provoke it, or even dared to approach it.”

  Hunting Heavenly Eagle, he felt relieved when he said this, and laughed loudly:

  "You are still a little old man who can talk, thinking that when I called out twice, some monsters lined up for me to eat.

  I am tired of eating the delicacies of the mountains and the sea, and the treasures of the natural materials.

  Of course, there are also those who rush to find death, otherwise those who are..."

   Yun Chujiu saw that it was about to bring up the storage ring, and interrupted: "Since you are so good, why did you die?"

  Hunting Tiandiao groaned with anger, it's really no pot to open and pick which pot!

  It said angrily: "I want to live better than the sky, but it's no life! Everyone is born, old, sick, and dying, of course I am no exception.

  However, what is smart about me is that when I detect physical weakness, I prepare for the rest.

  Or do you think my corpse has a chance to turn into a mountain? It has long been taken away as a treasure of heaven and earth, and it is even more unlikely that the soul will survive until now.

  I’m so smart, I admire myself..."

  Yun Chujiu automatically ignored the nonsense behind it, and thought of a very critical question: "Then where did you come from?"

   Hunting for a moment, it really never thought about this problem, and then said nonchalantly:

   "Born to grow! A being as powerful as me must have been nurtured by the aura of heaven and earth.

  Maybe I was accompanied by the Forest of Origin, and I am the darling of heaven and earth. "

   "How did the source forest come?" Yun Chujiu asked again.

   Hunting Sky Eagle impatiently said: "You ask me, I ask who will go!

  Besides, what do you ask so much for? ! Too much worry makes it easy to get old!

  You don’t look good in the first place. If you grow old quickly, you probably won’t find a husband’s house in your life..."

  Qi instructor looked at the chattering sky-hunting eagle (puppet spirit), and the image of the tall sky-hunting eagle in his heart collapsed completely, leaving nothing left.

  Yun Chujiu didn't want to listen to the hunting eagle, so he threw it into the storage ring and cut off the connection with the gods.

  Hunting the sky eagle is almost annoyed!

  It's really a tiger falling and Pingyang being bullied by a dog, you yellow-haired girl, wait for me!

  Yun Chujiu said to Teacher Qi: “It’s a bit dishonest. Once I free up to clean it up, it will be honest, and it’s not too late for you to ask it again.”

  Pray, the teacher looked at the little girl in front of him, and for a while, he didn't know what to say, and even felt that everything in front of him was not real, and he seemed to be dreaming.

  He pinched himself hard, grinning in pain, well, it's true.

   Something happens temporarily, only one chapter can be updated today, forgive me.



  (End of this chapter)

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