Chapter 10463 Assassin

  Yun Chujiu pointed to the outside and said, “I didn’t pay attention just now. It’s dark outside now. Although our Winter Academy is very safe, I think it’s better to be safe.

  Can you arrange an individual to take me back to the lodging area of ​​the Logistics Branch? "

  Pray for a moment, and then nodded: "Although your little girl is young, you are really safe in doing things.

  You are right. Be careful to make Wannian Ship, especially now the Fengjia..."

  Speaking of this, he coughed twice: "Anyway, be careful.

  Let’s do this, I don’t worry if others send you to you, I will send you back personally. "

  "This, this is too much trouble for you, otherwise I should change someone!" Yun Chujiu said embarrassedly.

  Pray for the instructor to wave his hand and signal her not to say more.

   Yun Chujiu rolled his eyes: "Qi Lao, since you personally sent me back, why don't you do me a favor?"

   "What is busy?"

   "Let the snake out of the hole."


  After a while, Yun Chujiu strolled alone and left Qi Mentor’s courtyard, and then slowly walked out of the gate of Yu Beast Branch.

  After leaving Yuju Branch, Yun Chujiu hummed a small song and walked in the direction of Logistics Branch.

  About halfway through, a figure appeared out of thin air, and several thorns transformed by puppet force rolled towards Yun Chujiu.

  Although it happened very suddenly, Yun Chujiu jumped out immediately.

  She wears wind boots on her feet, which has increased her speed several times, so that she can avoid the thorns.

  Those thorns did not dissipate, but rolled towards Yun Chujiu again at a very fast speed.

   Yun Chujiu said in his heart, Qi old man, why are you still not coming out? If I don’t come out, I can only pluck my hair!

  Even though Yun Chujiu's head has ten pinches of white hairs on it, this product is still a bit reluctant.

  Furthermore, although this thing is quite powerful, it has never been used before. Who knows if it works well? !

   Just when Yun Chujiu was about to pluck her hair, the thorns were smashed to pieces by a number of giant rocks transformed into puppet power.

  Qi instructor squinted his eyes and said, "What kind of heroes are those who hide their heads and show their tails, so why don't they show their faces!"

   Yun Chujiu turned his head while casting a protective spell on himself, only to see that the teacher Qi had been in front of him, and there was a person standing opposite him.

  I don’t know what magic spell or element device he used, the whole person seems to be shrouded in a black mist, and there is no way to see his face.

  The person apparently did not expect that Teacher Qi would appear suddenly, and he was taken aback for a while, and then said in a hoarse voice:

  "My friend, this is my personal grievance with her. I hope it will be convenient."

  Qing tutor coldly snorted: "Private grievance? Since she is a student of Winter Academy, the old man must protect her.

  You don’t have to hide your head and show your tail, I know you are from the Feng family! "

  Pray that the teacher wanted to use these words to defraud the other party, but he did not expect that the other party would not be fooled at all. Instead of answering the words, he said:

   "Are you serious about it?"

  Pray for the teacher to see that there is nothing to say, so he will cast the Stone Curse directly.

  The man was also unambiguous, and immediately greeted him with thorns.

   Yun Chujiu blinked and blinked. This time is a good opportunity for a sneak attack.

  It's a pity that the little silly eagle's wing injury is not healed, otherwise it will definitely help the instructor.

  Unexpectedly, at this time, the sound of hunting the sky eagle sounded in the divine sense.

   "You throw me out, I can help that little old man!"

  Before, Yun Chujiu thought it was too nonsense to cut off the connection with its divine consciousness, but he recovered after coming out of Qi teacher.

  (End of this chapter)

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