Chapter 10476 Save Me

  Liao Qingbo shook his head: "Wu Nianshen only gave one pill, and the president took it himself.

  When I lowered the monster, I avoided it. "

  Wu Renxin didn't want Liao Qingbo to be affected, but felt that this was an errand that Wu Nianchen explained. Naturally, it is better to do it by himself, and it is easy to take credit after it is done.

After listening to Liao Qingbo's words, Yun Chujiu said, "Then you are dead."

   Then, looking at Wu Renxin again, he said, "You are not so lucky. You will be poisoned and die at the earliest tomorrow morning and at the latest tomorrow night!"

  Wu Renxin was startled at first, and then smiled bitterly: "Slowly school girl, I know I can’t hold you back, but you don’t have to scare me so much, right?"

  Yunchu has fun!

   "I frightened you? Do you think that the pill that Wu Nianchen gave you is just to prevent monsters from attacking you?

  In addition to this role, the more important thing is to kill people.

  I am now a hot sweet potato. If I die in the dormitory without knowing it, do you think this thing will be good?

  Nianshen Wu, of course, does not want to provoke fire, so suicide in fear of sin is the best ending.

  How? Still don't believe it?

  It’s very simple. You should go to someone with good medical skills now. You must have been poisoned, and it is still a highly poisonous antidote. "

  Wu Renxin slumped directly on the ground, his body trembling like chaff.

  He believed it.

  Because of Yun Chujiu’s analysis, he made sense, and he also thought of some details.

  The monster in the cage is awkward, maybe Wu Nianchen used some method in advance, at least when he put it in, the monster was not aggressive at all.

  If this is the case, where is it necessary to take any medicine?

  Thinking about this, he felt that the sudden pain in his abdomen was unbearable, and he couldn't even breathe.

"help me!"

   Yun Chujiu shook his head: "I am not from the Qihuang Branch. I can't save you. I'd better find a hospital doctor. If it takes a long time, I'm afraid it won't be saved."

  Wu Renxin was panicked at this time, Yun Chujiu said what he said, and shouted at Liao Qingbo:

  "Are you dead?! Don’t hurry up and get me a doctor! If I die, you won’t be better!"

  Liao Qingbo hurriedly went to find Qian Su Guan, because Qian Su Guan could contact the hospital doctor, and he could also let the other party come over quickly.

  Qian Suguan was about to take a break, and when he heard that Wu Renxin had something wrong again, he was instantly bored to the extreme.

  But I couldn’t leave it alone, so I had to send a message to the hospital doctor and ask him to come over quickly.

  At the same time, he also rushed to Wu Renxin’s dormitory. He might have been poisoned at first, no matter how many cleansing spells were cast first.

  Wu Renxin's face was pale, and he felt even more uncomfortable at this time. It seemed that his strength was pulling away bit by bit. Is it really dying?

  He hates Wu Nianshen to death!

  Even if you die, you can’t make him feel better!

   So, enduring physical discomfort, he told Qian Suguan about the matter.

  Qian Su Guan is confused!

  He wanted to stop Wu Renxin's mouth, whether it was Gu Slowly or Wu Nianshen, he couldn't afford to provoke him!

  Involved in such a thing, if you are not careful, you will eat it.

  Knowing this way, he shouldn’t have come up!

  At this time, the hospital doctor also arrived.

  When he saw Wu Renxin, he couldn't help but said, "Why are you again? You won't be bitten by bugs again, right?"

  Wu Renxin hugged the leg of the hospital doctor: "Please, help me! As long as I can survive, I must thank you very much!"

  (End of this chapter)

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